The Great Thief

Chapter 1510: Curse

How to forget him, Lu took a picture of his own brain, and suddenly remembered that the children’s words that had just joined the ruling sword club had no basis.

If you have to make a ranking for each profession, then the first place in the Druid career ranking is not a child's words. In the past games, he often used this kind of partial treatment career because he always Discover the designer's intention to design a career, so as to create their own style.

Druid this profession, the practice is not as good as the Master Warlock, do the physics department output is not as good as the warrior thieves, do MT is not as good as anti-war, and do not treat as a pastor.

However, the game designer did not move out of the profession in order to make up the number.

Can add blood, can sneak, can output, if necessary, can also resist the strange, child language without a base, this druid is also a headache in the field.

If you want to find someone to do the scouts with him, it’s a good idea to have a child.

The lack of these few people did not have much impact on the entire land reclamation team, and several people soon merged into the frozen seal fortress.

At this time, the Holy Light Wishing Chapel has been briefly smashed, and the Frozen Seal has become the outpost of the Alliance Army. There are a lot of players gathered here. Most of them are thinking about participating in the system activities, even if there is no meat. It is good to drink some soup.

In fact, it is true, the amount of tasks here has become the game the most.

People with fascinating charms can find some errands here, such as burning a corpse, almost everyone can do it, that is, the reward is slightly lower, the content of the task is somewhat disgusting, the touch of the corpse and the **** rot There is no way to shield it.

The spread of the plague seems to be getting worse.

The rabbit scorpions who cursed the gods walked the plague to study the plague. Any corpse could become a vector, and burning was the only and most effective solution.

"Fortunately, we don't need to do this work," said the bright red moon, covering his nose.

"In fact, this is a good job, you can take it with prestige, you can earn a lot of gold coins, and there is no danger." Children’s words are not used to such things. I don’t think this is too much to accept. In the game, he even did things that were more disgusting than this.

"There is no cost. They have more plague poisons in their bodies. They can be superimposed. You must buy antidote at NPC," Lu said.

"The game company's ability to recycle gold coins has grown more and more," said Xiao Yan, who shook his head. This game is quite admired for the game. At least the gold coin is good, and the ratio of real money is relatively stable. Various measures for the recovery of gold coins have been carried out in a quiet and unconscious manner, so that the total amount of gold coins in the market has not changed too much.

"Are we going now?" asked the water elf.

"Wait a minute, someone will come to give up," Lu said.

"I thought I was bringing it all by myself. I brought a bag of things," the water elf snorted.

"What does it matter? His is yours, yours is still yours. Isn't this the same thing?" Tong Yan Wu Ji smiled and snarled.

"Cough, more with some, it's better than nothing," Lu said if nothing happened.

The white bread, the club's logistics butler, the main thing is to add some sneak effects, and some other medicines and props that are suitable for adventure lurking. She seems to be not very good in reality. Lu, and she talked to her with a supply to see the commander of the frozen seal.

He needs some intelligence, and the unprepared head of the plague into the present plague is undoubtedly dead.

"Is there any military situation, Lieutenant," said Ashram Varofist, who is a captain, taller than Lu. He has a handsome face that is rare in frontline fighters. His face always has a smile, compared to those in the storm. The nobility of the city night and night is still sunny.

He led the coalition army that was originally stationed in the frozen seal. After a great war, he was a real warrior.

"I just got the task of the military to come over, I have something to ask you," Lu said very politely.

Ashram Varofist nodded: "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know something about cursing the gods. How much do you know about the cursed gods?" If you ask someone who knows more about the plague, except for the Scarlet Crusade, only Ashram Warofi These are the snakes on the land.

"Cursing the gods," Captain Ashram Varofist’s face showed a look of resentment: "These are not the so-called undead, they are normal humans, they are traitors!"

"Oh," Lu is very indifferent. Of course he knows what a curse is.

