The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 123 Gates' Night Talk

The phone rang in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, this was only a dedicated line in Alice's bedroom. As soon as the bell rang once, she opened her eyes, and with a wave of her hand, the microphone came to her ear.

"Is something wrong, Bill?"

It is very important to hang up the phone at such a late night. I only heard Bill Gates say with a serious expression: "After the meeting, I thought about it and felt uneasy. Alice, didn't you read it?" When the IBM delegation left the company, their leader, Benjamin, had a very strange expression."

Alice blinked: "What's the big deal about being weird, as long as the cooperation goes on normally?"

"The problem is...Alice, when we were tidying up the scene after the meeting, Lu Bao told me that the phone you used to talk...wasn't plugged in."

Now, the two people on both ends of the phone fell silent.

The corners of Alice's eyebrows twitched, and she resisted the urge to go beyond the space and directly give Gates a panda eye: "I said bastard, did you make such a low-level mistake?"

"Let's talk about the apology later, Alice, do you think Benjamin has already found out? If I see a phone that is not connected to the phone line, it can still talk..."

"What can you do?"

Alice curled her lips in disdain and said, "Contact the Church of the Holy Church to send priests to exorcise demons? Summon ancient heroes as templates to kill the devil? Or call the police and tell them to come to the Microsoft headquarters that has become a haunted house to die, and put on a wonderful show by the way." "Ghost Call"?"

Gates couldn't help but sigh, she should be a little girl after all, she is obviously less than 20 years old, why can't she understand a lot of things she said?

"...So, Bill, if you call in the middle of the night just to say shit like that, beware I'll call you in the middle of the night and you'll have a heart attack and die a week later ah!"

Indeed, as the saying goes, even if Benjamin finds out, no one will believe his words, and if he really makes trouble, he will only be sent to a mental hospital. Gates thought about it, and it seemed that he was really worrying too much, but who told him to know the truth of this matter?

"Okay, but since I've hung up on you, let's talk about this cooperation."

Gates organized his language: "Alice, we can all understand that you didn't show up in person. After all, your age is here. If you really attended the meeting as the so-called second shareholder, it is estimated that IBM can only treat you as a Just kidding. But now that the contract is signed, what exactly are you going to do? Move to Seattle?"

That's right, since Microsoft is going to jointly develop a new system with IBM, Alice, who is absolutely technically strong and independently developed the first generation of Windows, should take on the title of project leader or something.

Alice lowered her eyes slightly: "Bill, in fact, this matter is very simple to say, and troublesome to say it is troublesome."

Under the quilt, she changed herself into a better posture and said: "To put it simply, as long as I do it myself, I can hand over the finished product to you for up to three months. Why go to Seattle in person? There is no need for it, it is enough for me to build a car behind closed doors."

A penny shuttled back and forth between her fingers. Alice played with it and said: "But if it is complicated, it is natural that Microsoft expands its recruitment quickly, and then slowly do it with its own research and development capabilities. Actually, I am quite inclined to this After all, in the final analysis, I can’t let the company’s technical team become my logistics nanny, can I?”

Gates kept smiling wryly on the phone, and it is conceivable that he is still shaking his head now: "That's really not okay, if all the important work is done by you, the company team will definitely have problems... So Alice , you're not going to come to Seattle?"

"Please, I still have to go to school. I don't know how long it will take for this project to finish. I don't care about so many good friends in school? You can just take your time. If you have any technical problems, just call us directly. I can't say that you have a swarm of problems for me to solve every day, right?"

Alice really intends to let go of her hands for a while. Microsoft is not listed yet, and there are still some days before the big development in the later stage. Do you have to do everything yourself?

In this way, the phone call that I hung up late at night ended immediately, but I still talked about a lot of things. When the microphone died, the hour hand had already moved more than half a circle.

"Looking at your smile, she agrees?"

Just as Gates left the phone, Paul Allen just pushed the door open and said, "Your box lunch."

It was early in the morning, and most of the employees went home to rest, but the two bosses of the company had to lead by example and stay in the company because there was still too much work to deal with.

