The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 390 Falling Objects and Long Time No See

This trip home was not a one-off journey, after all, the flight from London to Los Angeles was not half as long, and there was even a turning point during the period. Before leaving, Alice had already informed her family that she would delay a little time in New York to get busy with work. Of course, the promised gifts for family members are indispensable, and since she has a short stop in Manhattan, she doesn't mind spending more time browsing the specialty stores.

But before that, work needs to be done first.

"Oh shit, can someone tell me who did this!?"

In the central business district in the early morning, as soon as Alice got off the taxi, she saw a group of people surrounded by the corner of the office building. A man in a gray trench coat stood in the corner, pointing angrily at a bag of trash bags that had been thrown all around.

"This is Rockefeller Plaza, how many people pass by the foot of this building every day? He even made a high-altitude parabolic thing in this kind of place, is he trying to kill people on purpose!?"

Alice shook her white windbreaker, flicked her brown leather boots, and walked straight towards the man.

"Officer, Mr. Inspector, you are here!"

At the same time, the man saw a policeman push away from the crowd and walked towards the scene, and immediately shouted: "Look for yourself! Someone is throwing objects in the sky here!"

Alice was one of the spectators who had already surrounded her. The policeman looked at the garbage that fell to the ground, and there were actually several leftover takeaway spaghetti from last night.

"Sir, have you been hit?"

"Me? I don't have any." The man in gray said happily, "But it was almost there! Sir, please help me to prove that when the damn bag of steel material fell down, did I just stand on... that Location!?"

The policeman looked at the onlooker who was pointed at, and the other party stood up and said, "That's right sir, I was also taken aback at that time, there was a bang, it was like firing a mortar!"

Many of the onlookers witnessed the whole process. After all, although it was past nine o'clock, there were still many people walking around here. Immediately, following the words of the onlooker, everyone complained.

"It's really scary, and it's spaghetti! Look, look at this mess, it's disgusting, and it will be very troublesome for the cleaners to clean up."

"Pizza Hut's takeout boxes, sir, and Mr. Police, I'm a lawyer, and I strongly recommend that you find a nearby Pizza Hut and find the real culprit of the high-altitude parabolic from the takeout order! Made in this downtown area He must bear legal responsibility for this dangerous behavior!"

"Yes, yes, and everyone can see that this building is not the kind of structure with glass curtain walls, the kind that can be seen at a glance through the glass windows. These are all old buildings built in the 1930s. Open a window and throw something, that person can have a second time if he can do it once!"

It was so lively, Alice quietly stood in the crowd and laughed. It was so lively and so rare, I haven't been to Manhattan for a long time, and I actually staged such a good show for her early in the morning.

"Don't worry, everyone, we will seriously investigate." The police officer looked at the mess very seriously: "This is a very bad behavior, I will call my colleagues immediately, please don't destroy the scene, the police will immediately action."

The situation is already very obvious.

Smashed Pizza Hut boxes, bolognese, cheese, mushrooms, bacon, and chilled noodles. This was obviously overnight leftovers for five or six people, and there wasn't much left over. Leftovers for five to six people, lunches taken out by company employees, who doesn't order their own portion? Extreme waste, coupled with the high-altitude parabolic behavior early in the morning, which pedestrian would not be filled with righteous indignation?

"Damn it, the typical character is corrupt, and it's a whole company, this must be some kind of top class." Alice was also shocked, so shocked that she even choked back the hiccups from eating too much breakfast , but fortunately the police had already arrived, so most of the crowd dispersed, including the man in gray who yelled just now.

And that happens to be what Alice is aiming for.

"Mr. Brown?" The girl quickly walked up the steps to follow his back: "Mr. Brown?"

The man turned his head in surprise, saw the person coming, his surprised expression suddenly turned into surprise: "Oh my God, Alice!?"

Brown, the senior editor of the world's top large-scale publishing house, Bantam Company, expressed surprise at this early morning encounter: "It's been a long time, Alice, how long has it been? Half a year? A year, right?"

"About a year and a half?"

Alice stuck out her tongue playfully. This morning, she happened to be combing her bangs on her forehead. When she stuck out her little pink tongue and the breeze blew, the old editor could not help blinking.

