The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 513 3A Infiltration Game of Super Casual Difficulty

The black and huge steel giant stands in the seabed at a depth of 100 meters, the bottom layer is firmly fixed on the gentle continental shelf surface, and its cross section is astonishingly huge.

The monitoring and command room was busy, and sonar detection showed that two distinct targets were rapidly approaching the submarine base!

"Super-speed torpedo! The speed exceeds 70 knots, and it will hit us soon!"

"Damn it, didn't they get hit by the mine array?"

"Straight forward, wait! Passed a mine! Wait, didn't explode!?"

A middle-aged Soviet officer looked at the sonar with a livid face. The surrounding soldiers were reporting the situation profusely. The alarm had already sounded, because the situation showed that the submarine base was directly attacked by torpedoes! ?

"One nautical mile left!"

"I want to know now, where did they launch from!? Our sonar detection has been extended to twenty nautical miles away. Even the most advanced torpedoes cannot have such an exaggerated range!"

"Five hundred meters left!"

"There are four hundred meters left!"

"There are three hundred meters left!"

The middle-aged officer's face was as pale as a zombie, and it was really only three nautical miles away. The heavily fortified base was only detected by the sonar when the torpedo approached less than three nautical miles, which is simply unbelievable!

"There are two hundred meters left!"

"Straight ahead, oh my god, they're going to hit the center bearing!"

"One hundred meters left!"

Everyone in the monitoring room clenched their hearts. The center bearing of the submarine building has been hit by a torpedo, otherwise it will cause devastating damage to the entire base!


Subconsciously, everyone shrunk their necks!

However, nothing seems to happen.

"Wait, wait, miss, miss, they brushed past the bearings, miss!"

The investigator who was in charge of the report wept with joy, while the others felt a little scared, even the officers who were also present were no exception. It really came and went too fast. Many people subconsciously thought about it, from when everyone received the sonar alarm to when the kid announced that he had missed, was there a total of one minute?

The officer quickly walked to the console: "Miss, and what about the terminal trajectory?"

The image scanned by the array was quickly printed out, and with the help of a computer, it was not difficult to draw the target trajectory according to the sonar. I saw that the two torpedo trajectories were going straight at first, but for some reason, they turned towards the center line before approaching the target. The defect of leaving nothing after launch is fully demonstrated here. Once the trajectory is shifted, the two torpedoes can only miss the target in a cross pattern, and then shoot into the boundless depths of the seabed.

"That's good." The middle-aged officer breathed a sigh of relief, then straightened his eyebrows, and shouted: "Immediately turn on the detection equipment at full power! There must be an Ohio-class nuclear submarine sailing into this sea area, you bastards, quickly give me Report the news!"

The sleeping deep-sea base was alarmed, but even though the stationed soldiers turned on the busy mode, it was absolutely impossible for them to find the imaginary Ohio-class nuclear submarine. Floating in the deep sea far away, the conventionally powered submarine belonging to the Soviet Navy docked in a secluded and safe place as early as after it was launched.

The frogman is diving.

After two telekinetic shock waves, Alice continued to hold Ada, and went up to a certain height with Brody. This is not far from the sea, it is the action area of ​​the Soviet frogmen, and the entrance and exit gates are here.

"Remember, we only have an hour."

The voice appeared directly in her mind, and without further words, Alice looked at the closed gate close at hand, and waved her fingers.

There was a creaking sound, and the gate near the single person opened, from the outside to the inside. Because of the angle, no seawater will pour into the interior in large quantities, and because of the depth, the water pressure is not so powerful.

"GO, GO, GO!"

As usual, Ada was the first to get in, followed by Brody. When Alice was the last to enter the cabin, she flicked her fingers, and the gate closed again, and the valve operated from the inside was also quickly tightened by an invisible force. .

This place belongs to the construction area of ​​the base. The three of them climbed up the ladder and came to a separate small room. Surrounded by steel walls, there is nothing else, but the lights are dim, and the air is humid and hot, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"It's amazing." Brody murmured: "The Soviet Union actually has the strength to build such a huge structure on the seabed. How much manpower and financial resources are needed for this?"

"The Soviet Union is famous for its submarine strength. A Typhoon-class submarine is equivalent to a Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier. No wonder Adams wants to get information about this base. Tsk tsk, I can't help it."

Alice said: "So the old rules, you two are in charge of action, and I'm in charge of wiping your asses for your mistakes. Come on, change your clothes quickly in a minute, first of all, the fig leaf!"

