The Great Thief

Chapter 1109: Wind of recovery

"Ah, the wind of recovery," Wendeli Ann read the name of the equipment, her face flashed through, quickly restored calm, and then said with a smile: "I don't give everyone five hundred gold coins, everyone put How is this equipment given to me?"

Five hundred gold coins?

Although the price of gold is floating now, at least a gold coin can still sell for seventy dollars.

Five hundred gold coins mean 35,000 real money.

Besides, five hundred gold coins are not equal to fourteen people, but five hundred gold coins per person, that is, nearly half a million real money. Even if this money is not a small money for a star player.

"Oh, of course not," Mo Forgot didn't have to think about it at all, and immediately opposed it: "If you dare to make so much money, it must be a good thing, and it must be a good thing in the legal system, because if it is only a treatment system, You just have to bribe the March rain and enjoy the jade jade..."

"Sister Feng, old and not dead is a thief, do you know?" Wendeli was white and forgot to look at Feng, not angry.

Others are quick to understand, but they are not as fast as forgetting Maple.

"Hurry up to share the property," Lu said, he can expect that everyone will be shocked after seeing the property, but unfortunately it is not the ring of Amaganche, can only pray that the March rain can be better.

After the property is shared, the special effect of replying to the magic attracts the burning eyes of the legal profession, and there is an impulse to take the money to knock things down.

Unfortunately, no one here is a gold coin that can be bought, oh, except for Lu, but he is not qualified to own this equipment. If everyone can get the money, he is the most profitable, and they have three people.

In the end, all the magical professions will roll together.

The March rain was a pity. This time, luck was not good. When the points came out, the equipment was disqualified.

Then Lu began to pray not to fall into the hands of Xiao Mo, don't think that his mind is dark, and regard the glory capital as the enemy of this game. He understands the horror of Xiao Mo than anyone else, and once he gets this equipment Xiao Mo will be even more terrible.

It seems that I really heard his prayers, and the flower jade rolls out a ninety-eight figure.

Unless Xiao Mo can roll back to ninety-nine or one hundred points in the back, otherwise this equipment is probably the treatment of shaman.

As for the jade flower jade will not be used for other racers of the **** battle flag, Lu is temporarily too lazy to manage, even if the first mage of the **** battle flag is really equipped with this equipment, he will also win the game. Confidence.

91 points!

Xiao Mo’s luck can’t be said badly, but unfortunately there are two people who have more points than him. He naturally can only recover the eager eyes.

"Another legend, wow, my hand is too red," Wendeli Ann screamed, and instantly liberated from the loss of the lost equipment.

No, Lu looked carefully at the equipment she showed. Suddenly, this Miss Wendrian’s hand was probably also the addition of the protagonist template. A game as big as Twilight, no one appeared. strange.

But all in all, the two legendary equipment is indeed something that players can't even think about at this stage.

Legendary equipment has never been flooded, and now it won't be. It will not be a long time in the future. As for the legendary equipment, no matter how much it costs, it doesn't make any sense to spend so much money.

Equipment level is a very important thing.

This is the second legendary equipment of the legendary Agamanche, a legendary defensive professional equipment.

"Roll?" asked the blue sea breeze.

"Let's take it," he said, smashing the famous gentleman. When he asked him, he immediately shook his head and refused.

It's not that he doesn't need it, even if the copy does not need anti-wave ss, but he can take it to the master t in the guild. The person who is not kind, is cheeky and azure sea breeze roll. Everyone is psychologically despised, the rules of the game. There are no problems with the aspect.

The rest of the things are less attractive than the legendary equipment.

In front of it is a suspension bridge with some fire elements, about three groups, which must be eliminated before going down.

Everyone didn't care much at first. Just like the way to clean up the mobs before, the skills of the soldiers to pick up the group attacking skills immediately went up, and the treatment can increase the blood without worry. After all, there are only three mobs.

Then they are tragedy.

The group was destroyed at the mobs, and it was shameful to say that it was going out. After the resurrection came back, I forgot to put together the robe: "You must ask them to cut off this paragraph completely, or they will lose it to their home." ""

The annual copy of the All-Star team has a series of promotional videos.

Not only the ones that look tall, but also the characteristics of the players, and the most popular among the average players are the wolverine clips of the star players, the embarrassing escape, and the previous expressions...

"Let's first take a look at how to play these three mobs." The flower jade has just got the best equipment, and now it is very positive.

"Receiving the group attack skills, it is almost the same to break through one," and with the favorite equipment, Xiao Mo is still very good at expressing his own opinion: "The reason why everyone hangs is because of multiple injuries."

After trying it out, it was a lot better.

A group of powerful players like wolves are stunned by these mobs.

Walking through the suspension bridge, I turned back to the casting room. The originally closed door was open to the player. This is the tomb of the summoner.

Here rested with the most outstanding seven of the Black Iron Dwarves. Centuries ago, Soris and the seven strongest black iron companions of his Majesty accidentally summoned Ragnaros into Aze Russ, and caused his tribe to be enslaved, although hanged in the summoning ceremony, but their souls that could not rest in peace have been shackled here, forced to be the master of the elements they summoned, and now the black iron ruler.

It is difficult to judge whether their practices are worthy of the name of the seven sages.

Without them, the Black Iron Dwarf would not be considered a slave even if he was defeated by two other hammers.

But there is no doubt that they are the most powerful existence of the Black Iron tribe. Now they are in the dark furnace city, waiting for the orders of the new master.

"First wait, don't talk, I'm going to do a mission," Lu stopped to stop others.

Everyone else has done a lot of tasks in this copy. I don’t think it’s unusual to see the land and have a task.

Lu was sneaked into the tomb of the summoner and was pegged at the first time.

He quickly raised his hand and said: "I brought a tribute and wanted to learn how to smelt black iron ore. Which one can teach me."

A dwarf ghost with a sword, the profession seems to be a knight, beckoning: "Young people, come to me." (To be continued.)

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