The Great Thief

Chapter 1538: bet

The dwarves also have a place in Lordaeron, they are the Wildhammer Dwarf. They built their home in the Hinterlands, Eagle Mountain, and are committed to protecting it. Compared to the Plaguelands, Hinterlands is a pristine green area filled with tall oaks and maples.

Hinterlands is surrounded by mountains. Some people think that there is no road leading to Hinterlands. Only the dwarf's gryphon communicates with the outside world.

The simplicity of Hinterlands has continued for centuries. In the second war, after losing Grimbato, the Wildhammer dwarf moved the capital to the Eagle's Nest. The Wildhammer Griffin Knight is full of legendary characters and is the lucky star of the Alliance in the second and third wars.

The notice was mobilized and the necessary things were prepared.

Lu and Tirion Fordring appeared in Hinterlands, along with a dozen of Paladin NPCs, both of whom were former members of the Silver Hand, and later Arthas identified Uther as the Crown Prince. The treason and a strong announcement of the dissolution of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Members of the Knights of the Silver Hand were forced to leave the training ground and the station, and some joined the army of Lordaeron, and some of them returned to the field.

In fact, it was because of this disbanding order that after Arthas returned and killed King Tenaris II, the reason why the natural disaster swept the land of Lordaeron in a short period of time - the Paladins who were fighting for each other could not The forces of the natural disasters that blocked the tides were eventually eliminated.

These dozens of paladins are not all members of the silver hand, but Tirion Furdin can be summoned in a short time.

They have already prepared for the mortal mentality, and they are solemn and solemn, and they are dead.

It’s said that it’s an old knight. In fact, it’s not too old to be abducted. It’s only forty or fifty years old, younger than thirty, these people have devout faith and rich combat experience. It is very helpful.

When I saw these people, I felt more or less relieved.

The new hand of Tyre’s hand is still hot, and the Scourge will inevitably arrange for strong characters to be stationed. In that case, a BOSS battle will be carried out.

That will be the real BOSS, and it will be very powerful. It is not a problem to wave a large number of shots. If there is no such NPC to help, the people who are away from the land will face the fate of death and death. May be destroyed by BOSS.

It’s not the same with these dozens of paladins.

They can at least help BOSS, and players don't have to worry about OT from them.

Any one of these people should be a quasi-BOSS template.

If you want to borrow, you must pass the approval of the Wildhammer Dwarf. This passage is firmly held by them. Recently, in order to prevent the spread of natural disasters, they have made this passage very dangerous.

Eagle Nest Mountain!

The capital of the Wildhammer Dwarf is deeply embedded in the huge mountain.

The city is located in the northwestern part of Hinterlands, backed by Lake Dalmer. The Eagle's Nest is like a huge lion's head. The eyes and nostrils are open to the outside world. The Wildhammer Dwarf has struggled for this cause for generations. This sculpture is more and more vivid under their hands, even the feathers are clear. Clearly.

Wildhammer's castle and defense facilities extend from the interior of the cliff to the outside.

By leaving these people on the land, if the dwarves turn their faces, they may not have the power to fight back.

Fortunately, the Wildhammer Dwarf knows who their friends are and who are their enemies.

Unlike the dwarves of Ironforge, the Wildhammer Dwarf is relatively friendly to the elves. They think that these arrogant creatures are at least more lovely than humans. Lu is an elf and an elf that brings wine.

When dozens of altar wines were placed in front of the entrance to the Eagle's Nest, they immediately attracted hundreds of dwarves.

At the beginning, they used Lu Li as a merchant of liquor sales, but when they said that these wines were all sent away, they immediately felt that the elves were the most lovely people in the world except the wild hammer dwarf.

When Lu was asked to see the lord of Metz Dra Kreip, someone immediately took them in.

Lord Metz Dra Krepp is an elderly dwarf with a long beard but no hair. Remember who once said that the dwarf is a very strong animal, and there is no race like this. The dwarf has a beard like this, and no race can even have a beard for a woman, but as they get older, their hair will fall off due to lack of nutrition.

But the beard won't fall off, and I don't know why it is.

"This elf friend, he brought a variety of fine wines, many of which I have never heard of," said the dwarf who had come in with them to his lord.

"Green, not all wines can be called wine, you really should go out to travel, at least you should go to Ironforge to see," Metz de la Krep lord does not seem to hate the three hammers The old things of the war, the enlightened lessons of the young dwarfs.

"Hello, these are not ordinary wines, I can guarantee that you can't drink them all," Lu said.

"Haha, young people, do you know how old I am, do you know how many kinds of wine I have ever had, and I don’t dare to say anything else. In terms of wine alone, there is absolutely no more knowledge in this world than I have." Lord Metz Dra Krep laughed.

"Respected lord, I am just a young elf adventurer," Lu said with no shame, he said with a trace of embarrassment: "But I don't believe you can taste the world."

"Young people, it’s better to bet ours, let me taste these wines, and then tell them how they are coming, how?" Metz Dra Krep’s lord did not know that Lu Li had thoroughly studied his research. The old dwarf is good for life: wine, bet and ore.

As soon as he was slightly irritated, he immediately made a bet.

More than a dozen altars were moved by the young dwarves, and the code of one altar and one altar was placed before the throne, and the lord of Metz Dra Krep took a deep breath and took a deep breath.

Lu is not collecting more wine, but the wines that are common in Azeroth are not necessary. The wines he brings are basically from the small eight sauces, which are very rare. Kind, even some are not circulated at all.

There are all kinds of strange things in Xiao Ba Sai, which are all obtained by her task. The wine is also part of it. If there is no introduction of Ba Sauce, Lu Sheng is not aware of what these wines are.

Lu is not sure if these wines can win the lord of Metz Dra Krepp, but if these wines can't win, he really doesn't know what way to win the old dwarf in the bet.

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