"Then why are you here today..."

"That's right, I have another work to offer you."

Alice floated on the topic Brown was most eager to hear: "So let's go upstairs first?"

"No problem, no problem! Oh my God, you finally have a new book again!"

Brown, who was furious about the high-altitude parabolic one second, immediately threw that anger out of the blue sky the next second, and even walked a lot faster. Quickly walked into the lobby of the office building, and quickly came to the elevator room to wait. Although this was not a good place to talk, he couldn't help nagging on many other topics.

"Our company will routinely send you an invitation email every month!"

"Well~ I know this, but I'm not a full-time writer after all."

"You published a mystery novel in Japan more than half a year ago. I have also read that one specifically. It is also a wonderful story. Congratulations on winning the Edogawa Ranpo Award."

"The gold content of that kind of award... Oh, I won't talk about it, but Brown, I don't remember ever having an English version of "After School". Where did you see it?"

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and the two of them walked into the elevator room with other white-collar workers. Facing Alice's question, Brown was rather dumbfounded: "Don't you know that this novel has been translated into English?"

Alice looked at him, blinking.

"Ah... yes, I remembered, I handed over the translation rights to Penguin."

A girl with a lot of noble people, this moment can be regarded as a taste of embarrassment. Who doesn't know that Bantam of the United States and Penguin of the United Kingdom are the two top giants in the world? The "big two" in the industry naturally mean a strong competitive relationship. In front of the editors of Bantam, I actually told myself that I gave the translation rights of a certain book to their opponents, um...

To be fair, Alice has a good heart.

"Oh~ so I'm here with you?" She said with a smile: "Editor Domingo should have arrived at the company, but I have prepared a big gift for you."

This is very worth looking forward to, so during the whole process of the elevator going up, Brown was almost so excited that he wanted to sing out loud!

Because he is very aware of Alice's talent in the field of literature!

While the girl has been known as an entrepreneur for some time now, as a literary editor Brown will of course focus more on Alice's achievements within his field, while focusing on other fields .

Since Alice's success in other endeavors has grown, both of her Bantam novels have become further hits. Presumably, it is also because of her particularly high-profile career in Silicon Valley. Many people have also become very interested in her Virgo "Jurassic Park". Bantam even conducted a special survey a few days ago, and the results showed that quite a few Readers are really computer students and company employees!

If the business itself promoted the sales of "Jurassic Park", then the age and gender of the girl itself became the reason for the promotion of the vampire love story "Blood Fairy Tale".

The two protagonists who are similar in age to the author at the time of creation, and those who are in sharp contrast to the author's age and gender, the indifferent killings in the ice and snow, the campus bullying, the perverted adoptive father and even the male protagonist's father's homosexual hobbies, the prostitution during sex The relevant details, even the "male" identity implied by the teenage vampire itself, are enough to make this novel too controversial.

Furthermore, when these controversies are connected with the identity of the author, sales will naturally increase strangely.

Finally, the elevator opened on the floor of the publishing house, and Brown rushed into the office first, almost trotting all the way, and shouted impatiently: "Guys, look who I brought!?"

Alice stood firmly near the door.

"Love, love, love, Alice?" This is a young editor looking up.

"OH, MY, GOLD!" This is a middle-aged female editor who stood up, stunned and taking off her glasses.

"Brown, what kind of shit luck are you on, boy?" Domingo just opened the door of the editor's room to find the water dispenser, and Domingo said softly, "Alice, what method did you use to invite her to our place again?" of?"

To say that the emotions of the first two employees can be understood, Domingo's words made Alice a little bit guilty, and she stepped forward and said, "Hey, look at what you said, I seem to have been Does it look kidnapped? Or is it that your old employee turned out to be a potential evil lolicon who just suddenly awakened?"

In the same way, the former sentence is easy to understand, but the latter sentence is also quite confusing. Well, if you didn't understand it, you didn't understand it. Whoever is present will cover up such a trivial matter immediately. Domingo greeted him with a big laugh, really overjoyed!

"Alice, Alice, it's been a long time since you visited our Bantam!"

Holding the hand extended by the editor-in-chief, Alice smiled: "Well, so I brought you a big present this time."

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