The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 153 Special Operations Guide

"Hurry up to the game hall! I can't wait any longer, that Super Mario is really fun! By the way, Oakle, how many levels have you played?"

"It's disgusting...Mr. Duck actually assigned such a difficult homework...I am obviously only in the sixth grade, why do I have to do such strange things as linear equations in two variables?"

"You know? Our house is connected to the Internet, and that's an amazing thing, I can read the Washington Post right from home! What, how do I connect to the Internet? Oh, my dad bought this thing called a router... "

At nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, groups of boys and girls were walking out of the gate of San Anto Elementary School, chatting in small groups while walking towards their respective destinations. This is for those students who have no club activities, they will take the school bus directly home, or hang out in the surrounding markets together.

And for those boys and girls who are keen on rugby, aerobics, and taekwondo, the cheerful games will continue until five or six o'clock.

"Hey, did you hear that, the new guy. I heard he beat someone up again yesterday, but it was Mikah's own fault..."

"Who? Ah, you mean Sergey? Oh my God, his eyes are really scary, just like everyone said."

When Alice just walked to the door, she heard two fourth-grade students whispering so.

"Hey, boy."

Alice pressed the boy's shoulder: "The Sergey you mentioned just now, do you mean Flynn Sergey?"

The boy who was held down was stunned for a moment, seeing that it was an older senior who was asking the question, he said in a daze: "Yes, he was transferred from another place when the school started last year, and I heard that he is the adopted son of our police officer Sergey. , are you looking for him?"

Alice looked directly at the crowd, smiled slightly, and beckoned the boy to leave.

In the dense crowd, a brown-black boy with a schoolbag stood out. He was dressed in plain clothes, and his thin body was almost smaller than other eight or nine-year-old boys, but his slender face had a calmness far exceeding his peers. Alone, he was striding towards the door quickly, past classmates one by one.

Alice already knew that Officer Sergey did not come to pick up his son.

"Hey, Flynn!"

Just as the boy walked out of the school gate and turned a street corner, Alice, who had been following closely, said, "Do you remember me?"

The boy, Flynn, looked at her immediately.

"You are... ah!"

After being slightly surprised, he immediately calmed down: "Miss Alice, good afternoon, long time no see."

While talking, he watched Alice walk up to him: "What can you do for me?"

Alice directly took his hand and strode away. Flynn struggled subconsciously, but the girl's slender palm had strong strength.

"Don't waste your time, boy."

Alice smiled slightly, and swept her fingers around: "Do you think they noticed me?"

Flynn heard the words and looked around.

It was the end of school time at this time, and I was just standing at the corner of the campus wall, that is, the corner at the end of the road at the school gate. So many classmates who left after school are passing by here, but not to mention Alice, they didn't even cast any glances at themselves, let alone Alice holding his hand, so eye-catching and extremely beautiful screen.

So, he looked at Alice: "What do you want from me?"

Alice raised her eyebrows in a little surprise. He was also seven or eight years old, and this kid was much more mature than almost all his peers. Should it be said that he is a child raised by criminals?

"I want to ask you to be a tour guide."

Alice strode down the street, unnoticed by the surrounding students, and of course, by the oncoming ordinary office workers. Flynn clearly noticed that whenever Alice was about to be blocked by people passing by, the person in front would definitely step aside naturally, so that their progress would not be affected in the slightest.

"What tour guide?"

They walked fast, so before a blink of an eye, Alice stopped directly in front of a telephone booth.

"Wait a minute, I'll hang up first."

With that said, the change coins had been thrown into the phone, and Alice swished out a call.

After a while.

"Hey, mom, where are you at home?"

"Uh huh, I'm out of school, uh huh, yes..."

"Well, let me tell you something, I'm going to Albuquerque."

"Yes, yes, Albuquerque, um... something about Microsoft, isn't it planned to go public in March, some work..."

"I'm leaving tonight, I won't be at home for dinner. Mmm... Don't worry, Mom, who am I, Super Invincible Alice, who can abduct me..."

