The Greatest Showman

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Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

The North American continent on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean is shrouded in a thick darkness at this moment. In the early hours of the morning in Los Angeles, the night gradually fell and fell silent. Except for the night owls and party animals, the whole city also fell asleep. The chirping of cicadas has begun to call for the arrival of dryness and dullness, and the sound of snoring in the sound of sleep has begun to play a symphony one after another.

Los Angeles is not New York after all.

The tireless ringtone of the mobile phone woke Andy Rogers, who had just fallen asleep, and the uncontrollable irritability and anger began to burn, but for the agent, working 24 hours a day, this is their life Everyday, no matter how tired, no matter how irritable, Andy still suppressed the gurgling emotions and picked up the phone.

Glancing at the caller ID through the hazy vision, Andy sighed lightly, expressing his strong protest with gritted teeth, and then on the other end of the phone came Renly's voice with a chuckle, " It's the first time. I've always wondered what Andy Rodgers looks like after taking off his work mask."

A breath stuck in his throat, Andy shook his head helplessly, sat up straight, rubbed his temples lightly, trying to wake himself up, "Unfortunately, you didn't know. I didn't plan to let you Invading my private life." After a half-joking joke, "What the hell happened? I could fall asleep at any moment right now, you better hurry up."

Having said that, Andy straightened his back to cheer himself up.

Because he knew that with Renly's personality, if it wasn't an important matter, he would never take the initiative to call, and it didn't necessarily happen once a year; what's more, even if there was a real situation, Renly was not the type to mess around with himself. Roy was already in a hurry, but Renly was still in a hurry, but now he ignored the jet lag problem and made a phone call as soon as possible. This behavior in itself is enough to explain the problem.

"I need to get Diesel out." Without a polite greeting, Renly threw a bombshell.

Andy was stunned for a moment, and his brain was a little slow for half a beat, and then he reacted, "Completely out?"

"This is the ultimate goal, but don't be in a hurry for now." Renly said lightly, the coldness revealed between his gestures made Nathan and Roy shudder.

Afterwards, Renly briefly described the ins and outs of today, "I'm guessing that there should be a problem inside the 'Norton Show', you can ask what happened. But unexpectedly, it should be Diesel The pressure from the program group is nothing more than to emphasize his status in the industry."

"Ha." Andy chuckled lightly, revealing strong confidence in his words. When filming "Fast and Furious 5" three years ago, Andy didn't take Diesel seriously, let alone three years later? Obviously, Diesel had healed the scar and forgot the pain, and now he seems to have lost his position and weight.

"What do you want to do?" Andy didn't ask too much, but cut to the point neatly.

Renly raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a little surprise at Andy's straightforwardness and full support. Andy on the other end of the phone seemed to understand Renly's inner workings, stretched his back, and said easily, "Renly , you're a freak, nothing matters but acting, you've never fought for anything, you've never cared about anything."

The only exception is friends.

For Renly, friends are his scales. Heather Cross is the same, Paul Walker is the same.

"So I know that when you make up your mind, then the seriousness of this matter is beyond the normal range." Andy chuckled after finishing speaking, "Don't say a Vin Diesel, even if It is another top first-line actor, and I also support your decision 100% in this matter."

"What if it was Robert Downey Jr.?" Renly said narrowly.

"..." Andy said silently, even though he knew Renly was joking, he was still in a cold sweat.

There was a smile in Renly's eyes, and he didn't continue the prank, "Let's give Diesel a warning now, otherwise he will always think we are silent and resigned, and then he can do whatever he wants. Next, if he If it can be restrained, then everything will be fine, and honestly, without Diesel's 'speed and passion', it is indeed a bit lonely."

Andy chuckled lightly, but didn't respond, obviously, with reservations about Renly's teasing.

"If I remember correctly, did Marvel Studios send out an invitation before? Hope I can play a superhero?" Renly proposed his plan for the camp step by step.

