The Great Thief

Chapter 1173: Black stone tower

These cockroaches of the Blackrock Spire, don't look at the cute bleeding, in fact, all bad.

Blackrock Mountain is on the edge of the lakeside town of the Eastern Kingdoms. The source of this catastrophe began with the dwarf's civil war. The Bronze Dwarfs won in this war. However, the Black Iron Dwarves are not willing to fail. They are in Blackrock Mountain. The city of Soreson was established at the bottom, trying to break through and wait for an opportunity.

However, the brass whisker did not give his enemies any breathing space. After the United Wildhammer dwarf, he defeated the Black Iron tribe again with an overwhelming advantage, and killed their queen Modgood in this battle. The grief-stricken lock of the great emperor has committed a terrible mistake that anyone can make, that is, summoning the king of the evil spirit, Ragnaros, in the depths of the magma.

The way Lagnaros appeared and how to pull the wind.

Because the channel of the fire element plane is connected to the magma, it is conceivable that he drilled out of the ground and drilled a large hole, and the magma sprayed straight out, thus forming the Black Rock Mountain.

Later, Ragnaros enslaved the Blackrock Dwarves to build the Blackrock Spire.

The Blackrock dwarves became slaves to Ragnaros, which does not mean they can swim in the magma, so cast a cable bridge over the big hole to provide them with a passage, players come to this place want to enter the major copy here The passage is also the cable bridge.

Since it is a passage, this iron bridge must not be small.

As long as you don't deliberately seek death, under normal circumstances, there will be no cases of falling into the magma.

However, if there is a cockroach, yes, these are the cute cockroaches, they hide aside and sigh at the enemy camp players who are passing through the chain.

This is a group attack skill called typhoon. The attack range is fan-shaped. It can not only cause damage, but also blow the people on the attack range with a certain probability. It is reasonable to say that this should be a very powerful pvp skill. Unfortunately, it needs to be read. And the time of reading the article is not short, it must be hidden as it is now.

They saw a group of players being blown down several times.

Of course, people who fall will not expect to have any living roads. Even if they leave the country, they will die. Not only will they lose 5 percent of their experience, but they will not be able to resurrect. It is also very likely that equipment will be lost. This is no way to go. Hey, even if the teammates are standing next to each other, they can only watch the equipment being brushed off by the system.

The dead cockroach was divided into five corpses and became a dead bird.

There are not a few flat chains on the bridge, and all kinds of magma and stones are distributed. If someone hides in a certain place, it is not impossible. If a tribe bird suddenly blows them, the ruling sword is the most elite. People may suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, Lu is carefully cautious in front of the investigation.

The reason why you are so careful is that you are also a druid, and you can ambush silently as long as you sneak.

Killing the druids of the two opposing camps, the land passed the cable bridge safely. As for the other players in the same camp, Lu Yi was lying next to him. Once he was aware that he was inhaling the air, he planned to kill him. .

Fortunately, the Druid camp played here is very conscious, and generally does not blow the players of their own camp.

The entrance of the Blackrock Pagoda is hard to find, but there is no problem at all. Besides, the player has been mixing for so long in Blackrock Mountain. If you still can't figure out the road, it is quite normal, such as Xiaoba Sauce. Pulling the tail of the dream, I am afraid that I will lose myself when I am gone.

After Ragnaros was summoned, he enslaved the Blackrock Dwarfs.

The fortified fortress in Blackrock Mountain is a masterpiece designed by the dwarf architect Frank Ron Iron. As a symbol of black iron, the Black Iron Dwarf has occupied this fortress for centuries until the Orc Army crosses the Dark Portal. North.

If the orcs of Azera are divided according to their skin color, there are several kinds of them. The most common one is the green-skinned orc. This orc can often be seen in Durotar. It is best known as Thrall. It is today's orc. Mainstream.

More purely the kind of brown skin, represented by Hellscream, including his "brain wreck", also known as pure blood orc, these orcs generally come to worship force, explosive power exaggeration, the year of "吼"爹" But an axe completed a task that was almost impossible to accomplish and became a hero. Usually when they break out, the skin turns red and looks bloodthirsty.

There is also a black stone **** in the green, and it does not know whether it is born or acquired. The only thing that can be known is that they are not tribes, more similar to the one that was expelled from the orcs. class. Now, they are far from the sphere of influence of the tribe and become the most troublesome guy of mankind.

In fact, they used to belong to the tribe. This part of the Black Stone clan's orc went north along with the orc army.

In Blackrock Mountain, they easily defeated the Black Iron Dwarf and occupied the Blackrock Fortress. The Black Iron Dwarf could not get the help of Ragnaros. The Daxie also saved energy black in the deep melting heart of the Blackrock Depth. Iron dwarves can only retreat to the dark furnace city.