"Okay, ok ok, ok ok ok... ok... oh, I'm so long-winded, hang up!"

After a chat, Alice hung up the phone: "So, Flynn, as you can see, I'm going to Albuquerque. you want to go?"

Flynn has been trying to break free from Alice's hand, trying all the way, however, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless. Even when a policeman passed by, he wanted to speak, but he couldn't.

"What are you doing in Albuquerque?"

In this way, he looked deeply at Alice, those eyes really didn't look like those of his peers: "Could it be... Could it be that you are looking for them?"

Alice lowered her eyes and looked at Flynn with interest.

This little ghost has never disappointed her, and every time he sees him, he can give himself some surprises. Just like now, just talking about Albuquerque, he already guessed his purpose.

It's normal for the kid to be vigilant.

Although I ran to Sergey's house to take a sneak peek at him not long after that incident, but I just chatted with him from a distance with my mental strength, and I didn't show up. So the image of himself in his mind must still be the one who used superpowers to kill many villains at that time... the big villain?

It's so cruel, it can't be called a superhero, right?

"So, let's take a walk together. I'm very interested in those drug dealers who have adopted you for a long time. You know, our poor Gates guy was almost scared by them for life~ Tsk tsk, if that's the case , what should Miranda and their three children do..."

With that said, Alice grabbed Flynn's hand and strode straight in a certain direction!


Haha, boy, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Alice happily saw Flynn finally disfigured: "What the hell are you trying to do? How can you catch someone like this and get on a plane!?"

"Well, that's right~"

Alice looked up at the sky and touched her chin: "Then inform your father, I haven't dealt with Sergey Sergey for a long time."

"Bastard! What the hell are you trying to do!?"

Unexpectedly, Alice's words played the sum of all the previous words, and Flynn shouted: "Don't hurt Brin!"

"Oh? It seems that the relationship between you father and son is really good."

Alice is not surprised by this situation. For a child whose mother died early, which is equivalent to having no father and no mother, and who was raised by a bunch of drug dealers as younger brothers, a normal family must be the existence of his dreams. It's no wonder that his face changed when he heard that Alice had actually come to meet the parents.

And just like that, the pedestrians passing by around still came and went in a hurry, without even looking at them.

"Don't worry, Flynn, I'm just asking you for a leave of absence..."

With that said, Alice waved to a taxi in the distance.

Flynn glanced at Alice inexplicably, wondering why she would do this, because the group car was full of passengers.

However, the car stopped steadily on the side of the road, in front of Alice.

Then, the back door opened, and a young couple walked out of the car with relaxed expressions, talking and laughing.

"Actually, the dress you bought yesterday is pretty good, it's a pity to give it away like this..."

"But Aunt Susan really liked it, you didn't read it..."

Flynn looked at them in astonishment, and the two walked away talking and laughing.


With that said, Alice pushed Flynn into the car.

The driver who was smoking a cigarette in front of him said, "Miss, where are you going?"

Alice easily reported Officer Sergey's home address, and then said unceremoniously: "Throw away the cigarette!"

"Yes, miss."

As if the tone of a soldier obeying an order, the driver threw the cigarette out of the car window with his hands, stepped on the accelerator, and set off.

Flynn sat in the rear compartment, watching the scene with a blank expression.

How similar is this scene to the one at that time?

To this day, Flynn still remembers what it was like when he was sent to the ground by the anti-narcotics police who broke into the basement.

Hundreds of kilograms of conch snails form a sphere so perfectly, wrapping the broken corpses and blood of more than a dozen drug dealers together. Until now, Flynn still remembers how astonished and unbelievable the eyes of those anti-narcotics policemen were, as if seeing UFOs and aliens.

And all of this was caused by the miraculous sister in front of her.

"Who the hell are you?"

Seeing the indifferent expression of the driver in front, Flynn immediately asked the next sentence: "Super warrior?"

Alice could barely hold back a chuckle.

After all, it is a child, this imagination is really not covered.

After thinking about it, she said, "Just call me Wonder Woman."

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