Obviously it should be the locker room, right? A burst of distorted light enveloped Brody, and then Ada and he quickly took off their diving suits. Brody's large canvas bag contained a small waterproof bag, and the main item in it was their clothes at the moment. Needless to say, it's just a simple underwear coat and the black uniform of the Blackwater mercenaries. Don't even think about how high-tech it can be. Alice has not invested in a next-generation factory that can mass-produce carbon fiber.

Then, came the magic hour.

Ah no, adventure hour.

Brody is the main force of everything, responsible for the actual operation of moving forward and stealing information; Ada is in the middle, responsible for searching the branch of the base personnel with sensitive perception; Alice is in the rear, when any situation beyond control occurs, She will be responsible for wiping the brat's ass.

We can't count on how much space there is, so the three of them didn't go far up when they met the first batch of patrolling soldiers.

"What happened just now!?"

At the corner of the corridor, a strong Russian voice said: "Torpedo launch? Is the United States really going to attack us?"

"Probably not. During the Cuban crisis, there was no real fight. Now..."

"Now what? What are you going to say!? Shhh, beware that walls have ears!"

The partition wall does have ears, and the three people who sneaked in all had superhuman senses. They laughed silently, and Brody in the front row moved his fingers towards Ada.


Ada in the middle took a deep breath.

Everything was silent, but even though the surrounding light was dim, Brody could clearly see that Ada's pupils became dilated. As for Alice at the back of the palace, she smiled meaningfully.

Brody knew it was okay, and turned straight down the corridor.

Two Soviet soldiers on the left and one on the right stood in place, their eyes dull and dazed, and they undoubtedly entered the world of the two-dimensional world with wide-open minds. When walking through this corridor, Alice even shook her hand in front of their eyes, but the two idiots not only ignored the beautiful girl's hand, but also completely ignored the beautiful girl herself.

Then they go through here quickly.

Then Ada let out a quick, long breath.

"Eh? I seemed to be in a daze just now?"

The voices of two big soldiers came from behind.

"Oh, yes, I seemed to be in a daze just now, and you were also in a daze? What happened?"

"Could it be that I ate too many potatoes at noon..."

The soldiers' comments were left behind, and Ada, who was in the middle, took several deep breaths, and finally said softly: "Sister Alice, if you come up, will they not realize that they are in a daze?"

Alice smiled silently again, and just touched Ada's head.

Although there is no blueprint assistance, but with Ada's "time pause", it is not difficult to hurry through passers-by, so everyone can be said to be in a no-man's land. Alice has spoken early on, she is here to make soy sauce, so the mental power scan gives a super cheat like the target location, want? dream.

If Brody is the only one, then he only needs to play a tough-guy sneak. If he is playing a game now, everything is fine. I believe that no player will care about the strangled enemy soldiers. But now, everyone is not playing a game after all. If countless "corpses" are left behind along the way, then this ass will really be wiped.

So it's time to test Ada's "Time Pause". In the four or five months before and after, the girl's mental strength has become very strong, and it is not a problem at all to hypnotize four or five people for seventeen or eight seconds. Such a skill is a full-level skill in a 3A game, so it's not enough for the three of them to pass by quickly in reality? Whether it's WASD or Nintendo joystick, how can Mortal Runner be more flexible and efficient?

The more crowded the place, the more important it is. Following this principle, after easily ruling out the command room, the three easily found a highly secure passage.

"See that door."

In the long and narrow corridor, at the end of the downstairs building, a soldier was always holding his hand, staring blankly at the front. Undoubtedly, when the three of them probed there together, Ada gave him a temporary hypnosis in a wicked way.

"On the way we came to this corridor, what we encountered were not soldiers passing by, but all guards stationed in place. Think about the outline you saw when you swam to this base, where should this be? ?”

Of course Alice knew everything, but she just kept her mouth shut and let others guess.

Brody smiled.

Needless to say, let's test Ada together.

"Oh...why are you so annoying..."

Ada was speechless, should she be bullied at a young age?

"Nuclear power reactor at the base in Haiti?"

"Two of Khrushchev's Big Ivan bombs?"

"Okay, I know I'm talking nonsense, Elder Sister Alice~?"

The answer to the mystery can be easily revealed, as long as the three of them go straight forward, pass the hypnotized sentry, and open the hatch by themselves. Everyone knows the outline of the base. This is the deepest part of the seabed. Since there is a continental shelf as the backing, the ground floor of the large cross-section of the building is of course not just the foundation.

Alice shrugged: "Don't ask me, I also want to leave some surprises for myself. Submarine bases and so on, of course, it's more shocking to visit the site and see them with your own eyes."

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