The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 618 Conform to History, Great Energy Industry

The two major events that Japan encountered in three consecutive weeks have become global hot news in a very short period of time. Alice can naturally get new news from Washington through channels. The new president, Clinton, is different from the elder Bush in that he is not very keen on many diplomatic events. Although he sent two aircraft carriers to the Sea of ​​Japan out of appearance, he has absolutely no desire to fight. As he said during the campaign, his focus in power is to save the domestic economy, which is currently in a slump.

So everyone knows that a new era is coming, and the people are naturally more happy to see their country's economic take-off than any diplomatic behavior. Alice is no exception. Compared with trivial matters such as letting umbrella mercenaries participate in the Gulf War, what she really cares about is letting the consortium's economy take off.

After Clinton came to power, he began to implement the economic policy of "macro-control and micro-independence". This year is still 1993, and Alice knows that this policy will eventually give birth to a developed technology industry around 1996, and it will reach a fever pitch in 1998.

At the same time, he would abolish and limit the old federal welfare system, freeing large sums of government money from unrestricted funding of the poor. And in 1997, he started to sign the "Kyoto Protocol" to launch a large-scale environmental protection cause and solve problems such as greenhouse gas emissions. All these behaviors are predictable by Alice, so she can be busy with these matters just as she was preparing for the Gulf War.

Since her real political achievements all started from the second term, the previous few years were really the time for Alice to make drastic efforts to develop. She came up with a new plan. Starting from the "Kyoto Protocol", the world has begun to pay attention to environmental protection issues. If some black technology can be developed in this field, will she still worry about her future international status?

Therefore, a research center with the theme of environment and energy is put on the construction agenda. For the address, Alice chose without hesitation, it was the surface area of ​​the deeply buried hive base on the outskirts of Laken, Utah. Of course, she didn't need to build the new research institute on top of the hive. There is no suitable place in such a large salt lake desert area?

So in this way, there is a further driving force for the ongoing "Laken City Control Plan". The so-called increase of the urban population is not enough simply by opening factories; to build the city into a place dominated by technology-based industries, if it is an Internet company, it will take many years to fully take shape. But if such a research center is added, the meaning will be completely different.

What's more, this business also happens to match the company name of "Umbrella", whether it is "Umbrella" or "Umbrella", whether it is the Chinese translation or the original English sound, it all has this meaning. Just like the main industry of this company all the time, medicine is to the general public, so now it is the environment and energy.

At this time, the battered Japanese government really has no time to consider any possibility near Chiba Prefecture. All their energy is thrown on the Korean Peninsula, and it will not end for many years. Alice, who was not worried about being exposed, can naturally focus most of her energy on her career development.

Building a research center itself is not a difficult task. Before the purchase of superparticle accelerators and other equipment is determined, any research institute is at best a simple building. The real value and difficulty lie in the wealth stored inside. So, instead of thinking about how to build a house, Alice should really think about what the research institute is researching.

What can be studied in the environmental protection and energy industries?

There are just too many sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Combustion of fossil fuels, vehicle emissions, and everyday farming are all part of the cause. There are even surveys showing that the annual farts of more than one billion cows in the world actually account for nearly 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions!

Alice must be too stupid to deal with these problems in different categories. What's the matter, let her develop a special drug so that cows don't fart?

Controlled nuclear fusion is definitely one of the best ways to reduce emissions. As long as almost all thermal power plants in the world can be replaced, the reduction in heat emissions can naturally be imagined. But this is definitely a technology that will lead to World War III. In comparison, the more mature nuclear fission reaction is much more reliable.

That's a good idea, Alice snapped her fingers. Of course, she is not interested in keeping an eye on every heavy factory, checking their energy saving and emission reduction every day, and then developing energy-saving gas stoves according to local conditions. But if a more mature nuclear fission technology can be developed, nuclear power plants can be easily popularized in more countries and around power consumption areas, and the number of thermal power plants can be reduced on a large scale. It will be a great achievement to publicize!

Human beings can now generate electricity by means of nuclear fission technology, and are working tirelessly for nuclear fusion technology, but this does not mean that nuclear fission technology has been developed to the limit, but that humans have found a better theory. The so-called nuclear fission, from a technical point of view, of course, any atomic nucleus has the potential for fission, but based on the limitations of current technology, human beings can only make fission chain reactions on uranium-235 and other atoms, and nuclear waste needs to be processed Bury work.

But what if nuclear waste could also be used for fission?

So Alice's goal is obvious, to develop a universal chain fission technology, which can not only fission uranium-235 and other atoms, but also the vast majority of heavy nuclei in any form!

Of course, even if this technology is developed to the limit, it is different from fusion. The peak state of fusion technology is that there is no waste after the reaction is over, and fission will be there anyway. Therefore, the ultimate goal of research and development in this field is to fission harmful radioactive elements until they are harmless.

For example, how about splitting uranium-235 into carbon elements through layer upon layer of metamorphosis! ?

Wa hahaha!

So Alice immediately applied to Washington. Beneficial nuclear fission technology is a project that the government cannot dislike, and in this field, Alice has no reason to go it alone. It's not exclusive black technology, but a technology that is clearly intended to be enjoyed by the world. Of course, it can't be all about her gulping down hundreds of tons of salad oil and then practicing superpowers throughout the process.

Therefore, it is of course impossible for equipment such as superparticle accelerators to be purchased, assembled and placed in laboratories without going through the eyes and ears of the government. If you can get a lot of research funding from the White House, why not do it? Although Alice is very confident in her mind, the difficulty of such a project research is obvious.

