The Great Thief

Chapter 1584: Blacksmith

The sorcerer Jindu is the leader of the Hakkari clan, the absolute supporter of Haka. After the efforts of the Atahaka Temple, he continued to summon Haka’s conspiracy and succeeded.

Of course, Lu and Xiao Ba Sauce are accomplices.

"I don't know if he still knows us?" Xiaoba Sauce felt very lost and a little angry. After all, Jin Du incarcerated Ye Qiya to deceive her.

"I should not know, I entered a copy, it is a dish," Lu said with a big hand, very proud.

In fact, he knows the horror of Jindu than anybody, especially in the early days of the edition. Everyone knows that Jindu is the supporter of Haka, and it is the brain powder of Haka. However, when it comes to the copy, everyone guesses that there is no speech. Jindu is more than one and a half points better than Haka.

It is completely two levels of BOSS.

"Friends, welcome to this feast. Come on, carnival! Carnival to death!" This is the opening remarks of Jin Du, he really does not know Lu Li and Xiao Ba Sauce.

Ye Keya, who had dealt with Lu and Xiaoba Sauce before, was deceitful and thoughtful, and the level of intelligence was very high. The gold level in front of him was just a BOSS that was copied step by step. The real gold does not know what it is. Where are the local cats?

"Then I can go up," I heard Lu Lu said that the goods were a dish, and the blue sea breeze was full of courage.

"Wait a minute, clean up the surrounding area first, what do you do with the donkeys? No one is robbing you," Lu told the people to clean up the mobs nearby. Anyway, Jindu read the words very well. A long string is the glory of the troll family.

The troll is really brilliant, this is not bragging.

The earliest trolls known to date are the Zandalari trolls, and the trolls of the remaining tribes are all passed down from them. The Zandalari people see knowledge more than anything else, but there are still many members of this tribe who are more eager to fight and conquer. These rebellious trolls eventually split and established their own tribes.

Over time, the remaining members of the Zandalari tribe were respected by all the trolls as the highest priests.

The Zandalari people tirelessly record and protect the troll's history and customs, and these wise trolls continue to work hard for the reunification of the troll society. Although the Zandalari were respected by the rest of the trolls, the political differences between them and the tribes still existed.

About 16,000 years ago, the trolls dominated most of the Kalimdor continent. The tribes that split from Zandalari established two troll empire: the Gurubashi Empire in the southeastern forest, and the Amani Empire in the middle.

The Gurubashi Empire and the Amani Empire are not very friendly, but they do not often fight.

At that time, their common enemy was an alien empire - the Azaki civilization. The subunit is a wise insect creature. They mainly rule the western region. These clever Zerg creatures have a strong desire to expand and are very evil. The goal of the subunits is to eliminate all non-insect organisms on the Kalimdor continent.

The trolls fought with them for thousands of years, but they never gained an overwhelming advantage over the subunits.

In the end, due to the constant attack of the trolls, the Yaji Empire was divided into two, and its subjects fled to the settlements in the northern part of the mainland and in the remote areas of the south to survive. Two large subunit insect cities have emerged: they established Mt. Nyab in the wasteland in the north and Ahn'Qiraj in the southern desert.

Although the trolls believe that there are other subfamily settlements underground in the Kalimdor continent, this view has not been verified.

As the worms were driven away, the two troll empire returned to their original state. Although they won great victories, neither of these two empire expanded.

Taking advantage of this time, the night elves developed in the area around the Well of Eternity. The trolls did not work hard to expand their territory, and the night elves built a powerful empire and expanded on the Kalimdor continent. The magic they used was never imagined by the trolls, and the rise of the night elves quickly threatened the two largest empire in the world.

The night elves systematically disintegrated the troll's defense and support system. The trolls can't fight the devastating magic of the night elves, so they just sit still.

Gulabash and the Amani empire fell apart in the years that followed, and the amazing lightning-fast victory of the night elves caused the trolls to have eternal hatred for them - as you can imagine, if there is a choice, Ye Ji Adam didn't want to deal with the two night elves, Lu Yi and Xiao Ba Sa, but he could only bear it for the big picture.

Later, the Burning Legion invaded, and the night elves were swallowed up by the magical fire they were trying to control.

Their use of magical intemperance summoned the Burning Legion, and the Demon destroyed most of the Night Elf civilization. Although there was no information that the Burning Legion also attacked the Troll civilization, almost the entire continent was caught in war.

At the end of this horrific war, the Well of Eternity exploded, and the shock wave generated by the explosion tore the Kalimdor continent, causing the center of the continent to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Most of the land of the Amani and Gurubashi Empires still exist in the current Quel'Thalas and Stranglethorn Vale.

For centuries after the Cataclysm, the trolls spent their lives in an extremely difficult environment. The indomitable trolls rebuilt their captive city and set out to regain their former glory. Even so, hunger and terror are just commonplace for the broken empire, and the desperate jungle troll seeks the help of ancient powers. Although both troll empires believe in the common ancient gods, Gulabash is the darkest. The gods dominated.

The spirited player Haka responded to their request. Haka gave Gulabash the secret of his blood and helped them expand the territory to most of the Stranglethorn Valley, as well as some of the South China Sea Islands.

Although he brought tremendous power to the jungle trolls, in return, this bloodthirsty **** needs the soul as a sacrifice.

His demands are getting higher and higher, and he is becoming more and more impatient with his loyal priests. He asked them to find a way to summon him to the material world, so that he could directly absorb the blood of his sacrifice. His ambitions are getting bigger and bigger, so that he dreams of devouring all the creatures in the world.

Most of the Hakkari priests began to doubt their insatiable appetite and fear the prospects - and then continue to supply his soul in an unrestrained manner, his power does not know where it will grow, he came to this What terrible damage will be caused by the world.

