The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 537 Interrogation with Huge Information

The bottom floor of the research center welcomed a new resident.

Based on humanitarian principles, the captives were not mistreated. There is no situation that is popular in Japanese Ivy, and there is no heavy-tasting binding in European and American Ivy. In fact, even Captain Jackson, who is in charge of interrogation and normal surveillance, does his work through a thick layer of bulletproof glass. The only one who could really do something with the convenience of his position was Evan Deloof, but he didn't really do anything outrageous.

The automatic door opened, and Alice walked into the monitoring room.

The huge glass overlooks the whole venue, and the empty room is completely soundproof, and it is impossible to see the outside of the window from the inside. The room was completely bare. The concrete floor and walls showed that the project was rough and only considered practicality. There was not even a bed in it, only a thick blanket, a cheap pillow, and a potty.

"What is she doing?" Alice looked down at the prisoner and asked, "Sleeping?"

Certainly not the red fruit, Vipple-Pushkin has a set of white cotton prison clothes to wear, but she obviously has no partner to open the pajama party. So, as Alice saw, this model-like girl was lying on her side on the carpet bored, as if she was sleeping, more like in a daze.

"She sleeps ten hours every day." Captain Jackson said in a thick voice, "But I can see that she seems to sleep more. After all, confinement is not an easy thing to endure."

Alice nodded too. Ten hours of sleep is almost the limit for ordinary people. The brain is tired and needs sleep, but after getting enough sleep, it is not something you can sleep when you want to. became torture.

She sighed and said: "Now that it's locked up, even if it's a rebellion, it won't work. The behind-the-scenes must know that all his pawns have been wiped out."

So, a difficult problem was put in front of us. The other party is a beautiful woman at any rate, and she can't bear to kill her, and it's quite tasteless to keep her. Although it's very loving to tune (drip) teach sex (du) slave time, but Alice thinks about it, and the impact is really bad.

Well, Mama-san of the DOULEI clubhouse in Avril, it's not something you want to be, but you can be one.

Alice has a thick skin, but she really doesn't have that kind of thick skin.

However, the problem that should be dealt with still needs to be solved.

Usually no one is seen in the empty room. Even when eating, the plate is brought in by the remote control toy car, and Vipple has to do it himself when emptying the potty.

I couldn't see a single person at all, because it was useless, and the previous intensive interrogation was rare now. Vipple thought about it when he had nothing to do, and even missed it a little bit, which was social anyway.

Then finally, the automatic door that opened for a fixed meal every day suddenly opened.


A girl in black leather low heels walked into the room, wearing a knee-length skirt and a delicate pullover, with high breasts, beautiful features, and long flowing hair. Vipple was lying on his side on the ground, and when he looked up, he knew who was coming.

"not talking?"

Alice tilted her head and looked down at the girl on the ground: "Oh, yes, I know that you have given yourself poison, but I also know that its effects have passed. Now you are just using the previous illusion to continue pretending." That's all."

Vipple was still lying flat without a word, but his breathing suddenly became much heavier.

"Oh, I heard your breathing, so your language function has recovered~"

The breathing rate became much heavier, knowing that he could no longer pretend, Vipple sat up.

After several months of captivity, looking at her now, her expression is normal, after all, the early captivity is over. What is even more commendable is that she has no strange smell at all, and her blond hair doesn't look dirty, it's just completely plain and simple. But looking at those two towering lumps, they are naturally full of charm.

"You... got it." With a hoarse voice and weird pronunciation, Vipple hadn't communicated with anyone for a long time.

"Yes, I see." Alice beckoned, and soon, a high stool floated in the upper monitoring room, moved at full speed along the road, and quickly floated into the room, and then gently fell in front of her.

Vipple watched this scene silently, the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.

Alice sat on the chair and said, "Captain Jackson has already told you about the interrogation a few days ago. Anim Zola has already told us all the information he knows. It's a pity that his knowledge is limited. Your secrecy work Well done, but Miss Pushkin, I'm sure you know more? At least, can you provide us with more people?"

The interrogation begins again!

Alice is not what Bai Lu did just now, so it is necessary for prisoners to know who they are facing.

"...Where is this place?"

"Oh, so now you're the one asking me?"

