Chapter Fifty-Nine The Paid Service of the Little Thief Cat [Three Changes, Subscription Required]!!

Cảm tạ thư hữu ‘ngaothienqp’ đã tài trợ truyện này. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o


Three days later.

Undulating seas.

The Golden Merley is not hurried to move forward.

After these days of recuperation, Sauron, whose body has fully recovered, began his daily practice.

With the bonus of the observation type of “Super Glasses”, his strength is undoubtedly on the next level.

And the energetic Usopp, there, practiced unremittingly.

With that ultra-long-range vision, he constantly uses the supersonic slingshot to fire air bombs, snipe fish and shrimp that jump out of the sea in the distance, and exercise your reflexes.

In the past three days, he has been training hard.

With his already good sniper talent, he has made great progress.

Gradually adapted to the visual enhancement brought about by the observational tool of “Super Glasses”, he also had a deeper understanding of the performance of the “Supersonic Slingshot”.

Although it is not as exaggerated as Alan.

But it is already easy to accurately hit targets two or three kilometers away.

Even without a powerful imperial tool like the Supersonic Slingshot, he could easily surpass his former self.

Nami, the navigator, sat on a beach chair on the bow of the ship.

Combined with nautical charts, keep an eye on changes in climate and currents.

“It’s so boring…”

Luffy sat on the bow of the Merley, constantly looking at the sea in the distance, where he asked boredly, “Alan, are you talking about the sea restaurant?” ”

After they left the village of Sirobe.

Alan instructed Nami to go to the sea restaurant called Balati, not far from the sea where they were located.

It is said that it is the most famous sea restaurant in Tokai, and it can recruit excellent chefs as new partners.

Rushing Luffy, naturally agreed without hesitation.

“According to the voyage, it should be about the same!”

Ellen leaned slightly on another beach chair beside Nami, squinting her eyes and holding a glass of fresh orange juice, and Mei Zi enjoyed it.

I don’t know how long it took.

He opened his eyes, looked at the young and beautiful little thief cat next to him, and couldn’t help but say, “Nami, don’t you want to help me rub my shoulders!” ”

“Don’t you want it, you want to be beautiful!”

Nami spat her tongue at him and made a grimace.

“Really? That’s a pity…”…”

The corners of Alan’s mouth rose.

There was a flash of cunning in his eyes.

Some slow and leisurely said: “I would have liked to say paid service, ten thousand Baileys a minute!” ”

“Ten thousand Peles a minute?”


In an instant.

Nami’s eyes shone like stars, shining with Bailey’s symbol: “Cash? ”

But she still remembers Allen’s routine.

It can be said that the hate is itchy, and it is natural to be vigilant.

“Of course it’s a cash payment, does the woman look down on me Ai?”

Alan rolled his eyes.

Looked at the little thief cat with disdain.

“Fifty thousand Baileys a minute!”

Nami smiled.

Clean and neatly stretched out his right hand to make a plea.

Give full play to the potential of your own negotiators and put forward your own conditions.

“No problem!”

Very trenchantly agreed.

The right hand flips over, and it becomes magical.

Thick and thick, the green flower Bailey appeared out of thin air.


The little thief cat’s eyes lit up.

A happy smile appeared on his pretty face.

She didn’t procrastinate at all, and quickly grabbed the pile of Baileys.

Very simply got up and came to Alan’s side, two gentle little hands, and began to pinch his shoulders.

Bending her crescent eyes there, Mei Zizi said, “Just now you paid half a million Baileys, now ten minutes to start the timer!” ”

“Ahh……… With a little force, that’s right! ”

Alan closed his eyes and enjoyed the “paid service” of the little thief cat there, and said slowly, “If you perform well, I can’t put up the clock!” ”

“Uncle Alan, you’re going to be generous…”

Looking at this pretending guy, Nami couldn’t help but have some itchy teeth.

If it weren’t for the ‘true meaning of life’ – Bailey, and to see the other party look too handsome.

She wouldn’t allow the other person to give her a massage!

“No way, the life of a rich man is so simple and unpretentious!”


This time.

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came.

Alan opened his eyes and looked over.

Not only him, but Usopp, who was training, and Sauron, also looked at them curiously.


“Luffy, what are you doing?”

“Shell, didn’t you just fight Usopp two days ago?”

Only to see Luffy holding a heavy wooden box and coming to the bow of the ship.

Inside was a lot of pitch-black shells.


Luffy grinned and said happily, “That would be so boring, I thought of a better idea!” ”

“Usopp, aren’t you training in sniper skills?”

He jumped straight in front of Usopp, gritted his teeth and said, “We’re going to shoot the shells out, and you’re trying to blast all of these flying shells, how about that?” ”

“Sniper shells in flight?”

After all, I always practice fishing with the Supersonic Slingshot there, and it was still very fresh at the beginning, but it was boring after a long time.

“But you’re going to lend me the Supersonic Slingshot to play with!”

Luffy’s eyes rolled.

Big eyes couldn’t help but glance at the cool slingshot in Usopp’s hand.

“That’s not okay…”

In the face of Luffy’s request, Usopp resolutely refused, and Zhenzhen said with words: “Alan said that you can’t give the imperial tool to you guy who likes to fool around!” ”

“Hmm, what, that’s stingy!”


……… Listen to the fight between the two.

After a sweaty Sauron glanced at it, he didn’t care to chuckle.

He continued his training and ignored it.

“You have to be leisurely, don’t mess around!”

Alan reminded him, and he ignored it as well.

With her eyes closed, Meimei enjoys the ‘paid service’ of the little thief cat.

“You guys are really bored…”

Nami was speechless.

Compared to these, it is still more pleasing to her to make money. Thinking of Bailey with white flowers, the little thief cat worked harder.

Let Alan, who was lying there, feel only relieved.

I have to say that money is sometimes a good thing, especially for money fans like the little thief cat, the ability to pay money is even more unfavorable.

He was already thinking about whether to be a little dark-hearted and rob the treasure houses of those countries along the way.

“Then I’ll launch!”

Luffy Mali’s reloaded ammunition.

After Usopp is ready, start igniting the fire directly.


A loud bang.

Accompanied by firelight.

A black pressed shell flew out.

And already fully prepared, he activated Usopp, who often wears [super glasses] and observes the sea at all times, without hesitation, directly aiming and looking at the [supersonic slingshot] ready to attack: “Triple the speed of sound!” ”

Flowing water, without any delay.


An invisible air bomb shot out.

In the next instant, the shell had been accurately penetrated.


Let it explode directly there.

The effect of the continuous training over the past three days is undoubtedly evident.


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