In this way, Alice involved herself in two wars that she started on her own initiative. Although it was a covert operation, it was impossible not to cause a local sensation. Although the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration would definitely be very grateful for such a mysterious helper, but I will definitely try to find myself out.

So of course she did not let the troops who went to fight on the Isthmus of China and the United States wear uniforms, and the LOGO was canceled immediately, and she never gave any evidence to the eyeliner of any external forces. As for the method of combat, when the No. 2 submarine finally arrived near the Panama Canal and Brody was about to lead his men into the jungle, Alice also flew back to Los Angeles.

Even sitting there is enough for her to work as a humanoid early warning aircraft.

At the same time, she has a lot of related work to do when she returns to the Alice Building.

In fact, the consortium has developed to the point where it is now, and there are very few fields that require her to do it herself. Not to mention Microsoft, which is as huge as Cisco and has no shortage of executives, even Google, which only occupies two or three small offices, can follow Yahoo's old path step by step, and is struggling to establish a website archive.

So to use an old saying, unless something major happens again, Alice can do what she wants to do like many retired rich old people-that is, continue to invest and research.

Regarding the field of investment, the focus now is undoubtedly the Soviet Union. Government agent Leo Vantaa is working on a project to make money for the country. He has been wandering around seeking financing for a long time. To Alice and any capitalist of comparable status, he is equivalent to a financial advisor. Since he is a consultant, the most important job is naturally to provide a lot of useful information after the employer expresses his investment interest.

The money spilled out, and Alice spread out a total of two big nets.

The first one, of course, is the talent capture network, and all Soviet universities, research institutions, and even scientific research departments of enterprises are targets. Relying on her own unique advantages, Alice has steadily selected a group of researchers who are particularly useful to her, but who will definitely not be taken seriously in the early days of the Soviet Union's disintegration, and even suffer a miserable situation—that is, in the field of heavy industry.

The second network is the natural resources network. Siberia's abundance of oil and gas is world-renowned, so there is no reason not to get involved. Of course, Alice is not so stupid as to be the lifeline of the country with Yelinqin and Putin. Rosneft is a state-owned public offering. As long as she shows a win-win attitude of cooperation, takes a share, and eats some royal food, she will be very satisfied— — After all, this field is mainly for ticketing.

For Alice, what is really important is of course the talent network, and the field of heavy industry is also a relatively weak link that she is currently developing. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, tanks sold for the price of bread, as long as she bought talents and at the same time bought their old employers, it would definitely strengthen the industrial chain.

But first of all, of course she also needs to have an industrial chain. In this regard, Li Ka-shing's Cheung Kong Infrastructure is not enough.

Therefore, not long after she returned to Los Angeles, she made a decision to acquire the Draken Drilling Rig Company.

Alice and Draken have been cooperating for a long time, so today's proposed acquisition has not been hindered too much. The only thing worth mentioning is the adopted son of the imprisoned baron. The mysterious disappearance of the old man did not change him on the bright side, but in the face of Alice's acquisition of the company, the independent director of the company only made soy sauce silently, which was tantamount to expressing his opinion.

How many secrets O'Brien Anderson knew about her, Alice was not sure, but she should have already guessed that Strack's "disconnection" had something to do with her. Also as adopted children, both Sadako and Vipple know that Strucker is a supernatural being, and Anderson should be no exception. Coupled with Vipple's "disconnection", he is too late to be a low-key person now, so how could he Energy to trouble Alice?

Draken is Draken. After the acquisition, Alice did not put it under the umbrella. After all, it is a foreign company and a century-old German industrial company. Even if it takes ten years to eliminate dissidents, it is not a long time. There is no reason to immediately treat it as one of our own.

Then, a big order was placed.

The factory workshop in the UK is running rumblingly, and batches of industrial mother machines are loaded on board in Liverpool, and will cross the Suez Canal and be shipped to Japan after a long journey. This is a month-long journey. During this period, Alice will set up a leather bag factory at the eastern end of Chiba Prefecture. A cargo tunnel will be opened on the ground of the factory, leading directly to the dome space located underground in the center of the island.

The secret black technology factory, this is the positioning Alice set for the dome space, such a large area can not only be used to hold prisoners, if it is not fully utilized to produce all kinds of interesting things, it is not worthy of the hard work she did at the beginning Woolen cloth?

So of course, the re-expansion of the tunnel and the expansion of the dock are also on the agenda. But that was all for her to do when she returned to Tokyo to go to university. During this summer vacation, apart from the above tasks, most of the time was spent on commanding operations.

