It's only early June, and Han Zhe originally planned to return to China after the Wizards' tryout and come back before the draft starts at the end of June, but now Wittman told Han Zhe that although he doesn't know if their Wizards can win Han Zhe in the end, Han Zhe is allowed to train here before the draft.

Han Zhe agreed without any hesitation, staying here will indeed cost some more money, but it is even more difficult to get the opportunity to train in the Wizards, first of all, he can maintain his competitive condition in a professional team, and he can also do a good job of physical reserves, without so many professional facilities at home, no matter how he exercises, it is impossible for the team to have a good effect.

Secondly, now that Han Zhe is training with the Wizards, he will definitely be able to learn a lot from them, he currently has skills, but he is only a rookie in terms of game experience, and there are still many things to learn.

In the next two days, Han Zhe did not participate in the training, Wittman agreed, this is to give Han Zhe time to find a house, now Han Zhe lives in a hotel of more than 100 US dollars a day, two weeks of housing costs plus food and drink has been several thousand US dollars, and now at least he has to stay here for nearly a month, the cost is a little unbearable, so he began to find a rental room everywhere, which is cheaper than a hotel.

At the beginning, Han Zhe was spinning around like a fly without a head, but how could it be so easy to find a house in a place like Washington, where every inch of land is valuable, and I found a few for rent, but it was not much cheaper than staying in a hotel, so it was better to live in a hotel!

The next day, Han Zhe met a few Chinese people while eating in a restaurant, and after chatting, he found that there was nowhere to find the iron shoes, and it turned out that not far behind the Wizards Arena was Chinatown, where it was easier to rent a house, and the price was not expensive.

Sure enough, Han Zhe looked for less than half an hour in Chinatown and found a place to live.

A man in his forties inquired about Han Zhe's situation, and after looking at his documents, he took him to a small building, downstairs is a Chinese restaurant opened by the landlord himself, and upstairs is a house, his family can't live so much, so there are a few rented rooms.

"Xiao Han, are you really playing basketball, and can you still train at the Wizards?" the landlord asked curiously, taking him to a one-bedroom room.

Han Zhe looked at the room and said with a smile: "Yes, Boss Zhou, I will train in the Wizards for the next month, if I am selected by the Wizards, I should continue to rent here, and if I fail, I will return to China." "

Zhou Wenhai smiled and praised: "Xiao Han, you are so good, there are not many people in our country who can play the NBA, if you don't dislike it, just call me Uncle Zhou, my two children like basketball, I used to watch Yao Ming play every time, if I knew that there was a star living in my house, or we were from the Celestial Dynasty, I would definitely be happy!".

Han Zhe said: "Uncle Zhou, you are a false praise, what kind of star am I, whether I can enter the NBA or not, maybe I will lose the draft and return to China." "

Zhou Wenhai said: "The wizards have invited you to train, you must play the ball very well, not to mention that you are so handsome, you will definitely not be defeated!".

Han Zhe: ...

In the opinion of this uncle, the NBA draft still has to look at the face!

The house has all kinds of furniture and items, and Han Zhe doesn't have too many requirements, just be able to live in it, and the rent is not high, 600 US dollars a month, which is already the price of cabbage in Washington.

After completing the formalities, Han Zhe sent off the enthusiastic uncle and officially moved in.

The next day, Han Zhe officially began to join the wizards training team, and the wizards were not friendly to him, nor were they targeted, just like ordinary rookies.

Han Zhe doesn't care, he is already very satisfied with training in the Wizards, as for the attitude of others, he doesn't care.

Only Wall and Crawford occasionally communicate with Han Zhe, Crawford is looking for Han Zhe to blow it, it seems that he is very interested in the Celestial Empire, and asked Han Zhe a lot of questions, Wall is looking for Han Zhe to pretend to be forced, Wall This guy is probably still angry about Han Zhe doing him two goals in the last training match, and he wants to find Han Zhe to fight alone at every opportunity, but he was stopped by Wittman!

The current training is very different from the rookie tryout, and the Wizards are mainly training physical reserves, as well as the team's tactical drills.

Han Zhe followed the physical training, the physical coach treated him equally, and also guided him to exercise, when the Wizards played training matches internally, Han Zhe was mostly only a spectator, because he was not a Wizards player, and he could only watch others practice tactics.

Witman will also guide Han Zhe in his spare time, but most of the time he spends his time practicing his physical fitness, because Han Zhe's physical fitness is indeed much worse than these NBA players, with his current physical condition, in a high-intensity game like the NBA, he has to take a break after playing less than four quarters.

Next, the NBA playoffs finals will start, the Western champion Thunder will play against the Eastern champion Heat, and this Finals can be said to be Mars hitting the earth.

Now the Heat has the Big Three of Zhan Huang, Wade, and Bosh, and the lineup is extremely luxurious, but the Thunder are not bad at all, Adu, Wei Shao, and Harden, who has begun to rise strongly, is not much inferior in the lineup.

After the start of the finals, the Thunder played a 1-1 draw at the two home courts, and after returning to the Heat's home court, the Heat actually played a 3-0 sweep neatly, easily defeating the Thunder with a total score of 4:1 and winning this season's championship, which is also the second championship in the history of the Heat team.

James won the Finals MVP, and James Huang played 45+15+5 god-level stats in the game against the Celtics, he is the second player in NBA history to play such stats in the playoffs, the first is Chamberlain!

After watching the game with the Wizards, Han Zhe was a little excited, the Heat and Thunder can now be said to be the strongest period, and he really wants to play against this kind of top players and top teams.

However, Han Zhe also knows that if the superstars of these two teams are not separated, it is estimated that few teams can face them head-to-head at present, and the lineup is too rebellious.

The Wizards and Han Zhe think differently, they haven't been in the playoffs for a long time, and now they can only watch others play, so they are naturally depressed!

There are less than ten days left before the draft day, Han Zhe is excited, practicing hard every day, and in these last days, Wittman actually mixed Han Zhe into the Wizards lineup to start training.

The happiest thing is that Wall, who can finally find a field, however, after a few days of confrontation, Wall has not found a field, and the anger is even greater.

I don't know if Whitman did it on purpose, every time he played against Zhevol, he pulled Han to play against Zhevol, the result was that Wall basically couldn't take advantage of Han Zhe, if he wanted to use his skills to beat Han Zhe, 90% of it would be broken, even if he hit it hard with his body, it was not 100% successful now, but when Han Zhe thought about him, unless he fouled, he couldn't prevent it at all...

Compared with Han Zhe now, Wall is much more stable in three points than Han Zhe, with stronger physical fitness, and more experience under the basket.

Han Zhe's advantages are that he has stronger defensive and breakthrough capabilities, a better overall view, a wider field of vision, and a higher quality of passing.

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