
Weiwei couldn't hold back her smile, and immediately bowed her head apologetically.

I'm sorry, little girl, I can't help it.

Four Sovereigns, you are already in the set, understand!

The red hair was confused by Weiwei's smile, so, looking at the silent Xia Adam, he said: "It is impossible for us to surrender to you, I suggest you to subdue the yellow monkey..."

"It's very simple, beat him a few times, and he absolutely surrenders."

Xiaya still didn't speak, because he didn't need it.

There was no response after half a minute, and the red hair wanted to laugh: "To be honest, instead of wasting your time on me, you might as well subdue Aunt, Whitebeard."

"Murdered and killed the aunt several times to let her know the gap, and if she was beaten, she had to accept it even if she refused to accept it."

"If you beat up Whitebeard again, and then catch all of Whitebeard's sons and threaten him, he will obey!"

"As for Kaido? Just kill that lunatic! Don't make trouble!"

"I also know where the revolutionary army is. When you go there, block their strength, kill half of the weak first, and then kill the rest if they refuse to accept it. You have to accept it!"

"If you come to the Naval Headquarters again, in the same way, beat all the strong first to let them know the gap, and then use all the navy soldiers as a threat, will they surrender?"

After saying so much in a series, the red hair also lost a lot of anger.

Even more puzzled, he looked at Xia Ya and said, "With your strength, go directly to Mary Joa and kill the Five Old Stars, can't you?"

"I also know that there is someone on Wu Lao Xing, you just kill that person and let Wu Lao Xing surrender to you!"

"If you kill other Tianlong people, isn't this world yours!"

"A person like me who just wants to run around is a burden to you!"

Xia: "..."

This redhead is so black!

For freedom, all the major forces were sold!

If Wu Laoxing, Warring States Period, Whitebeard, Auntie, Kaido and others heard what the redhead said, they would definitely cut him into eight pieces!

However, Xiaya still wants to subdue the red hair and see if he can get the fruit of face......

Xia Ya's main thing is to want the red-haired overlord color, and his connections, to subdue the red-haired, what Rayleigh, etc., can be a lot easier.

After all, Rayleigh and many other strong people have nothing to ask for. If you kill him, he will not frown.

This is difficult for the thirsty Xia Ya!


Chapter 37: Akainu, this old man hates you! 【Seeking flowers】


Seeing that Xia Ya still did not speak, the red-haired face was cloudy and uncertain, and he said helplessly: "Why? In fact, as long as you threaten me with the lives of Beckman and others, I will definitely surrender faster than Bucky."

"Do you have a special hobby? Want to play with our dreams?!"

Xia: "..."

Why not use peer threats?

It can only be said that Xia Ya doesn't like this method very much. Unless there is no other way, Xia Ya will not use this trick.

As for the surrender of Luffy and others, sorry, this is Anas's pot, and it has nothing to do with Xia, eh!

"To be honest, I envy you very much, because you, who are invincible, are freer than me!"

Still don't speak, this cold existence, the red hair took a deep breath,

Finally turned around and walked a few steps, stopped and said solemnly: "Thank you too, you didn't threaten me with your companions, but..."

"Those who yearn for freedom will never surrender!"


The red-haired slammed away, and Xi Ya smiled playfully.

"Never surrender? Don't slap your face, it hurts!"

Saying that, Xia Ya looked at Robin and said, "Secretary Nicole, go, tell Hawkeye to finish this thing, and I will teach him to condense swords into silk!"

Yes, after receiving the power of Hawkeye, Xia Ya has learned the way of swordsmanship with the help of the title, and has practiced condensing the sword into silk by relying on his own strength, and now he can use it even outside the moon!

This is a power technique that is dozens of times stronger than the attack power of normal sword qi, enough to cut through everything!

"Yes, Lord Xia!"

Robin smiled at Wei Wei, as if to say, come on, little sister.

Looking at Robin who was leaving, Weiwei's face suddenly turned red, and she whispered, "Xia Ya Da....Sir, what should I do?"

Ah, ah, lone man and widow. Female, so nervous!

Before leaving, she asked Cobra: Father, what is a maid?

Cobra hesitated for a long time and said: Can't refuse anything!

Weiwei was shy, and went to ask Kobra's maid again: What is a maid?

The maid suddenly panicked: Princess, spare your life, it is the request of His Majesty the King, I have absolutely no idea of ​​being your mother!

Weiwei was speechless, but she also understood that even the wise and marvelous father in her heart had needs!

So, please...

Sir Char, do you need anything?

"Why are you so nervous?"

Seeing Weiwei who was nervous and sweating, and even blushed,

Xia Ya couldn't help laughing: "What do you think I will do to you? Then let me tell you, those under the age of eighteen are not interested!"

"Come on, give me a shoulder."

Hearing this, Wei Wei felt a little more shy, the adults meant...

Wait for me for two years, let me warm up?

Ahhh, so embarrassing!


ten minutes later

A corner of the Moon Plaza!

"Is that so..."

Looking at the busy little robots in the square, listening to Robin's words,

Hawkeye was silent for a long time, and finally nodded: "I see!"

Isn't it just to lure the redhead and make him surrender to the adults?

Hawkeye doesn't have any psychological pressure, and the only person he recognizes is the redhead,

It is definitely a beautiful thing to be able to conquer the endless world as a companion.

And for the red-haired guy who only wants freedom but has no goal, Hawkeye also hates iron, he is too lazy,

Join us here!

By the way, you can restore your right hand and gain eternity. What reason is there to refuse!

Robin said with a smile: "Lord Xia let me tell you, if it is successful, he will teach you to condense swords into silk!"


Hawkeye's eyes suddenly sharpened, recalling the scene of being crushed by Xia Ya that day, he took a deep breath and said, "Go back and tell Lord Xia Ya, I promise to complete the task!"

Condensing the sword into silk, that is the skill of desire, how gorgeous it is in his eyes.

His sword qi into the arrow is completely tricky. To be honest, it is too far from what Xia Ya described in terms of breaking the face and attacking a hundred times.

Only by learning to condense the sword into silk, that is, breaking the surface with a line, can you learn to break the surface with a point and slash to strike a real attack that penetrates everything.

"Then I'll congratulate you first..."

Robin smiled, then prepared to leave here, and then saw a bored yellow-skinned monkey in the distance!

this person!

It's a talent!

You must help the adults to win, all the strong people in the world should serve the adults!

Thinking of this, Robin walked towards Kizaru!


"Why did she come here?"

Seeing Robin coming, Kizaru couldn't help being a little nervous.

Because Robin is Char's secretary, any small report can make him punished,

Although he has not yet joined Xia Ya's command, but now he, including the red hair and others, has all his strength sealed,

In addition to writing autobiographies in the rest time, the rest of the time is to help the robot build the moon.

And now is work time, his lazy behavior, if Robin really wants to deal with him, he will definitely be trampled by that bastard Anas!

Strength is sealed, powerless!

"Hey, isn't this Miss Nico Robin!"

Confused, Kizaru's old face gave a wretched smile, forcing his cheeky mouth to pretend to be familiar.

"Oh, Miss Robin is really getting more beautiful day by day. How come you have time to come down from the top of Yueqiong?"

Robin didn't speak, but looked at Kizaru coldly, which made Kizaru panic!

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