The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 210 You are a talent, I am optimistic about you

At this time, although Lockheed has not yet merged with Martin-Marietta and became the world's largest arms dealer, Lockheed-Martin, it is already one of the largest arms dealers in the United States. Whether it is aerospace, director manufacturing, or satellite launch, it is deeply affecting the defense of the Pentagon and even the entire United States.

When the then director of such a company and the son of the current chairman met the founder of a company like Cisco Systems, how could the two have nothing to talk about?

"The situation in future warfare will definitely change."

At this time, the location had already been changed to a private reception room in the manor, and Governor McDowell had to accompany him in person. Whether it is the great influence of the Lockheed family in Washington or the leadership of Cisco Systems in the Internet hardware industry, he needs to be accompanied by the "little" governor of North Carolina in person to show enough importance.

"In less than five years, if the United States participates in any war, the combat method will definitely be completely different from the Vietnam War."

As the conversation was going on, Alice said with certainty: "The time of the Vietnam War was from the 1950s to the early 1970s, when computers were just emerging, but it was from the 1960s and 1970s that the industry ushered in a period of great development. .After the savings of the 1980s, the new mode of warfare must be based on computers on a large scale."

Seeing the girl's boastful appearance, Oren has been amazed many times.

I thought it would be another boring party, a group of well-dressed rich people were drinking and discussing the same topics, beautiful ladies and girls either gathered together to talk about young talents, or stared directly at the men present with enthusiasm in an attempt to strike up a conversation. But now, Oren was very sure that if God would give him another chance, he would have gone up to meet this girl as early as when the car accident happened in Los Angeles!

"So Alice, what do you think the new type of warfare will look like?"

Of course, Alice would not be stingy about showing her knowledge, especially when facing such a heavyweight in front of her, Dang even continued to boast.

"First of all, this is a high-tech war. The computer by-products accumulated for more than ten years will definitely be used explosively in the new war. It is purely an experiment."

Oren nodded, looking at Alice excitedly.

Alice rubbed her chin and said: "The first step is electronic warfare. Early warning, command, control, communication and intelligence are important means for modern warfare. Before the official war, we can use specialized electronic warfare aircraft to Implement strong interference to the enemy's electronic equipment, suppress the opponent's communication and early warning radar system, and ensure the suddenness of air strikes. In the whole process of war, we can also implement powerful attacks on the enemy's command, control, communication and intelligence systems Electronic warfare, soft suppression of its electronic equipment, air defense radar and communication network, etc.”

"Think about it, if the enemy's command fails, communication is interrupted, and even loses the ability to search and counterattack in the air, under the current combat form, will they be completely passive in the near future?"

Oren sat in front of the table with his legs tense. He was rubbing his hands vigorously to relieve himself due to over-excitement: "Electronic warfare! This must have the role of satellites, and the most critical electronic warfare aircraft is our Lockheed Areas of expertise. Go on, go on, what do you think?"

Yep, that's exactly the point.

Alice was certainly not stupid enough to think she could teach Oren Lockheed a lesson.

For an old capitalist company that has been engaged in the military industry for decades, chatting with people in the Pentagon is a daily life. For this kind of person, how to fight a new type of war has been planned, developed, and implemented long ago. . The Gulf War was in 1991. Did the relevant combat systems and equipment only appear at this time?

Of course that is nonsense!

So the focus now is that the director of Lockheed, who is close to 30 years old, is investigating the founder of Cisco Systems, and his insight into related fields!

"What do you think..."

Alice thought for a while, then smiled: "Electronic warfare has an important impact on the course and outcome of the war, there is no doubt about it. Since I plan to set up a security company, of course I have paid attention to the development of your arms dealers over the years. .And then...Air power will play a decisive role."

"Over the years, General Dynamics, including you, have developed in the field of precision-guided weapons. Throughout World War II, the total amount of bombs dropped by the Allied forces and the Soviet Union was as high as two million tons, and the U.S. military in the ten-year Vietnam War even Eight million tons of ammunition were thrown, but everyone knows the actual effect. But after using the precision-guided bomb, with its accuracy rate of over 90%, we can directly take out the enemy's bombs with just one take-off key institutional facilities."

