The Great Thief

Chapter 1757: Apocalypse Four Knights

This dress will only fall in the hands of the land or water elves, obviously biased towards PVP equipment.

The water elf just took a very favorite necklace, and gave it to the land very much. It is very arrogant to sum up the reason to be too ugly to wear.

The soul reaper is really ugly. I don’t want to wear it on the body. There is also a natural disaster totem that looks disgusting. The girl would rather choose a T3 suit with a slightly smaller attribute. This one.

One of the smudged loafers, the French T3 boots, the smudged riding boots, the thief warrior T3 boots, the Lu and the water elves are not involved in the competition, they can not always bully people.

No matter the difficulty, the most elite of the Cavaliers is actually the four knights.

Next, they encountered four BOSS together, the so-called Apocalypse four knights.

The Apocalypse Four Knights are allusions from the end of the New Testament, "The Record of John Apocalypse" (commonly known as "Revelation"). They describe that when the world is over for the trial of all human beings, the Lamb untied the seven seals of the book and summoned them to separate them. The knights riding white, red, black and green horses brought war, famine, plague and death to the human beings who were finally judged. At that time, the heavens and the earth were out of tune, the sun and the moon were discolored, and then the world was destroyed.

These four knights in the dawn have a history.

Lord Kurtaz: The dwarf has always been the most determined ally of mankind. When the Scourge was swept through the sacred sect, many dwarves took the initiative to go to the forefront and fight against their ferocious enemies with their human friends.

The Duke of Kurtitz is one of the many dwarven warriors who let the Scourge of the Scourge be stunned. The countless undead warriors turned into fly ash in his huge warhammer and powerful sacred power, the white beard and the old man Together with his mentor, "The Hand of Silver" commander Uther, he stopped the attack of the natural disaster on the Tirisfal Glades and established a solid fortification in the narrow mountain that was later called the Undead Barrier.

Although Uther was ambushed by the Scourge in Andorhal in the near future, the fearless light messenger was smashed by the fallen king of Lordaeph, but the undead barrier was still unbreakable, and the Duke of Kurtaz was indispensable.

"Since the timid dwarf likes to hide in the fort and use their ridiculous gunpowder to bluff, let him freeze to death in his bunker."

The fallen prince sneered and waved Frostmourne. The huge frosty dragons covered the bleak sunshine. The cold dragons swept through the sturdy bunkers. Many dwarves and humans who had not had time to escape the bunkers turned into crystal clear. Ice sculpture.

Desperate survivors watched the Scourge of the tides tremble.

"For the sake of Luo Dan! For Ironforge! For the silver hand!" The Duke lifted his own warhammer and rushed to the Scourge, the warhammer fluttered the ghoul flesh and blood, the Holy Light flashed the Necromancer into the ashes. The Duke fought bravely to protect the people who had lost their will to escape from the battlefield.

"Oh, after all, it’s just a mortal. If you want to die, you will be satisfied."

The green light emerged in the hands of Arthas, and the evil shadow magic flew to the already exhausted Duke.

Looking at the **** Duke fell to the cold land, Arthas smiled gloomyly: "I believe he must hope that he will become a member of my team after death."

A few days later, a small figure appeared in the forwards of the Scourge, and the lord Kurtaz, who was wearing a green cloak symbolizing death, raised a new weapon in his hand—a warrior slamming his former comrades.

Miss Blaucus and Sir Seryek: In the Western Plaguelands of the "Undead Paradise", only two types of people are willing to live here for a long time: the fanatical **** crusade and the mysterious silver dawn.

The Scarlet Crusade, stationed in the hands of Tyre, continually sent elite troops to the Scourge's important base in Lodz, Stan, and successfully built a solid front in the southwest corner of Stan.

Although the Scarlet Crusades set the goal of destroying all natural disasters as the most lofty goal, but under the erosion of unknown powers, they also attacked all non-blood crusader members madly, so they were stationed in the silver dawn of the dilapidated Holy Light Wishing Chapel. They were also attacked by the Scarlet Crusades as the minions of the Scourge.

But the mysterious silver dawn does not care about the harassment of the Scarlet Crusade. They are more concerned with the high elf camp in Quel Danny, north of the Plaguelands.

These poor high elves are a small number of survivors in the "Silver Moon City Massacre". Their loved ones were slaughtered, their homes were destroyed, and these elves were extremely painful and extremely hostile to natural disasters.

