The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 214 Sea Urchin-shaped Plant Cells

This experiment was destined not to be stopped from the very beginning.

Throughout her fourteen years of life, Alice knew very well what kind of existence her spiritual power was. Even from the most unimaginable point of view, it can at least be understood as the high-frequency emission of brain waves, and it is a new type of microwave energy that will never be interfered by mere radar waves and electromagnetic waves.

Although she hasn't experimented with her abilities yet, if she gives an explanation in advance, Alice feels that this is the answer.

So here comes the question, whether it is the flower bone or Caesar's body, why can it block this energy microwave?

For at least two reasons, it is absolutely necessary for Alice to research this.

The first reason, of course, is related to immediate interests. Whether it was to study one's own spiritual power or to satisfy the curiosity in front of him, it was imperative to dissect this flower.

The second reason, of course, is purely technical. Whether it is science fiction or fantasy stories in the 21st century, it can be proved that spiritual power is a kind of microwave energy in the form of quantum states. Although it is not clear what fields this technology can be used for, its prospects are undoubtedly very broad. Of course, it is impossible for Alice to slice her own brain. If she doesn't take the flower first, when will she have to wait?

But so far, no useful information has been found.

On the premise that it has been proved that her mental power cannot penetrate the flower, or even its stems, leaves and root veins, Alice has yet to find anything special from the microscope.

Looking around, all she could see were ordinary plant cells, and they were not much different from the same kind of cells she had seen in various biology books. Maybe there will be new gains after analyzing the DNA strands, but her current equipment can't do this kind of national laboratory project.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there are no discoveries at all, at least the shape of the cells is very novel, but this alone is not enough to carry out further research. Even if the centrifuges were up and running from the beginning, it was just adding a lot of inventory to the sample freezer, and the study stalled at the beginning.

"Could it be that your thinking has gone wrong?"

In the early hours of the morning, after Ashley had fallen asleep, she listened to Alice's narration, and she made a suggestion: "Since you have said it all, what kind of mental power is this? It should be an energy fluctuation in the form of a quantum state. It’s like light, so it should be in the category of physics.”

"If you want me to say, you should use a microscope with a higher magnification to find the elementary particles directly in the cell, and then see how they operate at the quantum state level, wouldn't it be good?"

"It's not that simple..."

Alice expressed her helplessness to this kind of layman's speech: "After all, do you know how to observe elementary particles?"

Ashley stared at Alice.

Then, she put her hands on her hips and said confidently: "Of course I don't know, if I know, I will help you?"

Alice chuckled and explained to her: "...The way scientists observe elementary particles is through the reflection of related substances and other substances. After all, in terms of proportion, if an atom is the size of a football field, The atomic nucleus is only the size of a ping-pong ball. If scientists really want to use a microscope to lock down some elementary particles... Hehe, let’s discuss it after two thousand years.”

Ashley is also counting the physics class now, pondering over it, and asked: "You mean, indirect observation, through the reflection of other substances, and the inference of truth from phenomena?"

"So this is called theoretical physics. It basically relies on guesswork. Didn't the theory of relativity rely on guesswork at the beginning?"

Alice is very satisfied that Ashley learned the truth: "For example, neutrinos, the most feasible observation principle at present is that after neutrinos enter a container filled with heavy water, they will be bounced off when they hit the nucleus of heavy water; The nucleus of the atom, after hitting another nucleus of heavy water, reacts with it and turns into a nucleus of tritium, releasing some gamma rays at the same time. Because all neutrinos cause such a reaction, by measuring the number of gamma rays, Scientists will then know how many neutrinos there are... get it?"


It took some time to say the above words. Seeing Ashley's expressionless eyes, Alice knew that she didn't understand, and the answer was as she expected.

However, after expressing her ignorance confidently, Ashley still put forward a somewhat technical point of view: "But this must require a lot of experimental equipment, right? Now this equipment is not enough for what? Is it necessary to put this Can the seventh basement floor be arranged like a chemical plant?"

Alice thought about what those high-tech laboratories should look like, nodded and said, "In terms of visual effects alone, that's right!"

"Then what are we going to do now? Even if you bought seven centrifuges, these equipment can only be used for biochemical experiments at the high school level? What's so great is the undergraduate level at Caltech?"

