The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 611 A Vigorous Trip to China

During her visit to China this time, Alice put on a show of grandeur.

In February last year, the Southern Tour Speech further dispelled people's doubts about reform and opening up, and brought the country's foreign investment to a new level. Since the beginning of the 1990s, this is not only a new beginning for Western society, but also for Chinese society. Under the background of vigorous development, Chinese people naturally have an extremely strong desire to communicate with the outside world.

And in Alice's current capacity, it is absolutely qualified to formally invite the Chinese government to visit her.

It is said that when the Gulf War broke out, although the Chinese government did not participate in the war, it certainly paid close attention to the occupation situation. At that time, it was shocked by the new combat mode of the multinational forces headed by the US military. Alice-Wang's mercenary team played a key role in it, and such information is heavy news that can be easily obtained as long as one is willing to investigate.

The foreign guests were received grandly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Boeing 747 landed smoothly at BJ Capital Airport, and a large number of senior government officials greeted them in person. People's moods are different, but they definitely have something in common. After all, not everyone can see a 18-year-old world-class rich man with their own eyes. Especially for these people based on their age and living environment, if they hadn't done a special investigation recently, they would have never even dreamed of it.

Alice Wang is not an ordinary foreign guest, this is the first reminder issued by the central government.

Because at this time, according to the step-by-step development of the 863 plan, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a breakthrough in the research of Internet computer networks. The Institute of High Energy Physics is preparing to rent an international satellite from AT\u0026T to connect to the 64K dedicated line of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in the United States to officially open China's first dedicated Internet line!

The importance of the computer network has been expounded in detail by a large number of returning scholars, and the central government's support for this is not insignificant. So, since Alice came to China at this time, how can there be no reason not to be taken to Zhongnanhai immediately?

In BJ City in the early 1990s, Alice also made herself more knowledgeable. At this time, of course, there is not much area here, and the journey from the Capital Airport to Zhongnanhai is boring and long. If she could not appreciate it from the perspective of historical changes, it would really make people fall asleep. Fortunately, there were accompanying officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two of them kept asking and answering questions and chatting casually, which was enough to pass the time.

Then came to Ziguang Pavilion.

How many foreign guests have met with senior Chinese officials here, Alice has not done statistics, at least Bill Gates has, and he was invited to give a speech at the Chinese Academy of Sciences many years ago, and more than once. Of course, that is all in the future. As far as American entrepreneurs are invited to Ziguang Pavilion, Alice thinks that she should have picked it up for the first time.

Whether "People's Daily" will publish this news is really a question. It is true that the news network has been on the air for ten years now, and the mode is indeed to start by nagging how busy the state leaders are, but whether they will also publish their own visits... It seems that there is no such thing.

Because there are no piles of reporters around the scene at all.

The most distant news broadcast in Alice's memory must be traced back to before and after BJ's Olympics - no matter how young she is, who will watch that thing? China at that time was not comparable to that in the early 1990s. The national leaders at that time were of course a hundred times busier than their current counterparts. So in other words, there is really no need for the current leader to meet an "ordinary person" and be watched closely by CCTV reporters.

To be fair, how many TV sets are there in the whole country right now?

Of course, the supreme leader's knowledge is limited, so this meeting, as the beginning of the whole visit, only set some core projects in a general direction. Alice is the founder of Cisco, an indispensable member of Microsoft, a shareholder of a large number of Silicon Valley companies such as Intel, and a heavyweight original shareholder of Shenzhen Huawei. This series of identities makes the first issue The content is not suspenseful at all.

Of course, Alice did not foolishly use the name of the company to assist the Internet development work of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

She herself is the greatest wealth.

Avoiding the current patents in the US industry, and providing some guidance to the Chinese Academy of Sciences from a new perspective without changing the medicine, it is a piece of cake for Alice. The documents she submitted to the relevant staff were not foolishly printed with various information on the Cisco LOGO, but just a random manuscript.

To be honest, since it is a manuscript that has the capital to hand over to the experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, its value can naturally be estimated arbitrarily.

Suppose Einstein came up with special relativity, started a company based on the concept, and then dumped general relativity to a third party. As an existing patent that has been used to start a company and produce products, he cannot disclose the "narrow sense" to a third party, but if it is just released, it is just a "broad sense" of a manuscript, then no one can control it .

Because that's just a manuscript that has no law attached to it for the time being.

"General relativity" is amazing, before it is published in a super academic journal and has been recognized by peers, who cares what the hell is this manuscript?

Alice's manuscript is the same. It is "broad sense", not "narrow sense", unless she has registered a patent with this manuscript, opened a company, entered the stage of using it and attracted peers to know it, otherwise no one will pay attention to a simple manuscript.

Moreover, "narrow sense" is "narrow sense" and "broad sense" is "broad sense", which are two different things. Even if the two theories are famous, people will only give thumbs up and say that Alice is great, and they cannot say that the "broad sense" occupies the interests of the "narrow sense". Because although they are all studying the basic theories of space-time and gravity, they start from different angles, each has its own principles, and each has its own value and function.

So this is why Alice has the capital to play this set.

Although Bill Gates can advise the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Bosacks can also guide many college students, but their talents have already been fully utilized in the company, and it is difficult to squeeze out more points. If they come to teach and educate people, anything they put forward will be related to the interests of their own companies and even the country. Therefore, if they really intend to do this, they will be squinted by agencies such as the NSA.

Since you have built hydrogen bombs for us, how can you help China build them-that's the nature.

But Alice is different, this guy is a bottomless pit.

I helped you build hydrogen bombs, and I helped them build antimatter bombs of the same magnitude. They are all weapons of mass destruction, but you can’t control them legally~

So, unless you really want to break up, otherwise this matter can only be like this~

What's more, you have evidence, you, the nameless "manuscript" typed on the machine, can you point out to me where my handwriting and signature are on it?

