The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 586 Collective Kidnapping of Appetizers

The current most powerful drug lord in the Golden Triangle is Kun Sha, whose Chinese name is Zhang Qifu. He is also the most powerful warlord in Myanmar. Kun Sha was born in the 1930s. He claims to be from Dali, Yunnan. His father is Han and his mother is Shan. He has three names: Han, Burmese and Thai. Kun Sha is a Thai name. According to hereditary tradition since he was a child, he inherited his father's chieftain position in the Lemo tribe, grew up in a bloodthirsty environment, and received basic military training.

On the occasion of the victory of the Chinese War of Liberation, the remnants of Jiang's army withdrew from the north to the Golden Triangle area, and opium for these defeated troops was used to solve the source of supplies. At the same time, Kun Sha also sneaked back to the Golden Triangle from Thailand, married a leader's daughter, and soon became his father-in-law's right-hand man. Furthermore, when the remnants of Jiang's army withdrew, he also pulled up his own team, inherited the position of tribal chieftain, and established a large-scale armed force.

In 1962, there was a personnel change in the Burmese government, and General Ne Win came to power through a coup. The government announced that all local armed forces that obey the government's orders will be recognized by the government, and they will be recruited as an integral part of the country's military force. Although this kind of policy similar to the Tang Dynasty Jiedushi has long been proven to be a huge hidden danger by history, but every family has its own hard-to-read scriptures. In this way, Kunsha settled in the Golden Triangle smoothly as a warlord.

The next 20 years were the period of rapid development of Kunsha, with warlords scuffling, gang transactions, government-business collusion, and party disputes. In 1982, the Kunsha drug group based on Manxingdie was too powerful, and was even attacked by the Thai government. Repression, but by no means hurt the foundations. After experiencing various struggles, in 1989, when the drug trade in the Golden Triangle reached its peak, Kun Sha had already controlled 80% of the drug trade in the entire region.

In the second half of 1991, Alice chose to attack Kun Sha during this period. On the one hand, she really wanted to fight head-to-head when the opponent's strength reached its peak. Because she knew that after the Kunsha Group announced the establishment of a small republic at the end of 1993, it began to disintegrate. In 1995, due to a major internal split, even six thousand elite soldiers left!

Let me ask, no matter how powerful Kunsha's power is, how could the departure of six thousand people not be a traumatic loss?

Since she chose head-to-head, Alice has a lot of preparations to do. God knows, even when the Burmese government army attacked the split Kunsha Group in the end, it assembled the strength of three full divisions and joined forces with other warlords, a total of 10,000 people, to make a joint attack. Even if the strength of the protective umbrella is not weak, can it be possible to bring both the early warning aircraft and the AC-130 together on other people's territory?

What's more, in an environment like the rainforest, the direct role of the Air Force is really doubted.

Therefore, the first preparation Alice made was to let Ada set off with the army immediately, and after communicating with Akaman, she dispatched a total of 1,500 mercenaries to Yangon in batches by civil airliner. !

This is no ordinary soldier in a half-infantry regiment. In 1988, the U.S. Navy SEALs expanded to two combat groups, with a total of seven squadrons and only 1,600 people!

Of course, Alice is very aware of the source of soldiers for the umbrella. Although a large number of them are "just" members of the Marine Corps, they are all retired veterans. Not bad. The assembly of these 1,500 people is basically equivalent to the entire US Navy SEAL team going into battle!

And of course, negotiating with the Burmese government is indispensable. The method is very simple, that is, when the Burmese army surrounds, let little Ada go all the way through the customs. Just kidding, in such a temporary war, how could Alice have the energy to develop power in Myanmar now, and she doesn't have the official power of the US government to help put pressure on it. Does it really take a lot of effort to play bribes?

In contrast, she was personally responsible for the anti-drug operation in Mexico, but it was much simpler.

Therefore, on July 1st, a day worth commemorating for the Chinese, a powerful secret mobile force has assembled in the outer area of ​​the Golden Triangle.

After the command was ordered, fifteen teams sneaked in in batches. Within an hour, all members entered the rainforest area of ​​the Golden Triangle area and surrounded one of the first villages and towns. Prepare for sniping and cable drop.

"Attention everyone, I repeat."

The calm and mature voice of the twenty-eight girl rang directly in the minds of all the staff: "The primary task of this round of attack is kidnapping, so don't disturb this village. Every time we kill a person, we will suffer a loss. clear?"

"A small team received."

"The second team received."

"Squad three received."

After another routine reminder, Maiya finally gave the order: "Action!"

