The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1716: I just make a few dishes, and I have made chicken soup for the soul ...

study hard, improve every day.

This great slogan is not shouted in vain. The simple eight-character uttered the true meaning and importance of learning.

If people want to progress, they must learn constantly.

In Dakside's view, Zaya had definitely learned secretly during the days when he did not fight with himself. Otherwise, he could not speak so well. In his own impression, this big brother is a big boss.

But the situation is not right now, the level of this guy has improved significantly, and it has improved a lot. What you said is obviously a rhythm of seeing through your life. This is incredible. If you continue to do so, he may exceed Myself.

"Tell me, did you learn secretly?" Dakside asked again, staring at Zaya seriously.

Zaya glanced at Dakside and said, "Life is the best teacher. If you say that I have studied secretly, it is true. Ad, wandering through so many years, and then just saw it again. I realized something about the relationship between Ye Shen and these people. Ye Shen and these people are not close brothers, but they are better than close brothers. These people can be spared for Ye Shen's life, and Ye God is for these people. What's more, what is it? This is the feeling given to each other, and it's the peach and the plum. "

Having said that, Zaya took a deep look at Duckside, and sighed, "And what about us? We are two brothers, two of the best people of the Gods, but the relationship between us What about it? Even better than strangers, we treat each other as endless enemies. From this point, you have failed, and I have also failed. As I said just now, we are all slaves of rights. Now I want to quit, you I do n’t have any opinion about the replacement of the priest. The gods are yours. I just hope that when we meet again, you do n’t have to call me a brother, just nod to me. Of course, I will be happier if I can smile. of."

Zaya looked at Duckside after he had finished speaking.

Dakside also looked at him and said, "If we can know ourselves so deeply early, we may not have wars for so many years at all, and there will not be so many innocent people killing us. Brother, I I don't like you, but I also try not to hate you. "

"You called my brother?" Zaya asked, looking at Daxside in wonder.

Dakside opened his mouth, and then, after a thousand years of unchanging cheeks, slammed it hard, saying, "Are you wrong?"


Wrong pronunciation?

Zaya wanted to laugh. What would you say wrongly?

"Well, even if I heard wrong."

After speaking, Zaya took out his mallet, and a little red floating screen appeared in front of him. As you can see, the piles of Star Forces on this floating screen are quickly gathering, and Starcraft The battleships were converging and rushed in one direction.

Seeing this scene, Duckside jumped up directly.

"I rely, what do you mean?"

Zaya carried his hands and said leisurely, "Take your old nest."

Dixside: "........."

The goods were silent, and saw Zaya whispering to the screen: "Retreat and dissolve."

With Zaya's words, he saw the piles of Star Warriors retreat like a tide, and the pieces of Star Warships disappeared instantly.

"You ... what do you mean?" Duckside asked inexplicably.

Zayadao: "I said just now that you can become the **** of the natural race, I quit, brother, in fact, whether you or me, our starting point is good, we want to make the **** of the eternal tribe never fail. You can do it. "

Dakside stared at Zaya without moving his eyes, and said, "Did you just call my brother?"


"Incorrect pronunciation."


Duckside's face twitched stiffly again, then said nothing, but radiated two omega rays from his eyes, forming a light curtain in front of him instantly.

On this light curtain, we saw the same piles of soldiers ready to go, and Star Wars ships were standing by.

Seeing this scene, Zaya stared at Daxside with an angry expression and shouted, "What do you mean?"

Duckside was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "Well, I want to take your nest while you are away, but now I let them all out."

Zaya: "......"

Bingo, who has been listening to the two guys by the side, the Elven God and the Silver Shadow Man even more: "..."

The three of them looked at Zaya, and then looked at Dakside. They were all conquered by the brother. Alas, everyone was a good one, and it turned out that they were all born of a mother, with similar thoughts, and wanted to go at the same time It's amazing to carry the other person's nest.

"Oh, actually, you guys can only lose both ways. It stands to reason that we can't intervene in matters between you, because I'm an outsider, but I have to say my personal opinion. I hope the two don't mind." God rubbed his nose and said with a smile.

He is the supreme ruler of the First Universe, and his identity is the same as that of Zaya and Dakside, so it is not inappropriate for him to say a fair word about this kind of thing.

