The script is easy to handle.

There are so many wonderful movies in history, just copy any one.

It’s not impossible to be original, but Alice doesn’t rely on this bowl for food. It’s more interesting to brand classic movies with her own marks than to play with originality to death.

But this does not mean that movies can be made casually.

Try writing Independence Day right now? Mr. Lawrence has to cry to death. It’s not difficult for a human being. It’s a big spaceship, an air battle, and a catastrophe. How do you shoot it?

After all, what Alice cares most about now is Caesar and her own spiritual power.

However, the establishment of the black technology laboratory Shenma is not something that I can complete now. Although the funds at hand can be more than tens of millions, for research and development of such things, I am afraid that even the door of the laboratory cannot be built.

However, there are still ways to save the country by curves.

It is not possible to draw blood for Caesar for the time being, and it is impossible to contribute brain cells, so why not let others study this theory first?

Of course, it is not necessary to invite a professor to study the illusory "Super Body". Although the principle of the heroine's situation is very similar to her own, but after decades of research by Morgan Freeman, she can only figure out the possible consequences of a highly developed brain, and then she was only evaluated by Lucy as "thinking" basically correct."

After thinking about it, after implementing the current specific work, Alice knew what script she should write.

"Invasion of Brain Cells".

A Hollywood film released in 2000 was produced in the United States and Germany. In 2009, a second film was even filmed, but the results were not satisfactory.

The story follows poop killer Karl Stagg who builds a glass chamber on an abandoned farm where he drowns abducted girls and uses their bodies in a sadistic postmodern ritual. Later, the FBI found Stagg and found him unconscious in his home during the arrest.

Unlike Buffalo Bill in "The Silence of the Lambs," the arrest was just the beginning. The police found that one of the victims was still alive, but only Stagg knew where she was.

In order to save the last surviving girl, Catherine Dean, a child therapist devoted to a breakthrough research project, was ordered to use modern high-tech to enter the brain of the comatose killer.

There is no doubt that entering the soul of a murderer must be a strange unknown and dangerous journey. When she enters, another FBI agent follows, racing against time to unravel layers of clues and find the whereabouts of the missing girl.

Unfortunately, things don't go as expected, and Catherine Dean finds herself trapped in the killer's mind world with a genuine sense of urgency.

Of course, the final ending is positive. With the help of FBI agents, the protagonist successfully escaped the unconscious killer's brain, and at the same time she learned the whereabouts of the last surviving girl. Then, the cops find the girl and bring the psycho killer to justice, and all is well, let's set off the fireworks.

This movie is very special. From a visual point of view, it has a strong aesthetic taste, and the overall style is horror and dark, which is quite heavy. The highlight of the movie is all in the dream. The dreams of different characters have completely different tones. The director’s aesthetic taste is always permeated with traces of psychology and religion. Almost every scene can interpret the reflection of the spiritual level, and even play A dream within a dream.

In contrast, the design of the later "Inception" seems to be more refined and complex, but it lacks the deep human care of this movie, and is relatively simple and crude. It's a pity that the plot of chasing the murderer after leaving the dreamland itself is not very exciting. The director is obviously just an absolute dead literary youth, and he is not good at commercialized passionate collisions.

As for why Alice chose this movie...

Well, as the name suggests, it invades brain cells.

Alice Wang, this name will definitely become famous all over the world as a fringe person in the show business with the signature of a movie. You know, people in the entertainment industry rely on being famous to make a living. Although many Chinese DSs in later generations will swear at actors and sit on the ground for scientists, cursing the innocent media, but this is originally a difference in the working mode of the two parties, okay?

So, after she filmed such a stream-of-consciousness film called "Invasion of Brain Cells", is she afraid that brain scholars in the scientific research field will not take the initiative to contact her?

You know, writing scripts is just a side job for Alice after all.

Then, when many experts in the brain field gathered around him, wouldn't the prototype of the scientific research team appear directly?

Alice planned it this way. Although the actual situation may be different, this matter has zero cost. Making a movie is not about making a movie. It's good to attract people from the industry with such a movie, but it doesn't matter...of course it doesn't matter.

