The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 277: Five swordsmanship

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"Xin Tang, if you can survive my five-style swordsmanship, I will allow you to fight the new disciple named Qin Yi. Otherwise, you should not bother him."

Xue Bichen said lightly, with a soft voice, but with an irresistible majesty.

"what did you say?"

Xin Tang was puzzled. Suddenly, there was a jealousy in his eyes: "I understand. You like the kid named Qin Yi. I'm afraid I will defeat him, so I'm here to intercept me."

"You bullshit!"

Xue Bichen drank coldly, she suddenly pulled out a long sword with a faint red glow, and pointed at Xin Tang: "Xin Tang, if you can't walk out of the five-style swordsmanship in my hand, how far away you will leave me How far."

Xue Bichen's delicate face, cold as cold frost, long sword in hand, glowing in the night.

Xue Bichen is very confident about his swordsmanship. Within five forms, he can hit Xin Tang hard. By then, he wants to fight Qin Yi, which is basically impossible.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Xin Tang was so angry that he said three good words. At this time, he was really jealous and hateful: "Xue Bichen, even you are protecting the kid. He only allowed me five-style swordsmanship, and looked at me too little. "

Xin Tang's body, an incomparable inner strength, suddenly burst out, the tall body like a furious leopard, shot towards Xue Bichen.

"Qiu Shui Real Power!"

In an instant, he hit his strongest school.

His whole body, showing his inner strength, just like a wave of waves, rushed towards Xue Bichen.

Qiu Shui Zhengong, that is a set of Zongdao martial arts. Although it is only the elementary martial arts of Zongdao, it is also much smarter than the most advanced martial arts of Xuandao.

Between Xuan Dao and Zong Dao, it is a watershed that cannot be ignored. People of ordinary qualifications, even for the ultimate life, cannot touch the realm of Zong Dao.

"Return to the Nine Swords First Form!"

Not panicking, Xue Bichen snorted coldly, and a sword in his hand drew a rainbow of awns. In the night, it was dazzling and dazzled, and directly shattered the inner strength of Xintang's surging Taoism.

Xin Tang exploded, only to feel his chest was stuffy. The strong sword energy, like a heavy blunt object, hit him **** his chest.

"Xue Bichen, I haven't seen you in a few days. Your Nine Nine Swords have actually forced you to this point."

Xin Tang's face was horrified, and he looked at Xue Bichen incredulously. Only if he didn't retreat fast, this sword had already broken through his physical defense and wounded him.

Xin Tang believes that he is quite good in terms of institutional defense, and it matches his second-ranked disciple's identity. Surprisingly, Xue Bichen almost broke his physical defense with just a sword.

"You don't want to practice, you just want to suppress newcomers, how can you improve your practice?"

Xue Bichen straightened Qiong nose, disdain coldly, Linglong body, once again burst into Xin Tang.

"Return to the Nine Swords Second Form!"

Xue Bichen's swordsmanship was almost arrogant to the extreme. Her whole body was covered with sword flowers and rushed towards Xintang.

And the most bizarre is that the speed martial arts displayed at her feet, if Qin Yi is present at the moment, will be surprised, because Xue Bichen exhibited it, it was a boast of father.

However, it is clear that Xue Bichen's boasting father step is not as skilled as Qin Yi, and is much slower than Qin Yi in terms of speed. He cannot achieve the illusion of "teleportation" like Qin Yi.

"Return to the third form of Nine Swords!"

Xue Bichen has a pleasant temperament, like a fairy in nine days, but the swordsmanship she exhibits is extremely fierce. When she casts the nine swords into the third form, Xin Tang has become very difficult to greet and her face is pale.

Xue Bichen, who has broken through to the middle of Zong Dao's situation, has already ranked Xin Tang, the second-ranked disciple of the outside disciples, and he has no idea where to go.

However, at the moment in Xin Tang ’s chest, the burning fire of jealousy made him grind his teeth to hold up: "Xue Bichen, do you like that Qin Yi kid? Huh, today I will fly out of the five-style swordsmanship in your hands No, then go and ravage the kid! "

"Return to the fourth style of Nine Swords!"

Xue Bichen drank coldly, and Guiyi Jiujian came to the fourth style. With a fierce sword spirit, dozens of wounds were torn out on Xin Tang's body, covered with blood.

Too strong!

Xin Tang's face was covered with large beads of sweat, and a trace of fear rose uncontrollably in his heart.

He couldn't imagine that Xue Bichen, who hadn't seen for many days, was so powerful that only the four-style swordsmanship forced him to be so embarrassed.

"Return to the fifth style of Nine Swords!"

Xue Bichen's voice, with a bone-chilling chill, revealed that the long sword in her hand seemed to tear the night, the dense sword flowers, and that moment, Xintang was overwhelmed.

At this moment, Xin Tang even smelled a breath of death.


He exhausted all his energy and drove back towards his back, and his speed reached its limit. Nevertheless, the aftermath of the dense sword flower still tore his chest into a **** flesh.

However, he finally escaped Xue Bichen's sword style.

"Haha, Xue Bichen, your five-style swordsmanship is over. I can't get up on the ground and can't get up, and it's not defeated! You can't talk or count, since you didn't beat me within the five-style swordsmanship, you can't stop me Go and destroy Qin Yi's kid. "

Xin Tang looked very embarrassed, but he was very happy and laughed wildly. He escaped from the fifth style of Xue Bichen's Guiyijiujian without a loss.


Xue Bichen shouted angrily.

She calculated that Xin Tang couldn't resist her five-point sword technique of Guiyi Jiujian, and took the opportunity to knock him down, giving him no chance to fight Qin Yi.

Who would have thought that Xin Tang would be so cunning, and the last form, even if he didn't fight, fled directly.

"Haha, I will go too!"

Xin Tang laughed and turned to run away.

Xue Bichen stood still in the night, his small hand was loose and loose, and then loose, and he was very unwilling.

Suddenly, she sighed slightly, her eyes turned a little confused, and looked into the distance, no one knew what she was thinking.

For the battle between the two, the whole magic trail, except for the two parties, no third party knows. Qin Yi, also knows nothing about it.

He is even more unlikely to know that Xue Bichen on the outside disciple's rankings will even be "Kuan Fubu". If he knew, he would definitely not hesitate to find Xue Bichen. Among them, there must be shocking things. Cover up.

You know, "Kuafubu" is a martial art of speed left over from ancient times.

In his stone house, he practiced for a whole night, feeling that there was an insurmountable gap between Xuan Dao 8 Realm and Xuan Dao 9 Realm, even if he now has the potential of King Sen Luo, it takes a very short time Inside, breaking through the Xuan Dao 9 realm also has certain difficulty.


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