The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 400 Destroy you on behalf of the moon!

Brody had already rushed up to the third floor of the commercial building, and when he saw the German running out of the women's toilet, he immediately drew out his pistol.


However, the lunatic turned around suddenly, and fired wildly with a shuttle of 7.62mm bullets!

"Holy shit!"

Brody hurriedly dodged the trajectory with a roll, and the assault bullets shattered a billboard in the distance. This is the courtyard area, and the loud gunshots spread throughout the entire commercial building. The jewelry and cosmetics area on the first floor immediately heard screams, and the dining area on the upper level was also alarmed. A large number of diners were shocked and forgot.

After firing the last series of bullets, Heinrich quickly loaded the next magazine. But now is not the time for a firefight. If you miss a hit, you should retreat quickly, and the old stagnation will definitely change. Without even taking a look at Brody, he turned over and jumped from the third floor of the patio to the railing on the second floor.


In the blink of an eye, Alice also ran out of the women's toilet. The clothes she had carefully matched for meeting O'Brien Anderson today did not hinder her actions in the slightest.

Brody held an M9 pistol and said: "Sir, the other party is holding an AK gun. It's too dangerous. It's better for us to call the police directly!"

"The police will have it, and so will the bread and milk, but that's nothing to do with me." Alice doesn't think the police can help, and she can't take this guy who hasn't even been interrogated yet. Give it to the police first: "Let's rush out together first, and the other party will probably drive away!"

While talking, the two quickly ran down the escalator to the second floor, but Heinrich jumped directly from the patio, and he was almost at the main entrance of the commercial building.

"Damn, it's really good enough to run!"

Alice glared, and jumped directly onto the first floor of the escalator. This is the first floor, and many guests who were planning to go upstairs to eat were standing on it. Alice suddenly fell into the crowd, which immediately caused a lot of screaming and stumbling.

"I'm not sorry, I'm not sorry, let my mother get out of the way!"

Alice would not be polite to these passers-by, she was like a slender but powerful T-X Terminator, and rushed down the escalator to the first floor regardless. Regardless of the innocent people who were knocked to and fro, the Desert|Desert|Eagle lifted up and aimed at Heinrich who had just smashed open the glass door and ran out.


The extremely ordinary tempered glass was instantly shattered, and Heinrich staggered because of the shot. But he wasn't hit, he just stepped onto the building and was almost sprained by the bullet.

"Asshole, is she an entrepreneur or a well-trained special soldier? Isn't she too powerful?"

Heinrich's expression remained calm, but his heart was about to collapse. God knows what the hell is going on, I really just want to hire two triad gangsters, let an "ordinary but very dishonest" girl be honest, and stop focusing on O'Brien Anderson.

But what the hell is this now! ?

Almost front and rear, Alice has already ran out of the main entrance of the commercial building. This is a girl wearing a short skirt and high heels, but her mobility is faster than Brody, who was born in the Navy Seals. No matter how fast Heinrich is, he is not a super villain in comics after all. locked.

"Rape X criminal! Stop for my mother! This lady wants to destroy you on behalf of the moon!"

This is the urban area of ​​Los Angeles during the peak hours of get off work, shopping, and dining. The girl raised her head to the sky and yelled, how many passers-by were stunned?

"Forced X offender!?"

"What's the situation? Someone is chasing the criminal X?"

"Look, that man is running wildly! He is a rapist! Everyone push him down together!"

It's all to blame for Heinrich's exaggerated and conspicuous escape route. Brody, who is good at tracking and anti-tracking, has been running wildly inside the commercial building for a while, and then made a brave appearance by smashing a window. Seeing that the road in front of him was cut off and surrounded by the girl with a pistol in his back, Heinrich had no choice but to cross the road, and countless pedestrians noticed him.

But when he saw that other passers-by wanted to help, Brody hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, don't act rashly, that bad guy has a gun in his hand!"

As soon as they heard that there was a gun, the pedestrians who were about to step forward suddenly dared not move again.

But the car is moving.


Haha, it deserves it.

Now is the rush hour for get off work. During this time, you can cross the road at will. If you don't hit you, who will you bump into?

Thanks to the FedEx container truck, it directly pushed Heinrich onto the trunk of the Toyota rental in front!

"Wow~ Well done!"

Alice laughed and ran forward: "FedEx, the mission must be done~"

However, Heinrich is really like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. He was knocked into the air by more than two meters and could get up immediately. When a large number of cars braked for Alice, he rushed to the opposite side quickly. The sidewalk and the rifle in his arms were also dropped!