"Japanese sushi, hehe, it seems that the influence of the neighbor next door is getting bigger and bigger."

Gates took the box lunch, sighed with emotion about the development of Nintendo's US branch, and said with a smile: "Alice agreed, but now our burden will be much heavier."

Allen smiled softly, sat down opposite Gates, and also held a piece of sushi in his hand: "I will inform the personnel to recruit people there again, and to develop the 2.0 system, and to cooperate with IBM on this project. The current employees are basically Too busy. Bill, how many people do you think it would be better to recruit?"

Gates ate a piece of tamagoyaki and said: "I have been thinking about this issue for a long time. When developing the 1.0 system, we had a team of 55 people. We developed 2.0 on the basis of the 1.0 system. This number is enough."

Allen nodded: "Indeed, after all, they are all people who have been busy with this project for a long time. If you remodel the old version, the process of becoming familiar with it will be very fast. On the contrary, the cooperation with IBM, the Internet operating system... enables newcomers It’s also okay, just poach people directly from related companies in the industry, but what about the number of people?”

This is indeed a very troublesome question, but both Gates and Allen know what this business means.

Alice is the founder of Cisco Systems. The rapid expansion of the company's business, which was established only a year ago, is absolutely astonishing. It has already occupied a large area in California, and even reached out to New York State, Pennsylvania and other places on the east coast. .

What Microsoft's top management can foresee is not only the development of Cisco, but also what Alice and IBM are aware of, that is, the rudiment of the great development of the Internet in the United States and even the world has already appeared.

As several major telecom operators spend no money on network infrastructure, both Cisco and Microsoft will gain unparalleled benefits as the entire industry blossoms everywhere. In this era that is still in its infancy, since Alice has already started the Internet hardware business first, this ride from Microsoft is even more indispensable.

After a period of contact, of course Gates has exchanged knowledge in the field of programming with Alice many times, so he has a deep understanding of how professional the girl is. There is no doubt that Cisco will continue to develop greatly, and almost no peer's products can match the quality of Alice. Therefore, as long as she is there, there is no need to doubt the result of Microsoft's new cooperation, so as long as there are no major accidents, the final result can be directly foreseen.

It is also foreseeable that when Microsoft and IBM really develop this computer-side network operating system, it will inevitably form a close relationship with Cisco's products-if Cisco's vigorous development still maintains momentum. In other words, in the entire Internet architecture, Cisco's products form the basic skeleton, while Microsoft's operating system attached to IBM computers is the soul and brain!

"Thinking about it, I'm a little excited."

In the office late at night, the two old founders of Microsoft were eating sushi facing each other. Gates leaned forward and swayed: "Paul, you have also seen the programming code of the router. What do you think Alice is doing?" How can you write such brilliant code?"

Allen took a bite of salmon with a wry smile: "Who says no. Although the language used is familiar to us, her logical order is too unexpected. The functions that ordinary people can achieve at least seven sentences, she often only needs three. It can be realized in four sentences."

"Yes, and it is very difficult for others to learn. After seeing it, we will suddenly realize that this logic can be edited in the same way, but if we really want to imitate her logic and create a new program...Paul, have you tried how many times?"

"Me? Oh my god... Bill, how many times have you tried?"

"Paul, I'm asking you now."

"But I'm asking you now, too."

The two looked at each other's faces, both of them staring into their own eyes. After a while, they didn't know who started it first, and they laughed in unison.

At the same time, in Culver City, Los Angeles, just south of the west coast of the United States, Alice was lying on the bed with half-closed eyes.

The dark eyes seem to be a black hole, capable of absorbing everything. At the same time, in the area invisible to human eyes, that is, the phone line of the phone on the bedside table, currents are busy shuttling back and forth.

"Tch, these gay friends, eating sushi in the middle of the night, do you want to use your bad stomach to relieve your bowel movement? Tsk tsk~"

The sixth arrives~

Make time for everyone to have dinner, the seventh one will be at 20:00~

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