Thinking that in addition to Luo’s great potential in combat, the surgical results he mastered were even more blessed in medical treatment, and Bing Ge was happy all of a sudden.

It’s not a coincidence to open the door for a coincidence – it’s a coincidence.


“After a fierce competition, the judges unanimously decided that the winning dish was ‘Grilled Meat’, and its chef, Miss Carina, became our king of food this year!”

“Ahhh!! Karina!! ”

“Why am I not a judge, I also want to taste Miss Karina’s ‘hot roast’.”

“It was really Miss Carina who won, so Miss Karina not only became this year’s king of food, but also the youngest king of food in the past!”

“It’s really worthy of being a genius girl in the chef world, and she won the honor of the king of food at such a young age.”


Time passed quietly, and before you knew it, the King Eater Contest decided the winner, and when the host announced the results, the entire square erupted into ear-shattering cheers.

In the ring, the losers bowed their heads and retreated, while Karina, as the winner, raised the golden knife symbolizing the king of food.

Karina is a beautiful royal sister with red hair and a beauty mole dotted on the corner of her left eye.

And she is not only beautiful, but also extremely domineering, even if she is wearing a chef’s uniform, it is difficult to hide the bumps inside.

Such appearance, coupled with the cooking skills of other contestants, undoubtedly made Karina’s popularity, and it also made the atmosphere of this year’s King of Eaters competition reach a height of all previous achievements.

“Everyone be quiet, there will be our food king to speak next, hey? Who are you, get down! ”

In the warm atmosphere, the host also walked to Karina with a smile on his face, ready to follow the procedure.

Just halfway through the host’s words, he was suddenly stunned, because a person suddenly appeared in front of Karina.

Although the host was shocked that he didn’t see how the other party appeared, he didn’t think much about it, thinking that the audience who ran up from below hurriedly wanted to drive the other party down.

“Who are you!”

Karina was also startled by the person who suddenly appeared on the opposite side, and not only subconsciously took a step back, but also red powder emerged from her empty left hand.


The fierce wind swept through, to be precise, it should be the overlord color domineering outbreak.

It was no one else who appeared in the ring, it was none other than Bing Ge.

At a speed faster than the naked eye of others, he swept from the high platform to the ring in just an instant.

Bing Ge did not respond to Karina immediately, but after glancing at the host who ran over, he directly launched the overlord-colored domineering.


The overlord-colored domineering that seemed to be a violent wind swept the entire square in an instant, and in an instant, whether it was the host who ran over, the crowded audience below, or other people on the high platform, their eyes were white, and they fell to the ground one by one without even having a chance to react.

On the opposite side of Bingge, there was also the sound of butt falling bags.

I saw Karina pale, and she fell to the ground in a duck-sitting position.

Obviously, the overlord-colored domineering unleashed by Bing Ge also did not miss Karina on the opposite side.

However, better than the others, he controlled the overlord-colored domineering energy released by Karina, just making the other party temporarily powerless.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you, because you’re my favorite chef!” Binggo smiled and opened his mouth to say to Karina, who looked shocked and uncertain on the other side.

“Chef?” Shortness of breath, Karina was stunned.

Bing Ge bowed his head slightly: “That’s right, my name is Bing Ge, I am the captain of the War Pirate Group, and I also came specially to recruit excellent chefs, and the cooking skills you showed in the competition just now made me appreciate it very much, so become a member of our Pirate Group, I will appoint you as the head chef of our chef team.” ”

“War Pirates? Recruit me? Ah this…” There was so much information that it made Karina’s brain mess for a while.

It’s just, I don’t know why, she looked at the man in front of her who didn’t reject it at all, and even instinctively wanted to obey the other party.

“I’m a bit of a mess right now, but if you can promise not to hurt me, I’m willing to wait on your ship first.” Karina hesitated for a moment, then said tentatively.

Bing Ge smiled and said, “Of course I won’t hurt you, and if you feel uncomfortable staying on my ship in the future, then you can leave at any time.” ”

Leave? That, of course, is impossible.

Just as Karina has no rejection of Bing Ge at all.

Under the domineering submission ability of the overlord color, even if one shot is not enough to make the other party die, a few more shots are enough.

In other words, once on the ship of the soldiers, then no one wants to go down.

Karina didn’t know the hole cards of Binggo, and she only relaxed for the gentleness that Bingge showed.

Although the matter came suddenly, at least from the current situation, there was no danger, and Karina accepted the current situation for the time being.


Footsteps came from one side of the ring.

Hearing the movement, not only Bing Ge, but also Karina couldn’t help but turn her head and look over.

“I’m done here, how are you doing here?”

I saw Robin walking from the side of the ring, and behind her there were also the war pirate group brothers with cooks on their backs.

That’s right.

When Bingge personally recruited Karina as the champion, the other nine participating chefs were also packed by Robin.

However, compared to Karina, the other nine chefs were treated worse, and like the rest of the audience, they were directly stunned by Bing Ge with a domineering overlord.

“It’s okay on my side, Karina has promised to join our pirate group!” Bing Ge said with a smile.

Robin’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help but look at Karina, who was sitting on the duck, and nodded slightly: “That’s good, then let’s go back to the port now!” ”

Bing Ge waved his hand and said, “No hurry, I am also ready to recruit an excellent doctor.” ”

With that, he turned around and looked at a high platform not far away.

“Mr. Trafalgar Rowe, don’t mind coming over and talking!” Bing Ge raised his voice.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips!!! )

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