The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 306 The Opportunity of Disaster

In just one week, people all over the United States suddenly discovered that the sky seemed to have changed.

First of all, there is no doubt that this is a stock market crash. As various financial media and authoritative organizations continue to release data, more and more people have become more and more aware of what happened to the global stock market in the past few days .

Monday, October 19, 1987, is a day worthy of permanent commemoration by the people of the whole country. The New York stock market on Wall Street blew up a wave of stock plunges, and the largest crash in history broke out. The Dow Jones index fell 508 points in one day, or 22.6%, setting a record for a single day since 1941. record decline. Within 6.5 hours, the New York stock index lost 500 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to one-eighth of the country's annual gross national product, and it is directly equivalent to the whole of France!

The most direct result of this is that countless middle-class families suddenly lost huge amounts of property, countless mortgages, car loans and various loans cannot be repaid in time, a large number of companies will lay off employees, and a large number of residents Will lose his job overnight!

Of course, not all households will struggle to maintain, because not everyone will be saddled with huge debts, and not all businesses will lay off all employees. Of course, many small and medium-sized enterprises did immediately fall into business difficulties. Many newly recruited employees and ordinary white-collar workers received a letter of resignation, such as the express logistics industry, chain fast food restaurants, and supermarket industries, even within this week. There is a large group of employees. At any time, it is always the disadvantaged who suffer the most.

But at the same time, the media all over the world are moving. They can be said to be the industry that is least afraid of economic crisis in the world, because at this time, there will be countless news that need to be reported from all corners of the world. And no matter how a person is affected by the economic crisis, he will definitely not lack the change of a newspaper, and secondly, he needs to understand the current news more than anyone else, so this instead gives many media a chance to fully express themselves .

How many years, since the Great Depression in the late 1920s, how many media have not adopted black and white layouts?

fifty years.

Just one week is not enough for most people to recall. Although they understand the meaning of the stock market crash, and some people were pessimistically fearing the arrival of the big stock market crash on the 16th of last Friday, but when this scene really happened, not many people could easily accept it.

Because, it really hasn't happened in the United States for fifty years.

The late 1950s and the entire 1960s can be described as the "golden age" of American economic development. The national economy has continued to grow steadily, and the inflation rate and unemployment rate have been reduced to very low levels. By the 1980s, the stock market had experienced a bull market that lasted for 50 years. The market value of the stock market skyrocketed from US$2,472 billion in 1980 to US$5,995 billion in 1986, easily achieving a magical change that more than doubled .

Since 1982, the stock price trend has continued to rise, and the trading volume has also increased rapidly. The finance department of the business school has produced a large number of talents in batches. Wall Street is full of people day and night. Many research institutions are proud and excited to study every stock on the US stock market. Many financial media magazines headed by the "Wall Street Journal" It is subtly reducing the reports on the external stock market. Because for the American people, their own stocks are enough to attract all their energies.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened suddenly.

Of course, since Tuesday, various measures have been implemented, and even as early as the closing day on Monday, the government and related agencies that will not stop for a moment have been saving the stock market all the time.

The Hong Kong stock market announced a four-day suspension on Tuesday, which is Hong Kong stocks. West Germany announced the reduction of the securities repurchase rate, and the Group of Seven countries began to discuss how to provide liquidity to the financial system, which is an international matter. The international sector is certainly important, but for those ordinary people in the United States who suddenly became impoverished overnight, they are of course most concerned about the measures of their own authorities.

On the day of the Great Crash, all walks of life in the United States had already produced extremely strong reactions, and radio, television, and newspapers published a large number of reports and comments. The biggest part of it is the original statement issued by the White House after the market closed. The general idea is that the country's economy is performing well, with employment at its highest level, production increasing, and the balance of trade improving. The Federal Reserve recently said that there are no signs of further inflation.

But is it true?

What countless people have learned is that a researcher at the New York Stock Exchange made a speech, saying that he hoped this situation would not continue, and other relevant officials also made speeches to stabilize market sentiment.

Only a very few people can know that on the night of October 19, President Reagan immediately recalled Finance Minister Beck, who was visiting West Germany, and Fed Greenspan, who was in the field, to discuss countermeasures and closely monitor the development of the situation.