"Brudy Brody!"

It was the time when adrenaline was being secreted all over the body, and Alice was so happy that she almost grinned her mouth up to her ears: "You drive my car and catch him from the opposite side!"

Knowing the boss's temper and knowing that he couldn't persuade him, Brody just put away the walkie-talkie and ran towards the parking space, but the call came again.

"Also, if you dare to scratch my precious car, you will be my cattle and horses for the rest of your life!"

This is really difficult...

The pursuer is working hard, of course the escaper has to work harder, so Heinrich is still working very hard. After running down the street from the sidewalk, he spotted a motorcycle, dragged off a courier boy, and immediately occupied the magpie's nest.

It turned out to be a KFC home delivery. Alice saw the bright red incubator behind the motorcycle from a distance, and turned her mouth disdainfully.

"Grandpa, grandpa, even if you are a big Harley, in such a fast-paced traffic, you really think you can outrun me?"

God knows how much adrenaline she has secreted, Alice ignored the opinions of the passers-by, and ran straight on her two-inch high heels.

"Let, let, let, let!"

"The Flash is attacking! Let the Flash get out of the way~!"

The streets are full of pedestrians screaming, but the chaos is not caused by evil villains, they just keep taking advantage of loopholes to overtake cars on the roadway in a regular manner. What a flash girl, she is not afraid of spraining her ankles when she is stepping on double high heels, she runs at high speed like Bolt, knocks down pedestrians without much resistance, she is like a humanoid tank!

Oh, it should be called the T-X Terminator.

Of course, Heinrich doesn't know what Bolt is. The Terminator has already been released, but the concept of T-X is still far away. Therefore, he first noticed the girl's ghostly screaming voice accompanying her like a shadow, and then saw her running wildly from the rearview mirror. He really didn't know what to say.

"Bastard, bastard, bastard, what the hell did I mess with?"

Heinrich gritted his teeth and drove the motorcycle, and now he began to feel a little panicked. At the intersection, the "boyfriend" of the other party knows that he is a retired soldier even if he eats shit, and he doesn't know how to choose the route at the moment, so he drives a cool sports car from the front and stops him.

Where should we go? This is a good choice, after all, there are only two groups of people on the other side, Heinrich turned to the right without thinking, and the motorcycle continued to run wildly all the way!

"Beautiful Brody, let's go drink after this ticket!"

A certain person seemed to have forgotten that she was under 20 years old. She ran a small mile without spraining her ankle. She even played a stunt with her postal car. It is still unknown whether the goal can be achieved in the end. Anyway, this night has made many appearances in the express delivery industry.

The bike was about to reach the end of the road, a T-junction across from a damn hotel. Staring in horror at the chasing girl in the rearview mirror, Heinrich was about to collapse, how could he bully people like this! ?

Look left, look right, two boats are hard to choose. Seeing that the German who was facing the T-junction seems to have left somehow, Alice laughed and raised the silver desert|Desert|Eagle.

"Let's go into the hotel, baby."

Bullet time is on.

A big silver warhead hit the gas tank of KFC grandpa's motorcycle with precision.

Then it was rare to cheat a little bit, and Alice threw a telekinetic barrier at the German.


The orange-red fire, the burning and bouncing motorcycle, the old colonel who was still smiling in the flames, and Heinrich, who was protected by a mind barrier and blasted into the main entrance of the hotel by two types of shock waves!


Alice was not in a hurry to chase, and exclaimed: "Pitching is perfect!"

"Sir! Boss! Alice~!"

The voice was a little out of tune, and the roar of the Bugatti sports car came, and Brody's voice sounded through the walkie-talkie: "Stop chasing, you've caused enough trouble!"

Alice did stop at the spot obediently. She had already brought the pistol in her hand. At night, on the sidewalk with a rush of people, the flaming locomotive was enough to attract people's attention. She didn't have to be afraid of being recognized.

"He ran in." She said to Brody who got out of the car, "Just let him go like this?"

"But what if we let it go? We are not the FBI." Brody really has a hard time keeping calm, after all, the boss's performance is too good: "Compared with chasing you, now you should think about how to get you out of this situation." something happened."

"Oh my god, I almost forgot about that."

How much of the behavior was intentional? Alice can't even remember herself, she really just does whatever she wants.

"I really need to deal with the LAPD well, oh yeah, I'm going to be in the newspaper~"

Seeing the self-willed boss with a smug expression, the front desk boy who held many jobs at the same time, sighed helplessly.

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