The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 287 I am a virus

Of course, Alice didn't expect Ivan to make any breakthrough discoveries about the white flower bone found in the swamp.

It shouldn't be too difficult, after all, you're not a botanist, are you?

What's more, with the current technological means, it is absolutely impossible for Evan to prove Alice's guess at the time, that is, this flower has the ability to capture prey with mental power.

However, he still reported something unexpected.

"Through the current experiments, we know that this unknown plant has a very strong demand for water. In the microscopic state, the rhizome cells that are like thorns and full of burrs can double the speed at which it absorbs water."

While explaining, Ivan walked into a room. Then, from the same room that was being used as a greenhouse, he removed a plant root two feet long.

Alice said, "You cut it from that flower?"

"That's right, it's a long story, let me make some simple preparations first."

Yiwen prepared the experimental equipment lightly, but the content was simple, that is, filled a large-capacity measuring cylinder with 100ML tap water, and then put it on the long empty white table.

"Even if the roots are separated from the plant body, they can survive on their own, and according to the plant slices, it can be proved that when the roots of this flower absorb water, 90% of the water elements are stored in the roots."

With that said, he had put the rhizome into the measuring cylinder.

No change.

Sissy frowned and walked forward, leaning her head forward, staring at the measuring cylinder whose water level remained motionless.

Ashley also observed in the same posture, and her head was getting closer and closer, her nose was almost touching.

Maiya: "Ashley, pay attention to the nose oil."

"You only have oil on your face! Who doesn't wash their face every day!?"

Sissy: "Idiot Ashley, get angry!"

"I wipe..."

Seeing the two live treasures playing monsters, the others all laughed. Alice looked down at the information directly, and Maiya asked Ivan: "Professor, it seems that the speed at which the rhizome cells absorb water can indeed see the visual effect in a short period of time?"

"According to the volume and diameter of the current measuring cylinder, it will drop by an inch in ten minutes on average."

Ivan easily uttered a shocking statistic: "That's right, girls, the water level will drop by an inch every ten minutes, and three hundred milliliters of tap water can be completely sucked up in one hour. It's just the ability of the roots."

Alice nodded and said, "Is it the limit?"

"It's not the limit. After letting a certain rhizome absorb 300 milliliters of water, I prepared the same amount of tap water. Although the speed has dropped, it still only took two hours..."

"Look, it's down!"

Sissy pointed at the graduated cylinder in amazement and said, "I swear it has definitely dropped!"

Alice could see clearly from a long distance, and the water level, which was just stuck on the scale just now, had dropped by three or two millimeters. Counting the time, it seems to be one minute since the rhizome was stuffed in.

"Really, really, Maiya, did you see it? It's dropped, it's not on the scale anymore!"

"Ashley, don't put your head on it, you bastard!"

"...Well, then the mass of the rhizome increases."

The two girls were yelling, and Yiwen patiently explained to the other two: "Everyone knows the density of pure water. I have done many group experiments, and no matter how much water the root absorbs, it does matter. It is stored in its cells... Hehe, Alice, what did you guess?"

"This rhizome, though it is now two feet long, must have been shorter when you first cut it?"

Both Ashley and Sissy raised their heads, now is the time to reveal the secret.

"That's right, this observation experiment has been going on for a whole month. When I cut it off, it was only one foot long, but after absorbing so much water, it is already four feet long. Now you see This one is the result of my cutting off that one."

For a moment, four strange eyes stared at the rhizome in the measuring cylinder.

Alice muttered to herself: "Even if it is a desert plant, although it will have an extraordinarily exaggerated root system, it is nothing more than extraordinarily drought-tolerant. It is impossible to have such an exaggerated water absorption speed? Besides, this is clearly a flower. Roots, how can any desert plant dare to do this?"

While speaking, the water level has dropped a little again.

Maiya raised a question: "Professor, the contact area of ​​this rhizome is very large now, and it is still immersed in pure water environment. This speed should not be particularly exaggerated, right?"

Ivan shook his head and laughed lightly: "No exaggeration? Miss Akaman, you said it yourself, this is a pure water environment. In just one hour, this one rhizome will unceremoniously absorb a whole three 100 milliliters of water, what if we plant it in the soil? Will it rob the surrounding plants of as much as a piece of living environment?"

