The Genesis Game

Chapter 28 - 43: Recovery

It wasn't until he walked through the Doors of the Inn of the Cursed Fig that, Seraph realized just how exhausted he felt. An exhaustion that settled down deep into his muscles and further still into his bones.

No matter Seraph's current stats, he could not shake the feeling of malais. Simply too much had happened in too short of a time and he needed to rest.  Otherwise his current pace would be unsustainable and he would falter, and if he faltered, failure was likely. To Seraph, that possibility was simply unacceptable.

When Seraph, opened the door and stepped inside, he had expected to be met by a busy tavern, actively serviving drinks as a hot fire roared  taver and a bar keep ready with a bit of food and ale. Seraph's expectations were disappointed.

  Instead he found himself in a linoleum floored foryer.   A bored looking elf maintained a post at the blue painted check in counter, an expression of daydreams on his face as he gazed into the distance with a blank look, oblivious to his surroundings.

Beyond the foyeur, through the archways past the check in counter  Seraph could see that it opened up into a small dining area of mixed chairs and tables for the food which was made available in what appeared to be a small kitchenette with a buffet style serving area in a small outcropping in the room.

Seeing the food made his stomach grumble and growl. An oddity Seraph had always thought because one did not technically need to eat wall in the dungeon as the dungeon provided all the nourishment and energy that they all have recuired, still though the body still yearned for food and his was ravenous.

Seraph was ready to move on, more then satisfied with the offerings. He approached the check in counter to get a room,  And when the elf did not respond to his presence, Seraphlooked and saw the elf's name tag which read David

"Hey David" Seraph emphasizrd, interurpting the elf from his daydrrams.  "I'd like to get a room fir the night." 

The sudden noise startled the elf as he in his embarrassment tried to sooth out the wrinkles in his uniform to compose himself and to present a more professional appearance.

"Sure, sure, yeah not a problem any specifics that you are looking for?   King, Queen, Twins? Hot Tub, Jacuzzi? Massage package?" Seraph was impressed with the elf's recovery and the attempt to go ahead and start with on the up sell.

Seraph had never minded an upsell, and any upsell that improved his recovery was a tool he needed to take advantage of. "Queen bed if you have it, I'll need a room with a soak tub, a rainwater shower head, and a massage two hours from now."

In a blur of motion, David reached door and pulled up a ledger setting it down in front of him on the counter. He began to scan through the pages looking to see if anything matched the service and room requests.  

"Ah, here go. All right." David muttered as he slammed the ledger closed.  "It looks like we have a few rooms that match what you're looking for you, one on the ground floor and two on the 3rd floor."

Seraph considered for a moment. "I guess it depends.  Does this facility have a gym or a training hall?"

"We've got a full workout gym on the 2nd floor complete with training dummies and a respawning sparring arena."   David responded with pride.

"Being on the 2nd floor that doesn't really help me much for ease of access so, l'll just go with the ground floor, that will be fine by me." Responded Seraph, eager to be done.

"All right sir, that will be 275 Sol a night.  What's the name the Room is to be registered under?" Asked David to finish things.

"The name is Seraph."  He replied.

The elves eyes darkened at the name, recgomiztiom evident on his face.

"I'm sorry sir. It seems we are approaching near capacity.  I quoted the room wrong to you, It's actually 575 Sol a night."  David's distaste for Seraph clear.

Seraph knew exactly what was going on. Though he wanted to protest and bring violence upon the elf he thought against it. His better judgment holding out against his worst impulses. The last thing he needed was to get banned from the Inn before he found himself other accommodations. Seraph had no interest in being caught outside come nightfall ever again.

"Sure that's fine." Agreed Seraph much to the elf's dismay who had thought he'd  managed to successfully goad Seraph into making a scene.

"I just need one night for now though." Seraph told the elf.

"Ok" The elf stammered as he sent a mental invoice towards Seraph.  Seraph scanned the invoice before resigning himself to the fee and accepting yes.  The payment amediately being taken from his inventory.

The elf slid a key over the counter towards Seraph hat read in imbedded brass 119.  With a Curt nod Sarah walked away not heading directly towards his Room but to the dining area to grab something quickly to eat to quiet the hunger he felt before retreating to the Room to relax.

As he walked over various smells  assaulted his senses. Coffee Orange juice, Hot eggs, fresh grits, sausages, and ripened bananas and   He heaped the food onto his plate in a feast of gluttony as he poured himself the largest cup of coffee he could.  Serving the drink the way the coffee should be served with cream and sugar.

It was almost comical in a way Seraph had needs that needed to be addressed an answer he was reminded of something that Zoldos used to say "You don't win any awards for making things harder on yourself there was no point to miss out on a few creature comforts when they're available.

He sat his plate down and dug in dismissing the mental image of how quickly a spoon could become a shovel in the right hands. He ignored his shame, after all, he was hungry.  

So focused on the eating and relaxed in the environment that he hadn't noticed but he was no longer alone in the dining area.  Sadie leaned against the arch supports on the otherside of the dining area that led out into a hallway leading down to the rooms.

As soon as she saw then he noticed her she gave a half smile and walked over. The armor that she had worn replaced by a  more professional looking business suit. Looking every part a leader of Hometown. 

Without asking for permission she pulled a chair out from the tablrand sat down opposite of him. "Seraph, you reek."

He didn't bother to protest, he knew it was true.  Instead of defending himself and offering explanations, Seraph mouthed "So? Your point?" as he continued to shove food into his mouth.  

"I don't think in all the time I've known you, that I've ever before had the misfortune to see you eat anything." Sadie commented as she turned her nose up in disgust.

"What's the issue Sadie, I assume you're not here to eat, but you are interferring with me feeding myself." Asked Seraph between bites.

Sadie glamced down at the table avoiding looking at him"I just want to say thanks for saving me. Knowing you, I'm sure there's an angle to your benefit, but I thought I should just let you know I appreciate being alive,  even after everything you've done, thanks." 

Seraph frowned and put his fork down,  adopting a more serious tone and demeanor. "Sadie,  I wont apologize for the past, it happened and I had a large part in all of it, sometimes and at times  the sole part. I do have regrets, I do, how could I not? But even then, regret doesn't change what happened. I did what I had to do, I did what needed to be done, and I did what I thought was best for my people. 

Sadie shifted in response before respinding. "Actually that's what I want to talk to you about. But it's not a conversation for the public arena. Otherwise people might over hear us.  When you're finished eating let's head over to your room so we can talk some more in private. What I have to say is for your ears alone"

"119 that's my room number, meet me there in about 20 minutes. I need at least that so I can try to get cleaned up and get rid of some of the dungeon smell." Responded Seraph, his interests peaked wondering what was so secret she needed a private audience.

"That's fine." She said as she dismissed herself from the table. "Keep this to yourself though, don't tell anyone about us meeting."

Rubbing his temples, Seraph got up and cleaned the table off and headed off to his room  to make the most of his time.

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