The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1791: Celebrities who haven't tempered yet

Dakside and Zaya will hang Ye Fei's neck on behalf of the two highest honors in the universe. After taking Ye Fei decisively, he took it out of his pocket.

Seeing Ye Fei take the medal off, both Daxide and Zaya are messed up. I trust, is there anything wrong? Do you think the highest honor of our two planets is heavy? Do you know how many people want it yet?

Brother, we put it on in front of so many people, but in the end, you took it off in half a minute. Can you give me some ideas?

Two people really wanted to beat Ye Fei in the past, and they had never seen such a **** man, so they wouldn't do anything about it.

Bingo came over with a smile, and in front of Ye Fei, he said nothing, put his gloves on his right hand, and snapped his fingers.

This thing was so no sign, Ye Fei almost scared and hurriedly said, "What are you doing?"

Bingo grinned: "Rest assured, I can control this thing now, I have the power to decide, just to give you a gift."

Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that this girl would go crazy again, and the life in the first universe just disappeared.

He waited cautiously for a while, and found that everything was normal, so he said, "What gift?"

Bingo's right hand stretched out, and he saw a cloud of blue light in his right hand. This blue light was emitted by a blue box.

"Infinite energy crystals, I know you don't lack this thing, but at least express my heart." Bingo said.

Ye Fei looked at the light blue infinite energy crystal. To be honest, he really didn't want it, but it looked pretty good.

After taking over the goods, I looked over and over and said, "Good stuff, thank you, but as you said, I do n’t make sense to hold this stuff, so I want to contribute him to the country, you have no opinion ? "

Bingo laughed: "Give you it belongs to you, you have the right to control him."

"That line, I would like to thank the more than one billion young and old men of Huaxia."

Northeast Sea.

The superiors and a bunch of big men heard Ye Fei say that he would donate this infinite energy crystal to the country, and all of them could not sit still.

"Well, this child does a beautiful job!"

"Perfect boy, how do you get my heart that way?"

"This baby will definitely be promising in the future."

"After? Now who do you think is better than him in the whole world or even the universe?"

"A gift of such weight, the people of Huaxia will always remember you."

Blessings were sent one after another, and Ye Fei did not quit in the end, and received them all according to the order.

In fact, most of Ye Fei's gifts are not rare, but after all, it is the mind of others, and it is not easy to deduce, but in these gifts Ye Fei really has two more curious.

The first is a gift promised by Liangbing verbally, and the second is a gift promised by Queen Keisha.

The two were not at the scene and promised to bring the gift over when they came over. Ye Fei was really curious about what it would be. He hoped that Queen Keisha would give him an angel.

He knew that Queen Angela's angels were more beautiful than one. If there was an angel flying on Pearl Island every day, I thought it would be beautiful and bubbling.

Just when everyone's blessing was about to finish, suddenly a few tyrant messengers came over.

When he came to Ye Fei, the messenger of the tyrant put a huge box down and said, "The gift of the **** Jialan."

Ye Fei looked at the big box and asked, "What is it?"

Several of the tyrant messengers shook their heads. To be honest, they were not clear, but just now Jia Lan transferred the box sent to them by space, saying that it was for Ye Fei to give. This was a gift of congratulation.

"But Jia Lan Shen said that it must be something you like." Yan Huang said.

"I like it?" Ye Fei was even hesitant.

"Don't you know if you open it?" Shen Yue said curiously.

"Open!" Ye Fei said.

The tyrant messenger said nothing, and picked up a big axe and hacked at it.

With a click, the axe dropped and the box opened.

As soon as the box was opened, everyone's eyes were closed directly, because the light was so strong that people's eyes could not be opened at all.

"Sink, what the hell?"

The spirits of the spirits were also curious, and finally opened their eyes slowly and looked at the big box.

As a result, after seeing the box, several people took a breath of air.

I saw a small thing like a hill in the box, but this thing was piled up by shiny diamonds.

Seeing a small diamond hill, Ye Fei laughed, "It's really something I like, thank you."

He had just said thank you, but suddenly he was dumbfounded.

Not only him, everyone was stupid.

Because as Ye Fei's words fell, I saw that the Diamond Hill suddenly began to grow wild, becoming bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a mountain without knowing how high it was.

The whole mountain is full of glittering giant diamonds.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei broke down directly and hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Stop! Hemp eggs, Jia Lan, do you want to sink my island ?!"

Ye Fei was furious. You talked about Jia Lan's gift as wonderful enough, yes, I really like diamonds, but why did you give me a diamond peak that will grow? Lao Tzu is an island. If the mountain peaks grow all the time, it will sink well.

A strange scene appeared. As Ye Fei shouted to stop, he saw that this fast-growing diamond peak really stopped.