So Alice easily wrote an 800-page project application and threw it into the White House mailbox in Washington.

Then the application is approved.

Talking about environmental protection with Clinton is definitely like talking about mung beans. Even though it was only during his second term that he brought up this topic, they are all the same person, and the supporters of the consortium behind him are also the same group, so the idea in his heart will not change. Therefore, when the White House gave feedback, it even invited Alice to meet, and stepped directly into the Oval Office.

Lewinsky, her concubine is quite sensible.

There is no doubt that, as a politician, there is no reason for Clinton not to ask Alice to get close to him. Of course he was sent by other big financial groups, but since another talented person came to the door, a fool would reject him.

Therefore, the focus of work has once again returned to the surrounding area of ​​Laken. After several months of construction by thousands of workers, the huge beehive base has been slightly rudimentary. Layers of frames are laid out along the walls of the cave. The latest construction depth has reached almost half a mile.

It's fast because their only job is construction.

Alice's drawings were so perfect that the engineers on site couldn't find any omissions, and there was almost nothing worth discussing and pondering for a long time on site. After all, it was scanned with mental power, and the analysis of the underground structure of the Salt Lake Desert on the blueprint was clear and accurate. In the case of almost no need to use brains but only hands, it is no wonder that the speed is not fast.

In this way, when the construction progress of the honeycomb had just reached about 25%, another large project was launched on the adjacent land.

The name of the research center is "Umbrella Nuclear Energy Research and Development Center". This time it is a purely above-ground building. Of course, this definition is also relative to the hive, and there is always a basement. As for the hive, Alice was not afraid that some government officials would know about it, and she hadn't hidden it, and it was impossible to hide it. It's just a super laboratory for virus research and development. The rich want to burn money. The government is too happy to promote the economy, so there is no reason to stop it.

In fact, Clinton was very happy to learn that the reason why Alice spent so much time building the underground building was to avoid accidents to the greatest extent. Girls spend all their own money. There are such conscientious entrepreneurs in the United States, so why worry about the failure of economic revitalization?

To be reasonable, at the very least, this is also the employment problem of more than a thousand blue-collar workers for many years, isn't it?

Therefore, the focus of all work has begun to shift to the area around Laken City in the Lacree Mountains, Utah.

In less than a year, the original 3,000 residents of Laken City discovered that their lives had really begun to usher in earth-shaking changes.

This is not a disgusting change, such as breaking the inherent way of life of the residents, which is a common phenomenon in movies and literature. Both construction sites were carried out on the outskirts of the city, moreover on a vast expanse of salt lake desert, and both were built as pure science and technology laboratories, which had nothing to do with the lives of the people at all.

The change comes from population. Many residents with spare money and experience have started the bar business. Although the umbrella company provides meals for the workers, it is impossible to satisfy the desire to go to the bar after get off work, which is precisely the inherent habit of Americans. So for a period of time, every night, outsiders can be seen everywhere in Laken singing and laughing in the new bar. And a full-time bar street was born naturally.

It is worth mentioning that after the proposal of Alice Wang, the local residents voted and unanimously decided on the name of the bar street, calling it "Sanlitun".

That is "Three Mile Town".

It is also a kind of expectation for the future. After all, thousands of workers occupy many bars, and this street is really not short. Alice didn't expect that such a thing would bring about a major adjustment of the economic structure of the town. Fortunately, it is the 1990s. If she returns to the Great Western Development and even the Magic Middle Ages, then she will really turn Laken City into a new one. Become a "bar capital"!

To be honest, with the small town's original population, it's not surprising that the whole family came together to open a bar, thousands of customers!

Today, when Alice rented a small Bombardier plane and flew from Los Angeles to the newly built airport in Laken, she discovered in the sky that after a short time, the city has undergone great changes.

The scale of that piece of bar street is really not small, but with the government's intervention, its scale has been well controlled. Everyone knows that this group of workers are just passers-by. If you look at the crazy construction of the bar street at this moment, then there will be a mess to clean up in the future. Alice didn't intend to turn Laken into a second Las Vegas and ask her to pay for the demolition. That was a dream.

Today's visit came with the Minister of Energy, so after the helicopter landed, Alice did not choose where to go by car, but boarded the helicopter with the executive and headed for the suburban construction site.

"Actually, we can communicate with each other to a certain extent." Alice said: "I know that you have built many military research centers and missile test sites just tens of kilometers away from this desert. After the various research facilities are completed, they don’t have to be used for their own projects all the time, if you need anything, you can come and ask for help.”

"That's a big deal, Miss Alice." The Minister of Energy smiled very politely: "You still need to discuss with the president about the matter of the Ministry of Defense, but I think they will probably agree."

The Minister of Defense practiced Tai Chi and let the topic go. Alice finished talking nonsense casually, and looked out the porthole.

Looking down from a height of several hundred meters, one can clearly see a huge cave on the ground. Although the cross-section is extremely wide, because it is too deep, it is difficult to see the bottom even if you look down. The area of ​​the entire construction site is countless times wider than this cave, and how many construction vehicles and equipment are placed around it. When thousands of workers wear blue uniforms, even if only a few can be seen from a bird's eye view, it is enough to produce Strong visual impact.

A mile away from this site, another is preparing to go up.

"This is probably the biggest project during my tenure..." The Minister of Energy couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and couldn't help being excited: "God!"

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