As a result, the manuscript was handed over, and the central leadership handed it to the people of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This matter was temporarily over for Alice. She could imagine what it would be like there, it was nothing more than a group of old men and young men who were shocked and not calm, frantically printed out countless copies of the manuscript, and bought a hundred tons of espresso to prepare to stay up all night—go ahead, These have nothing to do with her.

Then there is the issue of in-depth investment. The value of Alice's existence is not just to provide some technology patents, but it is a backup investment amount of several hundred million dollars. Therefore, considering that people's livelihood is the focus of any country's economic construction, the completion of Umbrella Shanghai Branch is easily included in the agenda.

It is also the entry of a foreign-funded pharmaceutical factory, but Alice's share can get the attention of the central leadership. Of course, it is inseparable from the scale. With the news that anti-cancer drugs are on the market and Audrey Hepburn has been cured of colon cancer, she has so much money at her disposal that even she can be frightened. How can she be polite to the Chinese market?

Older pharmaceutical factories such as Harbin Pharmaceutical No. 6 Factory are not something Alice can deal with casually. Considering that their headquarters are in the Northeast, and future wage earners will like to run in a certain direction, the address of the umbrella China Pharmaceutical Factory is also It's easy to determine.

The Pearl River Delta region, of course, will not be foolishly king Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and the entire area can be used to build factories anywhere. With the southern pharmaceutical factory as the endpoint and the well-developed transportation network in the southern region as the cornerstone, the products here are facing the entire Chinese market. Think about the most classic product of the umbrella, the weight-loss drug Soma, isn’t that just for those people who get rich first?

Of course, free shipping in Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Zhejiang is also a popular area. Considering that China is the future world factory, Alice will of course go to Chongming Island to build a factory together. American companies, Chinese production, and overseas sales, this is her definition of this area.

This is the case for pharmaceutical factories. As for the address of the head office in China, of course it is better to stay in Shanghai. Of course, she didn't plan to squeeze in Lujiazui, which is the financial district and dominated by banks, so it's no fun for a drug dealer to go there to join in the fun. The Huangpu River runs through the whole city, so there is a large area to choose from.

In fact, if you think about it, it would be quite interesting to set up the headquarters opposite Lujiazui, and stare at the Oriental Pearl Tower every day. So immediately after that, a sub-project investment can also be properly proposed. The SOHO model in the conception will not come here, but the Vanda Plaza registered in the UK can finally settle in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

The specific situation, of course, needs to be negotiated by professionals one after another, but in terms of overall issues, Alice has gained a lot in Ziguang Pavilion.

After all these business issues are over, it's education.

The leader must have his little girl in his heart, and Alice is a little "too nice" for China, which is very doubtful. But obviously, he has not been baptized by the two-dimensional conspiracy theory, and all he can think of is the level of "a good friend of the Chinese people".

If you want to think that Alice may have some evil plans, don't look at the leader's emotional intelligence, but lack of experience in certain fields, I really can't figure out why.

There seems to be something wrong, but what is wrong, there seems to be nothing wrong!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, Alice just wants to have enough researchers in the hive base. It is indeed sincere and sincere to help China's education level develop greatly, and the preferential measures for studying abroad are also reasonable and reasonable, based on the principle of all voluntariness of both parties~

This meeting was troublesome for a long time, so after chatting about the basic issues, Alice was also left in Zhongnanhai for dinner. These are all nothing, she went to Bush Sr. to have a family dinner three or four years ago, and the Chinese leader will naturally not coddle anything here. Therefore, it is precisely this kind of calm from beginning to end that makes all the leaders who are fifty years old have to look at her in a different way.

To be reasonable, even Taizu had only been abroad once in his life, and he almost failed to come back from the Soviet Union. Nowadays, there is no one who can help people understand the world. A group of people who are basically in their fifties, how much can they know about contemporary American society, humanities and daily life?

It would be a ghost if they had seen "The Boys in Orange Town"-well, the filming hasn't started yet.

It wasn't really Alice's fancy, it was just the way things were. Even when the Rio Olympics is being held in a daze, the Chinese leaders are still holding on to the Chinese studies books all day long and won't let go. How can they have the time to watch "Anti-Terrorism 24" for hours like Mao Zedong? The ability of a gentle prime minister to blurt out an ancient poem at every turn, making simultaneous translators flustered, was not cultivated by watching "The Vampire Diaries"!

Therefore, it is conceivable that this group of people who are used to living in their own small circle were shocked to eat at the same table with Alice unexpectedly.

After all, she didn't put herself in the position of an educated brat.

Don't look at us as Chinese, no one is used to your problems~

Business needs to be discussed. After the discussion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will entertain and wander around BJ City. Silk Street is of course inevitable, and then there will be a new round of surprises. Alice didn't need a tour guide when she visited BJ City. She bargained with small vendors in a standard Beijing accent, but she had a great time haggling. There is no need for anyone to introduce anything, just stop at the "Chinese Chopsticks Shop" in Wangfujing, and she has a Beijing accent. She knows the difference between black rosewood and red rosewood chopsticks better than the owner!

To be reasonable, when the foreign ministry personnel who accompanied him saw Alice speak a standard Beijing accent for the first time, he was really stunned.

Such a BJ seven-day trip, Alice returned to her Boeing 747 with a full load.

This visit is now semi-secret, but I believe it will take ten years at most, and quite a few people in China will know about it. This is a historic moment. When the plane took off, she thought joyfully in her heart, after supporting a certain little plum to establish a certain degree in the future, she will have to let him take a good look at the entry.


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