"Or, have you never raised narcissus? Add 300 ml of water in the first hour, add 300 ml of water in the next two hours, and add 300 ml of water in the fourth to eighth hours. The length of the rhizome soars four times a month. Times, from one foot to four feet, when did you hear such a greedy guy?"

"So judging from the current situation, it should be an ecological killer."

Alice gently pushed Ashley away, and put her head in front of the measuring cylinder. At this time, the water level in the measuring cylinder has dropped to a height of 1.5 inches, and the time before and after is only about five minutes, and the main body of water absorption is only the root hair of a foot-long plant in the root zone.

"But when we found this flower in the swamp, it was a whole swamp, Ivan."

Alice was also really puzzled. God knows, her initial curiosity was only about the predation method of this flower, and why it was related to the water-absorbing ability of the rhizome: "Does this guy have the ability to feed back? No... "

Yes, not only Alice, but also the other three girls immediately remembered. According to the old news they heard from the head of North Carolina, and based on field investigations, it can be known that as early as fifteen years ago, this flower should have grown in the middle of a soft swamp that could sink people!

"No, not right."

Alice murmured, "Fifteen years, that's a long, long time. When I pulled out this damn flower, the length of the rhizome was not exaggerated to more than ten meters. It's impossible to put The water in the entire swamp has been sucked up and down, and it hasn't interfered with the normal plant growth, but this flower is surrounded by waist-high grass, is it really back-feeding?"

Undoubtedly, although there is still a long way to go to find out its predation method, after such a period of research, Ivan really made some wonderful discoveries. What practical value could the discovery that thorny plant root cells, covered with spikes, absorb water at an almost voracious rate?

Finally, with a wave of her small hand, she concluded: "Let's arrange the priorities. Ivan, I will contact the family immediately and promise to send Caesar to Windsor within two weeks, but you need to go through the adoption procedures in person. It's done, all right?"

"Of course. But do you have a good name for this virus?"

Ivan smiled and said, "Although I was in charge of the research, you were the one who discovered it from Caesar's lymph fluid at first. Alice, you have a well-deserved right to name this virus, so why don't you name it?"

Name the newly discovered virus.

This is a very honorable thing.

But it's also very Alexander, very inspiring!

Alice thought about it with a headache, and finally came to a conclusion: "The current function of this virus is to improve immunity (Immunity), so it is named I virus... Is it okay? No? Is it a bit too casual? You guys Say?"

I virus (I-Virus)?

Sissy was the first to express that she was not calm: "I-Virus? I, Virus? I said dear, have you read too many Asimov novels, or do you not want to be a human anymore? 'I, Robort' also Forget it, what is 'I, Virus'!?"

Ashley is always a person who is afraid of chaos in the world, and of course she will yell loudly at this moment: "That's right, what a broken name! You want scientists all over the world, as well as students in the Department of Virology, to be here in the future. When studying it, open your mouth and shut your mouth and say that you are a virus? This is too... eh? This is cool!"

"Ashlee? Who the hell are you helping!?"

"I'll help whoever is interesting. Oops, it's not good, tell the truth! Oops, help! Sissy hit me~"

A certain golden-haired girl ran out of the room in a hurry. Fortunately, she didn't knock over any experimental equipment along the way, but Sissy who was chasing after her was in a terrible situation. She accidentally came across the smooth marble floor. It fell flat!

"If you want to fight, go outside the house, and Sissy, be careful to get out."

With a glance, she saw someone's trousers. Alice curled her lips, but fortunately she blocked Ivan Delof's sight: "Anyway, it's decided, the name of this virus is I virus. Maiya, Professor , what do you think?"

Maiya shrugged indifferently: "You can figure it out."

Ivan smiled and watched the two girls playing outside. The whole glass wall of the research room was convenient for him: "I thought you would call it Caesar virus or orangutan virus. I didn't think about it." Ever called it that way?"

Alice waved her hand and said, "It's too narrow and too casual. If this virus can really be applied to the field of clinical medicine, it will be a big project that can bring me tens of billions of income, whether Caesar or orangutan , doesn’t this cause ambiguity.”

As she spoke, she stroked her chin and muttered to herself at a volume that only she could hear.

"I-Virus. Well, the medical field has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. What should we do?"

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