Since she was accidentally "kidnapped" by Lao Mo once in the early years, Alice has not paid attention to them for a day or two. The information preparation work for today's operation can be said to have been prepared a long time ago. Naturally, once the action has begun, efficiency is naturally overwhelming.

Unlike the Golden Triangle drug dealers who planted their own in the mountains and forests, Mexican drug dealers often manufacture their drugs in private houses, and their products are mainly viruses. Without sufficient information sources to support them, it is impossible to even find them anywhere!

"Mexican drug dealers are not only stronger than the Golden Triangle, but also definitely more cruel. There is no psychological pressure to wipe them all out, but it is a lot of trouble..."

The first step in the battle was to use the Internet to intrude into the police station's network and directly scan with mental power to collect all kinds of violent incidents in Mexico. It can be said that compared to any Mexican drug lord, Kun Sha from the Golden Triangle is definitely a good guy!

The police are corrupt and ineffective, and street deaths are not uncommon in areas where gangsters and drug dealers are the most rampant. The first piece of news that Alice discovered was that four missing policemen were found dismembered in aluminum basins beside the road. Drug dealers even served them with various corn kernels, lemons, radishes and other vegetables with hot sauce!

As a frontline combatant, Brody of course has not forgotten what the fundamental purpose is, kidnapping the test subject instead of really annihilating the drug dealers, only fools would shout and kill in the streets and alleys of a country and city.

Does he remember the latest news that just broke out in the Golden Triangle, because NBC TV station reported it all. Submarines of unknown forces fired multiple cruise missiles at drug dealers in Thailand and Myanmar, and brutally killed thousands of soldiers with napalm warheads. He couldn't do this feat in Mexico!

But after this incident happened, what the Pentagon is thinking now, it is worth making Brody obsessed with it, because the only people who can do this kind of thing are the United States and the Soviet Union. Whether it is our own people or the Soviet Union, behind this news is definitely full of conspiracy theories!

He even thought, if people in Washington knew that there was a Typhoon-class nuclear submarine secretly lurking near the Panama Canal, would they immediately launch a world war against the Soviet Union?

Anyway, the battle started quickly.

All members of the umbrella wear uniforms, black T-shirts and jeans, making them not much different from ordinary gang members, the only problem is race. In keeping with the principle of not forgetting the fundamental purpose, Brody precisely followed Alice's instructions and went door to door to check water meters. In just one night, 1,000 mercenaries went into battle, and more than 300 drug dealers were taken from their own homes. Get it out!

Therefore, the real difficulty lies in smuggling. Alice has no business in Mexico, let alone docking a freighter. Myanmar's approach is not feasible here. So after thinking and thinking, the final solution is - air transport!

In the name of Umbrella Tokyo Branch, the story that Alice bought 1,000 bento boxes for 400 Soviet submarine soldiers every day, and ended up eating up all the bento shops, has long been spread in Chiba Prefecture. Since the public has long given the reputation of a "foodie company", let's play around with global shopping and use transport planes to airlift Mexican peppers, what's the matter?

Anyway, the Mexicans are indeed a group of small peppers. When the time comes, they will be stuffed into the container. With Alice's existing small contacts in Japan, it will not be easy to pass through customs?

So here comes the question - should the plane be leased or bought?

Considering that the stock price of Umbrella has soared all the way since it went public, Alice decided after thinking about it—to invest in FedEx!

Anyway, within two or three years, the thriving Internet fertile soil will be able to support a company like Amazon. Now, buying a stake in FedEx and paving the way for the future of the online shopping industry is not just a matter of course?

Ever since, the extremely hypocritical complaints came.

"I'm so busy...Mom, why do you think I love to make trouble for myself so much?"

In the luxury apartment on the top floor of the Alice Building, Alice, who was tired for a long time, lay down on the bed and didn't want to move at all.

"Hehe, I still want to ask you this question. What have you been through in Japan for the past few months? Why do you make such big moves when you come home?"

In the spacious and exquisite bedroom, Sophie sat beside her daughter's bed with a smile, and couldn't stop laughing when she saw someone whimpering like a mangy dog.

"Oh, it's not because of our current changing international situation~ oh~"

Alice was making a fuss. Of course, she kept many things from her family: "The Soviet Union is getting more and more screwed these days. Even the Chechens have been dishonest recently. They make small moves every day!"

"Okay, okay, I know you have a lot of work, brat." Sophie flicked Alice on the forehead, and said with a doting smile: "But don't forget that you are on summer vacation after all, work less and go out to play more Bar."

That's right, Alice thinks about it, she hasn't seen Sissy in a few months, so why don't you make a phone call and make an appointment?

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