Without loud slogans and hasty movements, more than a thousand soldiers started the rope drop in an orderly and leisurely manner. After investigation, the village below was found to be a gathering place for members of the Kunsha Group. Except for a few of the 300 villagers, all of them were members or their family members at the bottom of the group, and there was a very vast and prosperous opium field.

There are pitiful aspects of an economy tailored to local conditions, but apart from humanitarians, no one has the heart to sympathize with them!

"The first team and the second team are advancing in a straight line, the ninth team and the tenth team, you are ready to burn the fields, everyone pay attention to the poisonous gas, and wear masks."

Maiya did not follow down the mountain, but sat on the cliff to command the whole army. Sitting next to her was the most important support for this trip, the humanoid early warning machine girl Ada.

"Maiya-san, is it okay to just let everyone know that we have superpowers?"

"The scale of our Umbrella Security Company will definitely continue to expand, but the 3,000 people belonging to the former Blackwater, according to your sister Alice's plan, are the dead soldiers who are directly subordinate to us. From a small scale to a little spread, Let them all know who they are working for, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages."

"Anyway, I'm full of apprehension~"

A few small chats, and then time does not allow little Ada to be distracted anymore. Her mental strength is much more immature than her predecessors, but it is more than enough to command such a battle!

As an appetizer, tonight's action was like a game to the soldiers. With five times the number of people, it is difficult to attack a sleeping village instead of a military base at night, throw hypnotizing grenades on the houses, and take some men away.

Soon, the night sky in the distance was suddenly shrouded in flames. It was the squad that set fire to the opium plantations. The soaring flames lit up a large area of ​​the sky, and dozens of hectares of poison were easily destroyed!

"Very well, the losses here will soon be known to the upper echelons of the Kunsha Group. Within two days, they will definitely send troops over. All the teams obey the order, and all villagers who will not be taken away will gather at the designated Placed in the building, the fifth and sixth teams ambushed explosives on the only way, let's leave a generous gift for Kunsha!"

The fields are burning, the opium is being destroyed, the smoke is billowing into the sky, and the fire is shining everywhere. Anyone who is interested in the area of ​​the Golden Triangle knows very well. When such abnormalities appear in this village, the neighboring villages will inevitably submit information layer by layer. It will not take long to attract people from Kunsha.

And taking advantage of this intermission, the umbrella side also has a lot of work to do. Just on the outskirts of this area, the soldiers took the container trucks that gathered here, and they were all ready in the open space. It just so happens that Hutchison Whampoa has already operated a shipping logistics business in Myanmar, and combined with the smuggling experience of the Black Reef headquartered in Rhona Apra, the captives were transported to Japan by "conventional channels", and they were transported to Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Disaster.

Thousands of soldiers are mobilized together, and the efficiency is terrifying. There was not a single gunshot during the whole process, at most it was the faint sound of grenades firing special hypnotic gas bombs. Soon, this small village with a total of only 300 villagers was declared to have fallen. The doors of the houses are wide open. In fact, the next work is the real delay.

"Report to the commander. There are forty-five men, sixty-one children, and twenty elderly people in the village. Finish."

It's not the kidnapping of women, the devil cares about how many housewives and girls are at home, but upon hearing this answer, Maiya couldn't help but shake her head.

"It seems that most of the men were indeed recruited by Kunsha to join the army, and those who stayed behind were women, the elderly and children."

Ada said from the side: "In other words, this village has a relatively large male population?"

"Let's figure it out. The total area of ​​the Golden Triangle is only so large. A small-scale population movement will not bring too much negative impact. If we are now located in a village and town directly under the control of Kunsha, the population distribution will definitely be ninety-nine males in the middle-aged Well, as for this... Did I say, most of them have been recruited."

Ada nodded thoughtfully. She was just dragged in as a humanoid early warning aircraft. How could Alice and Maiya, who had been preparing for battle for a long time, know more about the area of ​​the Golden Triangle? Whatever you say, just listen to it, as long as she is not tied into the brothel by drug dealers, she doesn't care much!

Work in the village is going on. On the one hand, a group of soldiers, carrying a total of forty-five captives on their backs, began to climb back to the cliff with ropes; Those who leave here will have to offer a big gift after Kunsha's soldiers come to visit!

"Very good. Now, the first team and the second team, you should continue to go deep immediately, carry out covert surveillance on the frontier villages, and observe the movement of the militia. I don't want the bombs to kill only ordinary villagers. Ada, you and I don't want to stay here any longer. Come on, let's all go down the mountain."

"Huh? Cable descent? Wow, it looks so cool, I can try it too!?"

"Humph, isn't it fun? Haven't you played before? Hurry down!"


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