Then there was silence, Alice was not in a hurry, she stepped on the high stool with her little leather boots, and looked down at the girl with a smile. Vipper was sitting on the ground, and she didn't intend to stand up for a while. Thinking that there is no second stool here, even if she stands up, she will inevitably feel the passive atmosphere of the interrogation.

But Vipple still had the intention of continuing the silence to the end. Alice raised her eyebrows and said, "I don't care if you answer or not, and I won't torture you much. Just keep locking me up. I'm not nothing. Little man, even without your little intelligence, I will be able to catch the real culprit sooner or later. The relationship between you and me is just, if you give me a good time, I will give you one too."

After all, it was several months of imprisonment, and what Alice just showed was not in vain. After another half minute of silence, Vipple finally spoke.


a strange name.

"His Excellency the Baron Wolfgang von Strucker."

A breath full of middle two.

Alice frowned uncomfortably.

"Feng, the surname of a German nobleman, an old European plutocrat?"

"...Germany, Bavaria."

Sure enough, it was convenient to change the interrogation target. In three or two seconds, Alice got more news than in the past month. Fortunately, Brody and Ada ran into someone's house for a long time, and it didn't work as well as her words!

Of course, in the past few months, I couldn't speak, I couldn't even write, and I lost my language function...

"So what? You suddenly gave me the name of a German citizen. Who is he? What does he want from me? Now that you have explained the beginning, tell me everything. Don't worry, dear, I will spare you. "

Vipple looked up and looked at Alice with weird eyes.

"May I ask you just now...was that teleportation?"

Alice raised her eyebrows, as long as she cooperated, she didn't speak, and snapped her fingers. Then soon, another high stool flew all the way from the monitoring room and landed beside Vipple smoothly.

"Sit down and answer my questions."

Surprisingly, the woman actually calmed down when she saw herself using her superpower again.

"Your Excellency, Baron Strucker, is my adoptive father."

Sitting on the chair, the first sentence was a shocking revelation, but before Alice could say anything, Vipple's chatterbox had already been opened.

"He was born at the end of the last century, that is, at the end of the nineteenth century, and he is already in his nineties this year. However, due to some personal circumstances, his physiological level has remained at the level of a middle-aged person until now. Using the latest biotechnology terms The explanation is that the cell regeneration ability is extremely strong, and the aging effect is extremely slow.”

"My father is an old German aristocrat. He was born in Struck Castle in Bavaria. Adolf Hitler once joined the Communist Party when he rose. I believe you can imagine the story after the war. It is nothing more than dormancy and development. Especially last year, Germany Finally united again..."

Vipple's words came to an end, but Alice was also dumb.

Waiting for the opportunity for the other party to make a long speech, but after God finally gave it, it is a big news that the expectations are not fulfilled. Alice has the ability to judge whether Vipple is lying, and now it seems that she also understands why the other party has shut up so thoroughly.

"Hmm... an old German man with a strong vitality, adopted daughter, um, very good, very good and very strong."

Alice let out a long breath. She wanted to rub her temples, but she couldn't be timid at the moment.

"Then, you first came to me as a salesman of the Draken Company, the independent director of your company, O'Brien..."

"His adopted son."

"Oh, I thought you'd say it was him."

Vipple didn't speak anymore, and Alice believed that if she knew what it means to complain, she should be flattering now: don't be so bloody.

Well, more or less.

"Then please explain, what the hell is this old man trying to do by sending you around me?"

No matter what you ask, this is the core question, and Alice is really puzzled. It is said that the big tree attracts the wind, she is not afraid, she just needs to dismantle the trick when she sees it, but the two of them have been tossing for a long time without seeing any real purpose, which really makes people enter the ecstasy.

"I just adoptive father, His Excellency, his vitality is extremely tenacious."

"Uh-huh, uh-huh."

"While he was serving the Communist Party, he was infected with a mysterious virus that made his body almost indestructible. Conventional small-caliber weapons, cold weapons, and falls from heights were all invulnerable. Longevity and youthful prolongation are just one of them." kind of performance."

"...Oh, and then?"

Alice put her right hand behind her back, and kept making rubbing movements with her five fingers. She had to relax her nervous nerves.

"Then...Alice Wang, I don't know if you have investigated it, but **'s march in North Africa was very fierce. My adoptive father went with Rommel, and then..."

She looked at Alice thoughtfully: "He has been to the Great Rift Valley in East Africa."

Alice nodded, trying her best not to yell.

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