Both Zaya and Dakside looked at the Elven God, and the two did not speak, but they could see that they were waiting for the Elven God to speak.

Elven Shinto: "In fact, many universe executives know that the conflict between you is just one breath. You don't accept him, he doesn't accept you. This is not a big deal at all. Have you ever thought about it? You can each rule one universe. This shows that you have the ability to sit on the highest position of your Celestial Clan. Since you all have this ability, why not work together to govern the Celestial Clan? Two people are stronger than one person. If you cooperate, believe in Celestial God. The Protoss will certainly be able to reach a new glory in your hands. "

After speaking, the elf **** looked at Bingo and said, "I believe that if Bingo has a close brother like you, he and you will definitely do different things, and he will surely unite his brother to work together for a great cause. ,right?"

Bingo nodded decisively and said, "If I have such a brother, you don't know where it is now."

The elf **** haha ​​laughed: "Unfortunately, you don't."

Now Bingo has figured out many things. He is not angry with the Elven God on this issue, but instead treats the words of the Elven God as a joke. He nods and says, "Unfortunately, I don't."

After Dakside and Zaya listened to the Elven God, they looked at each other.

"Do you study often?" The two asked almost in unison.

Fairy God: "......."

Well, this is something that everyone knows. Do I have to learn every day?

"Ahem, Zaya said very well just now, life is the best teacher, and I really study every day."

Zaya: "..."

The scholar did not speak.

The nearby Dakside was silent for a while, gritted his teeth, and said, "The Elven God is right. If we can manage the Celestial Clan together, the Celestial Clan will be able to move to a new glory. If you can come back, my hands welcome."

Zaya didn't want to arrive at Cside. He would really think so, but he shook his head and said, "Brother, I can't go back, I hit you, but I want to defeat you, just like the elf **** just said. , I disagree with you, I want to prove that I am better than you, but I do n’t need to prove anything now, and I ’ve had a good time in the Fourth Universe, and I ’ve been homeless for a long time. The Fourth Universe is one of them. If you want to sit and sit, although I do not have the food and wine made by Ye Shen, I will let you go back with satisfaction. "

This time Daxside was a bit touched. He knew that his elder brother Zaya was a concession. He didn't want to fight with himself, and he didn't want to **** himself.


Druckside screamed suddenly.

His voice was low, but several people heard it clearly.

Zaya's body shook a little. Although the sound was small, it sounded extremely clear to him. He had heard this sound, and it was at a very young age. They were ignorant and ignorant. Some desires are just the most natural innocence.

"Brother, there is an iron eagle's nest on this tree, and there are bird eggs in it. Would you please help me? I want to eat."

On the vast earth, a towering iron mountain tree, in the middle of a tree branch, a bird's nest was built there, and under the tree, two children looked up vigorously.

One tall and one short, but they are very strong.

The elder brother looked at his younger brother and looked up at the tall Tieshan tree, and said, "It's so high."

"But I haven't eaten iron eagle eggs for a long time, brother, please help me dig one?"

"Um ~ don't tell Dad, you wait."

After that, the taller little boy was holding the large iron mountain tree in his hands, and then climbed up with difficulty.

The tree was too high. When the brother climbed halfway, he looked down. He wanted to come down, but when he saw the younger brother under the tree looking eager and excited, the brother continued to climb up with his teeth.

"It's almost there. You can reach the iron eagle egg for your brother after a few more crawls."

My brother looked up at the bird's nest on the tree branch, and a smile appeared on his sweaty face.

But at this moment, suddenly the younger brother under the tree shouted, "Brother, come down quickly, Iron Eagle is back."

The iron eagle is definitely the most ferocious bird here. A pair of claws can easily tear a three-inch-thick metal plate, and this bird is extremely persistent. If it finds itself digging its eggs, it will definitely play. Chase yourself.

My brother hurriedly looked up into the distance and really saw a huge iron eagle flying fast here.

"Brother run away!"

My brother shouted, then hugged the iron mountain tree with both hands, and began to slide down quickly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"

The elder brother screamed as he slid down.

The bark of the iron mountain tree is not smooth. The outer bark of this thing has a thin layer of thorns, just like the steel is made of. This thing is called a sour on the thigh.

"Ahhhhhh ..."

Near the tree, my brother called even worse.