The dexterous elves are born assassins and snipers. Their affinity with arcanes also makes them excellent magicians, but now they face constant harassment of natural disasters, and the days are very difficult. In order to unite more people to fight against natural disasters, Silver Dawn established a logistics supply point at the North Ground Tower and the East Wall Watch Tower, inviting the high elf hunter, Miss Blaux, to act as the commander of the North Ground Tower, and ordered the high-level paladin of the Scourge Defense Force, Seriya. Sir Keke served as the liaison officer for the East Wall Tower.

In order to coordinate how to better protect the strategic materials and energy sources to Quel Danny, the two commanders constantly met in an abandoned village in the North Valley, and the handsome Sir Seriek fell in love with the cloth. Miss Lawrence, the same beautiful Miss Blaux is also conquered by the temperament of Sir Seryek.

The good guys held a grand wedding for the two, people temporarily forgot the terrible natural disasters, and the warm atmosphere reappeared in this sad land after the "slaughter day" (Stanlock's massacre).

However, natural disasters will not forget these nasty creatures that hinder their plans. The attack on Quel Danny’s supply line became more and more fierce, and the newly-married Braunks and Serijek had to return to their posts immediately after the end of their honeymoon.

Although the two of them are not far apart, the busy military affairs often make the two people unable to see one side for a few months, but rely on the messenger in the transport team to keep intimate contact.

"Dear Brice, although the attacks on natural disasters have continued, I firmly believe that one day we will defeat them. When the war is over, I think we can go back to your hometown and enjoy the peace years..."

"Dear Yark, natural disasters come to attack us every day. I am very glad that your letter is that you gave me the courage to fight. Although the current Silvermoon City has become a ruin, I am happy to take you to visit me. Beautiful birthplace Shadowmoon Canyon, green lawn, cheerful streams, lovely dragon eagle and Elabel tree with sweet fruits, I believe you will love it there..."

The reality is always cruel. The Baron Rivendell of the North Gate Tower and the Frost Word? The natural disaster force led by Les is completely destroyed. Miss Blaucus is unclear.

On the one hand, Sir Seriyek, who was in pain, asked for help from the dawn of the Light Hope Chapel. On the one hand, he organized the manpower to prepare for the upcoming Scourge. Only work can alleviate his love for his wife.

"Adults, the enemy is coming!" The purple scorpion flag fluttered high in a group of ghouls screaming wildly, and the warriors constantly stood up from the meat-cranked car, and the necromancer sneered while performing the summoning technique. The stupidity of the opposite human.

Baron Rivendell walked slowly to the front of the tower: "Poor Seriyek, you must know your beautiful and lovely lady, there."

"You guys, bastard! What happened to Brice?" Angry Serijek clenched his sword.

"Bris? It's a beautiful name, then I think you must know if this ugly woman is the owner of such a beautiful name, hahahaha." The tall cross appeared behind the baron, all of them were taking risks. Miss Blaucus, who had a **** wound, was tied to it. The original beautiful green eyes only left two black holes.

"" The men were desperately trying to stop their irrational commanders.

"Oh, you still know her, then say goodbye to your wife! Les, you should perform."

"I am willing to help!" The flame appeared on Miss Blaucus, and the high-level sacrifice magic completely swallowed up the last vitality of the poor elf.

"No!!!" Sir Sir Yeyek could no longer control him. He rushed out of the tower and rushed to the Scourge.

"I am sorry, the stupid paladin, the one who was swallowed up by anger can only be a dead end." The baron threw the evil blade in his hand and nailed the jazz to the ground.

"Have a good memory of what I taught you." Baron Rivendell extended his right hand and pinched Sir Sergey’s chin. "Go to **** and ask me to ask Brauokes. May you remember in hell. each other."


"You are still old habits, like to crush someone else's chin." Frost?? Les looked coldly at the body of Serijek.

"The following is the story of these dragons without heads, death and dying!"

"My King, I have added two powerful fighters to your Death Knight Legion - Miss Blaucus and Sir Seryek, but it's a bit of a problem and you need to handle it yourself."

"Is there any problem? Kel'Thuzad."

"Seriyek still retains human memory. I am very surprised. Although his body completely obeys my orders, his consciousness often does not accept my orders."

"He can listen to your orders, and your task is to complete the plan I have given you. Don't worry about such small things, time is running out."

These are the stories of the three paladins, and there may not be many people who know them.

But the fourth Paladin is estimated to be familiar.

Big Lord Mograine!

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