The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 107 The Vampires

After easily leaving a book behind, Alice left lightly. No one would suspect that she had indeed left early to go shopping with her girlfriends. Everyone in the editorial department was not surprised at all.

Then, it was time for the relevant editors to read the novel in detail with copies in hand.

"Let me explain to everyone in advance that this novel should have a thriller and suspense style, and it is not a science fiction novel like Jurassic Park. Alice has chosen a new category."

In the meeting room, Brown distributed the manuscripts to ten editors present. The chief editor, Domingo, received one and said, "There should be? Didn't Alice tell you the brief introduction of the story? Just send the manuscript to Are you reading silently?"

After Brown sent out the manuscript, he returned to his seat with a wry smile and said, "Yeah, that girl is still self-willed as always, and she even asked me to pick out the title of the book from the chapter table of contents. Fortunately, I finally picked it out, that is, before the 'End' The last chapter of, let-the-right-one-in."

Everyone at the scene read the name silently, but they didn't express anything, but read the story directly.

The prologue was quickly read. The plot is set in the capital of Sweden, a small town near Stockholm, and it is a small town with no history at all, a large number of foreigners, and the total population is not too large or too small. As for the season, what could be better for a thriller than a cold, snowy winter?

The story officially begins.

The main story is not the mysterious father and daughter mentioned at the end of the prologue, but a little boy named Oscar. He's a lonely and bullied 12-year-old boy who, as Brown soon discovers, clearly has incredible criminal potential.

First of all, he loves the "Goosebumps" series of thriller adventure novels. Moreover, he also loves to read all the reports related to the murder, cut them out by category, and piece them together into picture books for collection. This is obviously not a hobby that a normal boy should have, and there must be an unusual reason.

The reason, of course, was revealed. Oscar's living environment was far from ideal. His parents are divorced, his father is an unquestionably gay lover, and his mother, who has custody, is a devout Catholic who devotes most of her energy to prayer every day and night. After reading this, Brown can somewhat understand this situation. For some people who are deeply religious, if there are some huge blows in their lives, it is really easy for them to devote themselves to religious beliefs like insanity. Obsessed like a cultist.

At the same time, the withdrawn Oscar is always bullied by a few bullies in the school. Being cowardly by nature, he did not choose to resist, but wore a terrifying "human skin mask" every night, and kept chopping tree poles with blunt knives to vent his anger. In general, every trace of this description is constantly reminding readers that this little boy will definitely take a path to darkness unless the plot finds a reversal.

The reversal did not appear, but the father and daughter finally appeared.

In fact, Harken Bantsen, as the father, has appeared a long time ago, and the frequency of appearance is extremely high. In the entire first chapter, a paragraph is separated by a number every 2,000 words, and the frequency of appearance of Harken and the protagonist Oscar seems to be almost one to one. Moreover, this Harken did a terrible thing as soon as he appeared on the stage.

He came to this ice and snow town by car, and after a short rest, in the dense forest on the edge of the town, on a silent snow-white land, he slit the throat of an innocent boy, and took out a big funnel and A container large enough to hold five gallons of liquid.


Simultaneous groans came from the silent conference room, no one catered to him, and everyone catered to him with silence. The reading speeds of the editors are all about the same, and the reading experience is also extremely rich. So far, who can't guess what that Harken is going to do?

Both protagonists are perverted.

Twelve-year-old boy flips through the newspaper while eating fudge. When he saw a female killer being executed by electric chair, he fantasized about the physiological changes of the prisoner when he was dying; When the dismembered body was hidden in the back of the bathroom, the boy calmly ate the last piece of candy and studied the prisoner's appearance calmly, thinking that he was very ordinary.

And come to a conclusion: maybe I will be like this twenty years later.

In short, this book is very capable.

For example, the author uses a very detailed process to describe the plot of the forty-year-old bald man Haken looking for a male prostitute. The handsome boy's teeth were even knocked out by the pimp for better "service," and Brown's goosebumps popped up for free when he read about the man being serviced in a filthy toilet.

Looking around, the entire meeting room was even more dead silent.

Then, the highlight finally arrived.

Oscar and the little girl Abby met.

A girl of the same age who is barefoot in the ice and snow.

That Harken's "daughter" had just moved to the neighbor next door to Oscar, and covered the windows with boards and cardboards all day long. Due to various reasons, Oscar quickly became good friends with the girl. When Abby learned that Oscar was often bullied by the school, she told Oscar to learn to fight back.

Then, she's a vampire.

Since they moved to this cold Swedish town, there have been frequent homicides in the local area, and the dead have been sucked dry of blood, all of which are the crimes committed by Abby's "father", Harken. On the premise that the plot of the whole book is only one month old, in just ten days or so, he killed no less than three people and extracted at least fifteen gallons of blood. The huge appetite made Brown realize that this was by no means an easy job, and it was no wonder that they moved to such a small town full of foreigners.

But then one day, Abby's "father" was discovered while collecting human blood. He immediately chose to commit suicide, disfigured himself with the sulfuric acid he had prepared, damaged his vocal tract, and tragically became a suspect with serious injuries. The serial identity sent to the hospital. In this way, Abby is left alone.

So, there was an episode. Abby, who was hunting alone, bit a woman named Virginia, but failed to kill her, and even caused her boyfriend to stop her from drinking blood. The existence of vampires may be exposed, at least Virginia has really become a vampire, but the girl who was not far away chose to commit suicide. Shouting into ashes.

But in the final analysis, as the reading progressed, the editors easily discovered that this turned out to be a love story.

Although the hero is only a twelve-year-old child.

In fact, Oscar already knew the fact that Abby is a vampire, and knew that she was killing humans constantly, but he still fell in love with Abby deeply, and Abby also took Oscar as her spiritual support. Although this emotion was obviously distorted and full of doubts, none of the editors had the energy to ask questions and kept reading.

High-energy plots are constantly being staged.

At least, this vampire girl was indeed extremely ugly when she was bloodthirsty. According to the explanation of the chat between Alice and Brown a few days ago, it should be the so-called transformation. There was a grunting sound in the mouth, the fangs were as sharp as a beast, the contour of the face was slightly deformed and turned into a beast, and even the texture of the skin became very rough. Like many vampire themes in the past, Alice did not deliberately beautify Abby's existence, but maybe she has seen too many old themes. Brown really thinks that such Abby is really "cool".

Then, it's time for the finale.

Absolutely unconventional ending.

Discovering the existence of vampires, Virginia's boyfriend, the police officer Rex, wants to eliminate Abby, and the latter sleeps soundly in a bathtub covered with shades every day, and will be injured if he encounters sunlight. This is definitely a huge weakness, and an unquestionable opportunity.

But in this book, justice does not triumph over evil. Just when Rex sneaked into the bathroom and was about to lift the shade on the window, Oscar gave him a fatal blow from behind, and made Abby suck the other party's blood to his heart's content.

So... so powerful.

But long before this episode, Brown also understood the meaning of the so-called "Let-the-right-one-in".

Restricted by "magic", just like in traditional vampire stories, if a vampire enters a private place rashly without the consent of the "master", he will bleed to death. However, when Oscar, who didn't understand this, deliberately didn't say the phrase "please come in", Abby still walked into the room.

Then, in the horrific scene where the girl's body was continuously oozing blood, the boy screamed and hurriedly said the phrase "please come in", inviting the vampire girl into his home and into his heart.

Therefore, Brown was not too surprised when Oscar became the new "Harken", "protecting" and "assisting" Abby.

Then, comes the real ending part.

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