At that moment, the news of Jialan in the live room was sent out, and the product first sent a smiling face, saying: "I saw the table and chairs made of this material at your site, I guess you should be interested in this material This strange mountain I found a long time ago is now for you, no thanks. "

Seeing Jia Lan's news, the audience in the live broadcast room was all silent, especially the people who just screamed how many billions of dollars to buy Ye Fei's guest seats, all silent.

Yeah, Jialan had no idea of ​​fighting with them for a long time. If they really tried to fight for money, they would rush to such a growing mountain. They could not rob the warehouse of emptying the warehouse.

"Can this thing get smaller?" Ye Fei asked.

After all, this thing is too big to fit on the island.

Jia Lan made an apologetic expression, and said, "No, you can only get bigger."

Ye Fei: "..."

You ca n’t be smaller, what can you do to make it bigger? It's so maddening to have an extra mountain on such an island?

All of them looked at Ye Fei with a smile, and said to themselves that there were so many sitting mountains, what would you do?

Ye Fei thought for a long time before muttering: "Damn, too many diamonds are also a trouble."

Hearing Ye Fei muttered such a sentence, many people in the live broadcast room rolled their eyes, this second goods, are you a sir or a sir?

In the end, Ye Fei decided to find a job for a group of Lao Mo. After eating every day, he came to collect diamonds, shot with guns, and bombarded with them. No matter what method is used, in short, I want to make this nasty diamond. The mountain is killed, otherwise the slick island is so big in the middle that it is too beautiful.

The number of online viewers in Ye Fei's live broadcast room is still increasing, but the speed is much slower. This situation is normal in his live broadcast room, even if he usually does not live broadcast this number has not stopped.

Ye Fei glanced again, then looked back at the food, and saw that they were all eaten, especially the roasted whole cow and two roasted whole sheep, and now there are no bones left.

"Okay, my friends, this is the live broadcast for today. Thank you again for your support. We will see you next time."

After saying that Ye Fei was decisive and turned off the video.

This is also his usual style of live broadcast. No matter how lively the live broadcast room is, anyway, he will immediately close the video as soon as the live broadcast is over, so that the audience is not stunned for this matter, but he never changed, and never thought of changing.

Who is the celebrity yet?

After the live broadcast, Ye Fei began to clean up the pots and pans.

When you're done packing, you'll send these live guests.

Sloan left first. He wanted to take Freeland with him, but Freeland said that there was something else, and he stayed. He did come with a task. He could n’t eat the perfect food, wiped his mouth, and left I ca n’t explain it back.

Then Shen Yue reluctantly left.

Longlong was also sent away, but before he was sent away, Dakside closed his mouth on his stomach again. At first, he said that there was no way to scare him.

Yang Ling and Qian Mo also left at the end. After they left, the mouth guns also left. Only two Daxside and Zaya brothers, Bingo, Elven God, Freeland, and Little Sauron were left.

Ye Fei looked at Freeland and smiled, "Have a political mission?"

Freeland nodded, and then looked at the group of Dakside, wondering whether to speak in front of so many people.

Ye Feidao: "Say it ~ ~ It's all right, these people don't care about the affairs of a small country on the earth."

Freeland was a little depressed, and the Eagle Empire was not too small, okay.

But Ye Fei said that he couldn't help it, and finally conveyed the words of the Great Eagle Queen.

Ye Feidao: "Go back and tell your queen that Ye Fei is not a demon who likes to kill innocent people. The people I target are guys who have ulterior motives against me. As long as you do n’t mess around, I ca n’t commit Go to your trouble. "

Freeland remembered Ye Fei's words and was sent away.

It was almost dusk and the island of Zhuguang was very lively.

A group of Lao Mo and Skyscraper all came over, and when they saw the Diamond Mountain suddenly appearing, a group of guys were all excited.

2007 was excited: "Yes, is this really a diamond?"

Druckside interrupted: "I don't know what you mean by diamond, but the texture of the ore on this mountain is exactly the same as the table and chairs I gave to Ye Shen, even better."

"Unfortunately, getting rich, getting rich, Ye Shen, we will get rich in the future."

How many guys have seen such a big mountain, one by one holding an oversized diamond and constantly touching it.

Ye Feidao: "Don't touch it. From tomorrow on, your job is to kill this mountain and put diamonds in the basement."

Several people in Lao Mo nodded in excitement. They have seen people mine iron, copper, nickel, and even coal mines, and they have never seen such a superb diamond mine.

After arranging things for a few people in Lao Mo, Ye Fei was about to take a good rest, and suddenly the phone rang.

He took it out and looked at it for a moment, thinking, "Why would he call me?"

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