However, there are still a handful of stubborn forces in Hakkari that decide what to do with Hakkar. They are called Atalai.

Just before the Atalai trolls successfully completed the summoning, all the other jungle trolls, including the Hakkari trolls, fought to fight this cruel god.

As Hakkar was foreseen as a deadly threat to the whole world, even the Zandalari tribe was involved in this war. The magic that erupted in the war shattered Zul'Gurub.

When the battle was in despair, the trolls successfully destroyed the incarnation of Haka.

The Atalai trolls were driven out of the jungle and almost extinct. Only a small group of members fled into the Swamp of Sorrows, where they built a magnificent temple for their gods: the Temple of Atahaka.

Because of the fight against the frenetic Atalai trolls, the Hakkari trolls hope to escape the punishment of offering sacrifices to Haka. But they soon discovered that it was wishful thinking. When Atalai’s immediate threat was removed, the jungle trolls also betrayed the Hakkalais.

Many former priests were tortured and tortured and executed in horrific manner, and the rest were torn into pieces by the rioters.

The luckiest Hakkari trolls were only deprived of all their assets and forced to be expelled from Zul'Gurub.

The jungle trolls warned them that trying to come back would pay the price of death.

Under extreme pain and despair, the surviving Hakka people had to make a terrible decision. They embarked on the same path as their former enemy, the Atalai troll, and expressed their willingness to help them. Call Haka to the world.

Knowing the suffering of the Hakkari trolls, the Atalai trolls were convinced that they had changed their minds and accepted them into the temple.

There, the Atalai trolls and the Hakkari trolls continued their work of making gods.

The patron saint, the king of dreams, Green Dragon Ysera quickly learned the evil plans of these priests and sank the temple into the swamp. Until today, the ruins of the temple are still guarded by the Green Dragon Army.

The remnants of the Gurubashi Empire began to part ways. Because of their desire to occupy the vast sovereignty of Stranglethorn Vale, these disintegrated tribes began to fight each other. After the long war, the smallest tribe, the Darkspear tribe, was collectively driven out of the mainland. In order to avoid more disputes, they settled on a remote and deserted island.

The battles of the ancients and the landslides were all due to the abuse of arcane magic by the night elves, but the upper elves of the night elves, the upper elves, refused to give up arcane magic.

As a result, they were exiled from Kalimdor. They crossed the sea and boarded the mainland of Lordaeron. These exiles renamed themselves high elves.

In the process of advancing inland, there was a local **** clash between the high elves and the forest trolls that controlled the entire northern part of the continent. Eventually, the tired elves reached a forest area where they could recall Kalimdor. After driving the local trolls, the high elves established the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas.

Elf mages carved a series of magical stones on the border of Quel'Thalas. These rhyolites can not only hide the magic of the elves to avoid threats from other planes, protect the country from invasion, but also deter the superstitious giants. The magic army has been around for a while.

The hard-won peace of Quel'Thalas lasted for about four thousand years until one day. The forest trolls assembled and launched a campaign to completely wipe out these elf invaders. Under the disparity of strength, the Anastalian Sunstrider King of Quel'Thalas desperately sought any force that would save them from the fire and water, and eventually signed a covenant with the human state Arathor.

The elves began teaching how to use magic to a small group of humans. With the help of this group of new Masters and the Arathor army, the High Elf was finally able to destroy several trolls' military bases, and the Amani Empire would never be able to recover again.

The two troll branches have gone down.

Really able to stand on this continent, it has become a dark spear tribe under the leadership of rent.

In the early days of the Second War, the neutral elves began to participate as the war progressed and began to help the alliance of Luo Danyi. The war commander Orgrim Doomhammer wants to let the forest troll join the Horde. Doomhammer promised to the forest troll that if they joined the tribe, the tribe would help them defeat the high elves and help rebuild their Amani empire.

The rent of the forest troll leader initially rejected this tempting agreement.

As a famous hero of the Amani tribe, the rent with amazing skill makes all the forest trolls listen to him.

Although the forest trolls are very imaginative of the high elves fighting, Zu Jin is doubtful about the tribe's intentions. Soon, the rent and his party were unfortunately captured by humans in a battle. When the tribe rescued it, the rent changed his mind and agreed to join the tribe to fight against the alliance. Some forest troll tribes joined the war in the name of the Allies.

Soon, the Horde pushed the front line to the edge of Quelcelas and slaughtered the high elves. In the face of this extinct killing, the elves put all their resources into the war.

When the Horde was repulsed, the Orcs and their allies had accomplished their goal: to steal a number of higher elves to create a defensive enchantment. The warlock Gul'dan used these stolen stones to build a storm altar.

However, the second war ended in the victory of the Alliance. After the subsequent wars, most of the defeated orcs in Azeroth were taken into prison camps. Due to the fiasco of the war, many forest trolls expressed anger at the fact that the orcs did not fulfill their final promises, and did not hesitate to leave the orcs who were once in the same camp.

Until later Saar established a new tribe, the troll family regained its right to speak on this continent.

Of course, in the mouth of Jin Duo, the story is another version. At least he despised his Dark Spear brothers and felt that they had forgotten the glory of their ancestors.

After the nonsense is finished, the mobs are also cleaned up, and the real battle will begin.

Lu Yi directed the teammates to give everyone BUFF, especially the BUFF on the shadow system. Otherwise, it is estimated that the rhythm of the group will be extinguished in minutes. It is said that Jin Du is a dish, it is completely a blue sea breeze.

"Getting started!" The blue sea breeze shouted and rushed to BOSS.

This person is a very competent MT. No matter how tired or annoying, he can adjust the state to the best when he starts the war, so that others can't help but follow him.

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