Script writing was still just a one-night job, and the night after returning from Sissy's house, Alice got busy with full efficiency.

After dinner, turn on the desk lamp, and the light illuminates the warm bedroom. Through the window, you can even see the bedroom of the neighbor, classmate Mike.

Well, ignore that kid, Alice started typing on the keyboard after making herself a cup of fragrant milk tea.

Well, minors can't drink coffee, Alice is a good kid.

It is necessary to make a slight change to the original plot. After all, the historical achievements of this movie are there, and it is not a particularly outstanding movie.

Therefore, as the saying goes, Alice’s productions must be high-quality goods. In the entertainment industry, there are countless classic scripts in her mind. If the front foot is "Shawshank Redemption", but the back foot is "Spoof Twilight". It has dropped in price.

Therefore, for this "not particularly exciting" movie, it is really necessary for her to adapt it.

In the process of change, the most important thing is to highlight the theme. The so-called "I thought it was a genre at first, but I took off my pants, but I showed the audience that" movie, I really don't want too few movies.

The theme of this "Invasion of Brain Cells" is not a detective suspense at all, nor is it a science fiction film of "Invasion of Brain Cells", but a real psychological masterpiece. Aesthetics, religion, morbid psychology, and even the spiritual thoughts of S\u0026M are all revealed in it, and not only the plot, but any setting around it caters to these themes.

You must know that for a truly capable director, not a single second of footage is redundant.

Like the Hollywood actress, Natalie Portman's Oscar-winning work, and "Black Swan", which is also a psychological blockbuster, is the case. In this movie, not to mention what kind of vision the swan itself represents, even the clothing colors of the characters are carefully matched!

In that movie, white and pink symbolize purity, which is the heroine Nina; black symbolizes oppression, abstinence, and desire, and is the mother of the protagonist, the black swan itself, etc.; and as the guide of the heroine, the only male protagonist Thomas, the artistic director of the dance troupe, is the only gray again.

As far as the background layout of the plot details is concerned, the room of the heroine Nina is almost all decorated in pink; on the first morning in the opening scene, the breakfast served by her mother is fruit cut in half, and Nina murmurs like a little girl: "Pink, how pretty!"

Nina's mobile phone has appeared in the screen many times. It can be seen that when the word "MOM" appears on the screen of her mobile phone, the background color is pink. And when Nina curled up alone in the corridor and practiced arm movements, the scarf was also pale pink.

However, after she was selected as the "Swan Queen", the fluffy scarf disappeared, which is a symbol of the fledgling of the chicks. And in the subsequent episodes, as Nina, who originally played the white swan, realized the existence of the black swan a little bit, the tones around her were all moving closer to gray and black.

The director did it silently, but it is the details that show the true chapter. This is the characteristic of the literary and artistic death movies.

Therefore, it is necessary to give the audience an advance amount.

The opening of the original movie "Invasion of Brain Cells" is the stream of consciousness of the heroine sneaking into the mind of a patient, but there are very few audiences who can really connect it with the follow-up.

After the drama begins, what the movie shows is just the documentary of an ordinary maniacal murderer and his feces performance art, and then the FBI's step-by-step criminal investigation work until the heroine "sleeping prisoner" the killer. , the whole film has no literary sense at all, but the suspenseful criminal investigation style wins.

In this way, when the film turns to full of literary death, it would be strange not to be sprayed to death by the audience.

Therefore, it is very necessary to have a part of the killer's own dream before the main story begins. With this kind of unclear beginning, plus the previous heroine's dream, the audience can understand the type of movie at once.

In fact, the tastes of the audience are often very broad. As long as the director does not shoot such things as magical twists, everyone will like to hear and see any plot. On the contrary, like the original director of this movie, first give everyone the rhythm of the police and robbers chasing the murderer, and then stage a long speech about the death of literature and art...

Audience: "I took off my pants and you showed me this?"

Therefore, as long as Alice gives this amount in advance, even if a movie that was originally blasted to death by many audiences will not become a literary classic, at least it will not fail miserably at the box office~

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