Then, on Tuesday morning, the first day of the nightmare officially began, banks stopped extending credit to professional brokers and traders because they feared that those people would go bankrupt and never collect their loans, and there were not enough professional brokers. Cash pays the exchanges margin, the obligation to keep the trade flowing, because on Monday, they have bought too much stock to prevent the stock from falling.

Therefore, first of all, these professional economists will not be able to participate in the stock trading on the second day, and this will undoubtedly contribute to the continued decline of the stock market and the long-term downturn. At this critical juncture, the Federal Reserve made a historic speech in support of banks continuing to lend to stock traders and would immediately inject funds into the banking system.

So immediately after, the two major commercial banks announced the reduction of the preferential interest rate. Chemical Bank quickly added $400 million in securities loans, and Bankers Trust also stated that it would guarantee customers' funding needs under any circumstances. Those listed companies listed on the stock exchange slightly regained their confidence. President Reagan and Secretary of the Treasury Baker also spoke about this, repeatedly appeasing all citizens.

After these measures, the stock market did rise by a hundred points on Tuesday, and on Wednesday it surged nearly two hundred points higher than Tuesday. But unfortunately, when Thursday came, the stock price unfortunately fell by a full seventy points. Therefore, when the evening news on Thursday was broadcast on CNN, President Reagan delivered a televised speech for the third time, seeking the cooperation of the whole people and preparing for a marathon campaign against the stock market disaster.

Then, at the end of the week, when the Friday market break comes again, it is time for the major media to get busy again and repeatedly evaluate the gains and losses of this week.

Then, at the time of the conclusion, a very interesting situation was first discovered by the century-old East Coast paper media such as "Wall Street Journal" and "New York Herald".

In fact, this is a continuous report, but in the whole process, few people have the energy to pay attention.

A large retail investor is "rescuing the market".

No one cared how many times Alice Wang had been to the stock market before, and everyone knew that she hadn't been idle this week.

The first is Coca-Cola, which fell 36.5% on the first day. Not long after the opening of the market on Tuesday, this girl madly invested 50 million US dollars in shares. Then, as the overall market gradually improved, this investment, which in hindsight was extremely wise, immediately netted me millions of dollars.

The problem is that when the market opened again on Thursday, which fell again, Alice Wang took advantage of the short position of Coca-Cola early and did not suffer any losses. And on Thursday when it started to rise slowly, she re-injected the principal of 50 million yuan into this stock, and then followed the market to earn income again.

A similar situation appeared in several stocks, and attracted the attention of many financial professionals, because her investment was huge and her operations were very frequent. When she bought 50 million shares of Coca-Cola on Tuesday, she directly invested 3 million U.S. dollars to buy all the shares of a small TV network, and she did not sell it until the weekend.

The **** people immediately conducted a detailed investigation on this transaction. The scale of the Engler TV network is not large, and it ranks in the middle among countless TV networks of different sizes across the country. CNN and other "big five" comparisons. As a "pink stock" on the NASDAQ exchange, its market value was not high. It was not surprising that it was bought for a mere three million dollars after the stock market crash.

It was someone who investigated the acquisition.

But that's just routine.

There are so many things worth investigating, and even Alice Wang's other large investments are enough to attract many people's attention.

With hindsight, people from Nasdaq discovered that Alice had sold a large amount of Microsoft stock as early as October 1st. Of course, as the second largest shareholder of this company, when the market value of the entire company evaporated by more than three billion yuan, she could not survive the disaster. But when that historic Monday came, she still avoided a loss of at least 207 million yuan for herself.

"Two hundred and seven million?"

Manhattan, New York, "Time-Life" building, "Fortune" magazine headquarters, a gray-haired lady read a research report, whispered: "Is this girl already so rich? Just because she sold stocks to avoid If you lose, you have the entire value before?"

Whispering like this, she looked directly at the bookcase behind her. In the upper left corner of the only mahogany bookcase in this private office, a certain magazine was placed there. On the cover was a photo of Alice Wang's smiling upper body.

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