The Orc army, which occupied the Blackrock Spire, took a break and continued to move forward, leaving only this part of the Black Rock Orcs to be stationed here.

In the Battle of the Blackrock Spire, Orgrim slammed the Alliance Commander Anduin Lothar at the cost of a serious injury, but the whole situation was irreparable, the orc tribe was defeated, and most of them were captured in shelters, including the chiefs. .

The orc army was frustrated and defeated, and it seems that it has nothing to do with this part of the Black Rock Orcs.

They are forgotten in the chaotic Azeroth. If there are no black iron dwarves who still fight with them, if there are no two black handed brothers, Reid and Maim, this part of the gray dwarf may live a stable life. Maybe not.

The Destroyer Blackhan Black Hand is a tribal sergeant under the control of Gul'dan, and Reid and Maim are his two sons.

Among them, Reid is the eldest son of the black hand. He inherits his father's excellent combat talent and strategic thinking. He and his brother Mam are forced to reach adulthood by the warlocks with the ritual of taking life. The brothers are black hands together with Orgrim. A rare left and right hand.

At the end of the first Orc War, Durotan was assassinated and many people thought that it was Reid and the two who started to kill the Durotan couple.

After the black hand was killed by Orgrim Doomhammer, the angry Reid and Maim decided to regain control of the Blackrock clan and vowed to remove Orgrim to avenge his father. Although they won the support of many orcs and clans, in fact they did not get what they wanted until the end of the war.

Later they were responsible for guarding the Dark Portal, but they were defeated by the Alliance Army. Finally, the Dark Portal was destroyed and the two were sent together into the Alliance’s captive shelter.

After all the hardships, Reid escaped with his brother from the shelter. All the way to collect the defeated soldiers will win the Black Rock Mountain and use the Blackrock Tower as the main city. Since then, he has continued to expand the sphere of influence to the surrounding areas for more than a decade. The security of the southern storm kingdom.

In the war against the Blackrock Tower, Reid lost his only relative.

After all, Reid failed to realize his dream of spring and autumn, because his territory came with a more exaggerated second generation Nefarian.

Reid’s father is only an orc leader, and he is still hanging. The old man of Nefarian is the king of the Black Dragon. The former guardian of the earth is the presence of other dragon guardians.

The Black Dragon Army is one of the greatest threats to the mortal world.

Under the leadership of the Fallen Incarnation Wings, the Black Dragon Legion has been destroying the kingdoms that invade humans and elves in countless generations.

However, he was defeated in the battle of Grim Batol. Although he escaped the fate of destruction, whether he was captured or hidden, it is clear that he did not have the evil Black Dragon Army. Direct control.

Due to the retreat of the Deathwing, his eldest son climbed the leader's throne and led the entire Black Dragon. The eldest son of the Wings of Death is the ruthless Nefarian, who uses the Blackrock Tower as a bastion and the Blackwing's Nest as a nest.

Nefarian took the blood of various dragons for experimentation and finally created a colorful dragon army that was invincible. With the help of his sister, Nefarian took over the entire Black Dragon Legion by creating a colorful dragon man.

With the help of his loyal Dragon Party feathers, Nefarian and Ragnaros began a battle and eventually took control of the entire Black Rock Mountain and the surrounding area.

His efforts reproduce the glory of his father's death wing. Nefarian was delighted after capturing the servants of Ragnaros and used these captured servants to achieve his insidious intentions.

After conquering the Blackrock Orcs, Nefarian did not kill Reid, and he obviously needed help.

In name, Nefarian and Ryder Blacks formed an alliance. In fact, he only used the dark tribe of the black hand to achieve his goal.

Nefarian's crazy desire to rule even once caused the black dragon army's death to hate the red dragon, although Nefarian's intention is obvious, but his means of conspiracy to use is a mystery.

With the support of the Black Dragon Army and the support of the colorful dragons, Nefarian began planning to fight against other dragons and mortal worlds.

In other words, the copy of the Blackrock Spire is the orc's power.

In fact, the Blackrock Pagoda and the Black Wing's Nest are the forces of the Black Dragon and the Blackrock Orc. The Blackrock Depths and the Heart of Molten are the forces of the Black Iron Dwarf and the King of the Inflame, Ragnaros. The two sides are constantly fighting here, trying to thoroughly Take control of Black Rock Mountain.

Although the dragons have the power of dark magic, Ragnaros can use the power of fire to give life to the stone, and the two forces are undoubtedly fascinated by the tip of the eye.

This broken place, Lu is very puzzled why the two big cockroaches are clenching. (To be continued.)

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