When the Burning Legion entered Azeroth to burn and rob, it captured some mortals and handed them over to the Lich King, who quickly destroyed their minds and filled with fanatical enthusiasm. This new group of believers will contribute to the ravages of natural disasters in Lordaeron. Their initial job was to spread the terrible plague that killed countless Lordaeron residents and made them a natural disaster.

These people are really abominable, but what can they do?

The soldiers did not protect them, and let them become prisoners. In the face of such a strong presence of the Lich King, they can do anything but obey.

Even if you choose to die - in front of the Lich King, no one will ridiculously think that death is the end, and those who have died will be resurrected and continue to raise the butcher knife to their robes.

"These living humans are more disgusting than the undead," said Varofist, angry and angry.

"I understand, I understand," Lu is very understanding of such an angry youth, but this is not the problem he wants to talk about. He needs to know more about the dynamics of the cursed gods in the plague. It is best to know their camp. Where, as humans who have not yet been infected, they still need to camp.

"In the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the Alliance and the Horde's coalition defeated the Burning Legion..."

However, they are not the only winners, because the cursed gods believe that this is also the victory of the undead natural disaster. With the devil's defeat, the Lich King got rid of control, and he could further implement his plan with the help of the powerful death knight Alsace.

The Lich King has mastered most of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and he hopes to further expand his influence.

The Liberation of the Lich King rejoiced the cursed believers and continued to serve him after the war. In Alsace, when they crushed the cage of the Lich King, they took out the soul of Ner'zhul and merged into one, becoming the strongest new Lich King in the world. They didn't even blink their eyes.

As long as the new Lich King can advance the cause of natural disasters, the believers will pledge allegiance to him, just as they are loyal to the old Lich King.

Considering that the current Lich King is a possessive entity, the cursed believers believe that one day he will come to Lordaeron and crown him as a king, thus working even more enthusiastically. They are in the dark and are studying the darkness. Psychic magic, and look forward to one day truly become immortal, cursing the gods is a terrible organization.

"Where are they... I received an order to destroy a ceremony in which a cursing **** is being held." Lu was interrupted by this statement, and it was no wonder that the goods were a talented person, but they were too late to get promoted.

"The ceremony, what ceremony?" Captain was surprised.

"Confidential, you should understand the rules, but the time is very urgent, so can you make a long story short," Lu said to the mysterious secret, in fact, he does not know what a ghost ceremony, but he must have a big task to do, you Any information must be clearly explained to me.

"Okay, okay, I said..." Ashram Varofist nodded and told some of the information he knew.

"Thank you, these things are very useful," Lu is very satisfied.

As the supreme chief of the outpost, Ashram Varo Fest not only knows the general scope of the curse of the gods, but also tells some undead units that guard these believers.

This kind of undead unit is very important. After knowing it, there are even some fears.

If you don't come to Ashram Varofist to chat, they go directly to the plague, I am afraid that the body is now cold.


The cursed gods have bred a group of corpse dogs. These ghouls only depend on the meat on the corpse to survive. The meat on the undead does not have any extra effect. The real undead may be slick, or just Hanging some bits and pieces of pork.

These kangaroos are between the undead and the living, and they have two very powerful skills.

One is rabies, this is a debuff, very vicious, lasting up to an hour, slowing down, weak, and continuing damage.

This is fatal to thieves, and continuous damage means you can't sneak.

There is also a passive skill to enhance the sense of smell.

As the name suggests, their noses are particularly spiritual, and they have reached the point of metamorphosis. Even if they do not enter their perception range, they can also discover a few people through the smell.

"No, it’s all in the hands of everyone," Ashram Varofist took the shoulders and smiled. "I have something to help you, but you know, now. This world is not very peaceful, and it is not easy for me to get these things..."

"It is not easy for brethren to be stationed here. If I can have the opportunity to improve everyone's life, I think this is my honor," Lu said seriously.

Then, the two people laughed tacitly.

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