Flutter ~

When it was five or six meters from the ground, my brother fell directly from the tree.

He felt that falling from a distance of five or six meters was faster than continuing to poke the thigh roots with an iron spike, and this feeling was really unacceptable.

When he fell to the ground, his elder brother rolled his eyes and almost lost his breath. ,

The younger brother who did not escape hurriedly helped his brother up. The two looked up at the iron eagle that had begun to dive down, and fled directly.

It ’s just that when he ran away, his younger brother supported his elder brother. The elder brother ’s running posture was like riding a horse. It was almost a ring-shaped leg. There was no way. The thigh roots were so painful that they were broken by iron stabs. Otherwise, half a catty of meat must be scooped out.

"His ~ ha ~" My brother pumped his air in pain, then pushed his brother away and shouted, "I can't run fast, you run quickly, find the guards to let them save me, hiss ~ ha ~"

After speaking, my brother took a cool breath and it hurts.

"I won't go, brother, I'm carrying you."

"You can't move me."


"Iron Eagle is down."

The brother shouted, then bent over and picked up a thick stick from the ground, and hit the iron eagle in the sky.

My brother also picked up a stick from the ground and hit the iron eagle flying down from the sky with his brother.

The iron eagle was too flexible in the air. The two brothers did n’t hit for a long time. They ran but they could n’t run the iron eagle. When they were in a hurry, suddenly two lights burst out in the eyes of the two people at the same time. Flying on the iron eagle in the air, he directly hit the huge iron eagle into a plume of smoke and disappeared.

The two brothers were frightened by this sudden scene. They were stuck in place for a long, long time until someone found them, and the two talents laughed.

"Brother, I want to eat iron eagle eggs." Dakside looked at Zaya blankly and said.

Zaya looked around, and looked up at the dark sky, and said, "Yeshen is not here. I'll dig it for you when I go back."

Druckside grinned suddenly.

That's right, this product is a smile, and it's a very standard grin.

Zaya also grinned, and said, "My thighs are not afraid of iron spurs now, and I can climb up to the iron mountain tree and get down safely."

Druckside suddenly laughed and hugged Zaya, then patted him on the back, and said, "Which tree dares to beat you, I will shove down which tree, If it is ten, I will shovel ten. If it is one hundred, I will shovel one hundred. If it is one thousand, I will shovel a forest. "

Zaya also patted Duckside on the back, and said, "I think it's better to catch a few iron eagles and keep them in cages, so I don't need to climb trees to eat eggs."

Duckside froze, and the two laughed at each other.

Ye Fei, who had just walked around, just saw this scene. The goods quickly rubbed his eyes. He thought he had read it wrong.

Dakside and Zaya, a pair of brothers who can't wait to tear each other apart, laughed? I rely, isn't that correct?

"I said you two are ......... who can tell me what's going on?"

Both Dakside and Zaya watched Ye Fei ~ ~ and then laughed again.

"Fuck, don't laugh anymore. The one who laughs is uglier than the other. Hurry up and talk about what's going on, so as to satisfy my gossip."

The elf **** laughed: "What else can be done, and reconciliation? In the future, this second universe and the fourth universe will become brother universes. This is definitely a strong and powerful union."

"Reconciled? Don't you talk to each other?"

"... Yes, speak well." Zaya said pretending to be a tiger.

But everyone can see that he is really very happy now. Although his face is in a tiger's face, the corners of his flying eyes cannot be hidden.

"Ye Shen, thank you!" Daxide said with a fist in Ye Fei's arms.

Zaya also smiled and hugged his fist toward Fei, and said, "Yes, thank you for your food, and thank you for our luck, or the luck that our dad gave us. To you, not to be your guest at the same time, I think our two brothers may not be reconciled in this life. "

Ye Fei said with a grimace, "My food? What does this have to do with your relationship?"

Druckside said: "Because of seeing your food, my brother realized some philosophy of life and then saw the essence of life, so we were reconciled."

Zaya also quickly nodded, and said, "Ye God, I don't think you are cooking at all, but writing your life and writing destiny. Your food is the most top-level chicken soup in the world. . "

Ye Fei: "..."

I rely on it, right? I just make a few dishes, how can I even make this chicken soup? Can you pull it a little bit more?

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