In fact, the scene in front of me is really weird.

In the exquisitely and elegantly decorated country manor room, facing a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes, and a lovely girl dressed as a lady, they are full of energy talking about modern warfare...

But Oren didn't care about this sense of disobedience at all.

"Then here comes the problem."

Alice was also excited about her speech, she raised her finger, and said: "Since we first used electronic warfare to make the opponent unable to conduct air combat, and the command failed, and gained air supremacy by virtue of the strong air-to-air combat capability of the aircraft carrier formation, and then relied on precision-guided weapons to Destroyed almost all the key facilities of the other party...then what next?"

Oren followed the topic: "The ground troops landed?"

"But now that we have enough precision-guided weapons, what should this landing operation be like?"

The conversation suddenly changed, and Oren actually started to answer.

And he also pondered: "Infantry close-range charge shooting and street fighting, this will definitely come last. In recent years, thermal imaging equipment has also developed greatly, so the fighting method should be at the limit of the line of sight Long-range strikes. For example, let Apache launch anti-tank rockets outside the range of the enemy's range... With the current level of US military equipment, most countries will be fully suppressed!"

The meeting of close friends will always lead to countless topics. After meeting Alice as soon as he stepped into the manor, Oren Lockheed put all his energy on her throughout the night. body. It was such a huge party, attended by countless celebrities and wealthy gentry from all over North Carolina, but he blocked almost everyone from outside, and only in an ordinary room, he had a big talk with a girl who was by no means ordinary. talk.

"Well, Alice."

When the hour hand pointed to 9:30 in the middle of the night, he continued the topic: "About your security company, how about letting me, Lockheed, take part of the shares?"

As he spoke, he looked at Alice with piercing eyes.

God, he's gonna swear to the Virgin Mary, what a genius girl!

Facing the olive branch thrown at her, Alice said calmly, "Investing in shares... Do you mean investing in funds?"

"Funds or technology, anything is fine!"

Oren said proudly: "Lockheed develops various military aircraft and satellites every year, and the program codes that need to be written are beyond the reach of IBM. Alice, don't you think that Cisco Systems has great potential to cooperate with Lockheed? "

Seeing that Alice was not moved by his words, Oren straightened his back and said seriously: "Moreover, independently developed the Windows 1.0 system, independently developed the router, and took over the product development project called the firewall from the Pentagon. , Alice, I am very optimistic about your talent."

Alice raised her brows, and said with a half-smile, "Olen, what you said seems to be begging me to join Lockheed."

"Why not? Since you can serve as a design consultant for Microsoft, we at Lockheed can certainly provide such a position!"

Oren Lockheed took it for granted: "Nowadays is a knowledge-based society, and Lockheed's core competitiveness lies in the R\u0026D department. If we know that a super genius like you wants to join, our entire board of directors will vote unanimously without hesitation. of!"

Seeing the excited and earnest expression of the man in front of her, Alice let out a long breath. ,

It seems that I really didn't come to this party in vain today.

After some bargaining and buying the 6,000 acres of swampland at the normal price of five hundred dollars per acre, Alice originally wanted to go back to Los Angeles directly. It was just that she couldn't stand Governor McDowell's invitation, so she reluctantly came to this party, just to join in the fun.

After all, he sold something that was priced at 4,000 times lower and sold it to him, so how could he not give him such a little face?

That's why it was a coincidence to meet such a person.


To be honest, what Alice is mainly feeling now is not about this arms dealer. After all, she and this little brother have chatted for two hours now, and the emotions she should have should have been exhausted long ago.

She was just feeling sorry for herself.

In the 21st century, talent is the most important thing.

Unknowingly, with the exposure of her two most important identities, she has also become a "talent" in the eyes of other capitalists.

Think about it too, if Jack Ma suddenly doesn’t want to work one day and resigns from Alibaba, it is estimated that all the big and small e-commerce companies in China will go crazy and send him job offers, right?

It’s like what Wang Shi revealed to the Internet during the Vanke \u0026amp;

So it's the same now, since we met, how could a guy like Lockheed give up the opportunity to recruit himself?

Alice smiled.

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