You can't expect an ordinary girl to suddenly understand the true meaning of scientific research. Alice laughed and patted her on the shoulder: "Honey, scientific research is the most clear-cut and least clear-cut thing in the world. Take a good look at the world." If you read the history of invention, you will know that many inventions actually appeared by accident, or when you study a certain field full-time, you will undoubtedly discover another field. What we have to do now is simply to observe and study this plant. Find something, it's all a matter of fate, understand?"

" the invention of Coca-Cola?"

"That's right, that's it!"

In this way, a series of questions from Ashley were answered, but Alice had as many questions as a mountain, but she just didn't talk to her.

The cells of the flower.

Alice could see very clearly that the cell shape of this flower was completely different from that of ordinary plants.

When Ashley leaned in front of the computer to observe, what she released was actually just the cells of an ordinary plant root. After all, everything is still uncertain, and she doesn't need to let her friend think about anything.

When the blond girl ran to the next room and fell asleep in the hammock in a thin sheet, Alice walked softly back into the laboratory area and pressed a manipulation button.

The previously saved picture is displayed on the computer screen.

Urchin shaped.

Having read so many books on biology, Alice never knew that the cells of plant rhizomes actually have the shape of sea urchins.

As shown in the picture, each cell is covered with about ten to twenty protruding spikes, which are completely different from the antennae, and are purely the state of the natural formation of the cell wall. To put it more vividly, it is like stretching each corner of a regular multi-deformation, stretching it extremely sharply.

"Spiked means... attacking********" Lisi pondered: "This is very close to the guess of the piranha. If this guy uses mental power to lure prey after's not right. "

Everything is speculation, and there are too many unreasonable factors.

A flower bud the size of a ping-pong ball, how big can it be even if it blooms? If it feeds on flies and bees, how can it hypnotize two hundred humans?

Or, is this a special way of pollination, where the animal gets close to itself and ingests the pollen, and then carries it elsewhere. Just because the flower just happened to grow in the middle of the muddy swamp, it just happened to sink those ensnared cops?

She stared at the cell patterns on the screen, and couldn't say a word for a while.

There are ideas. Spiritual power is a kind of energy. If this flower possesses spiritual power, it must be the ability endowed by DNA, and the corresponding ability to shield spiritual power must also be derived from the natural instinct of genes. However, whether it is analyzing DNA or observing mental energy fluctuations from the quantum state, it is not the research she can do now.

Insufficient equipment is indeed the biggest weakness at present. Just like what she herself discussed with Ashley, the research equipment at the level of undergraduate experimental courses is not enough for her to study any real results. Although the centrifuge can separate most of the substances in the cells, and there are supporting refrigeration equipment to store them, but that's it.

Need manpower.

This is a problem that is easy to realize. Scientific research often takes years. It is impossible for her to stay in the laboratory all day long. Even if one's ability to tackle key problems is far superior to that of many experts and scholars, a special scientific research team must be formed.

So, which one is stronger in theoretical research?

It belongs to the United Kingdom, especially Oxford and Cambridge.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that God still exists. Knowing that I urgently need to set up a laboratory, I have to let Eton College admit girls~"

Therefore, the research on this flower can be put aside for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, Alice tidied up her long hair, which had been tied up for a long time, and got ready to go to bed.

"Ashley? Ashley?"

She opened a door, and in a small room roughly the size of an average living room, two hammocks stretched across the walls. In one of the hammocks, Ashley was lying comfortably on it, and fell into a deep sleep after a short while.

With a slender and well-shaped oval face, paired with a head of brilliant blond hair, this Sleeping Beauty, who happens to fit Alice's aesthetics the most, is having some sweet dreams right now. I saw her bulging chest rising and falling, her rosy lips slightly opened and closed, and she murmured something from time to time, but no one could make out what she was dreaming of.

Alice just stood in front of her, looking at Ashley's sleeping face.

"Well, it seems that she is quite thoughtful about scientific research."

Stretching out her hand, she gently combed the strands of long hair on Ashley's forehead. Half of Alice's mind was occupied by those sea urchin-like cells, and the other half was conceiving another research that could be carried out at present.

"Drag Caesar here tomorrow."

Today is the day of violence. . .

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