Andy gave a positive answer, "Why, are you interested?"

"The focus of today is not me." Renly didn't answer directly, and brought the focus of the topic that had not had time to go off track to bring it back on the right track, "Paul told me that Diesel is also in contact with Marvel Studios recently, and it seems that there are Want to be in a superhero movie?"

"The news is not completely correct, but there is no mistake in the general direction." Andy did not correct Renly's statement, but simply said, "Diesel's image does not quite match Marvel's positioning and aesthetics of superheroes, and he plays the role of superhero. As a hero, there should be no hope, but in a superhero movie, it's still possible."

Renly nodded lightly.

The current situation is still completely consistent with the previous life.

In the last life, Diesel starred in "Guardians of the Galaxy"

Critically acclaimed, in the film he voiced the dryad Groot. Although in the whole movie, this lovely character only has one line "I am Groot", but after its release, it became the biggest easter egg in the whole movie and won the love of countless fans. Diesel, as a voice actor, is naturally also in the limelight.

Action actors have limited living space in Hollywood. They often need to constantly seek breakthroughs. The combination of comedy and action is undoubtedly one of the best choices. Later, Dwayne Johnson opened up a world in comedy, and then Be the leader of a new generation of action stars.

At the beginning, Diesel also tried the comedy style through works such as "The Brave Dad". It is a pity that he lacks acting ability and sense of humor, and the comedy failed to achieve the expected effect along the way, so he can only continue to be trapped in the field of action performance. "Guardians of the Galaxy" is Diesel another attempt.

Now, Renly is going to cut off Diesel's path, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger!

Renly ignored the jet lag and chose to call Andy in the early hours of the morning in Los Angeles because every second counted.

The preparatory process for "Guardians of the Galaxy" has far exceeded expectations. According to Paul's words, and the memories of the previous life, Renly deduced that the film should have entered the final sprint stage, and can be signed at any time and can be invested at any time. Shooting, if you want to cut the beard at this time, you must hurry up.

In the final analysis, it was because Renly was not involved and didn't know the details, so he could only choose to call Andy at the first time and leave it to Andy for judgment.

If you miss the opportunity for "Guardians of the Galaxy", then you have to think about it in the long run, and things are obviously more troublesome. Because "Guardians of the Galaxy" is a project from Disney and Marvel Studios, and they are now seeking cooperation from Renly, things are somewhat more convenient and smooth, and Renly still has some initiative.

"Understood." Renly nodded and responded to Andy's words, "You first communicate with Lucas Hunter and plan to replace Diesel with Paul." Lucas is Paul's agent, In Renly's view, Paul's voice for Groot is more consistent with his image and personality. Maybe Paul can give Groot more endearing qualities.

"Then, you contact Marvel Studios or Disney and express that I am willing to cooperate with them, but only if I refuse to cooperate with Diesel." Renly expressed his views directly and directly.

Of course, in the specific negotiation and negotiation process, Andy will definitely not be so simple and rude. This is a negotiation technique. In the final analysis, it is actually an exchange of interests. It is a good deal to exchange Renly and Paul for a Diesel. Universal Pictures has been unable to make a decision, but Andy believes that, Disney is bound to not be the case.

"How much are you willing to concede?" Andy needs to know his bargaining chip. "Playing in a Marvel superhero movie?"

"Heh, I don't think Marvel Studios would invite me to play a superhero." Renly told the truth, "They need good and cheap actors, tap their market potential, and then firmly control all interests to themselves. Palm, asking me to be a superhero, it's not worth it."

Now Renly can easily join the 20 million club, which is not a good deal for Disney.

Take a cursory glance at all the superhero actors in Marvel Studios. When they first appeared, they were all good and cheap actors, even Robert Downey Jr. was no exception.

The only difference should be "Doctor Strange" played by Benedict Cumberbatch. Before appearing in this work, he had already won an Oscar nomination for best actor for "The Imitation Game", but in fact, this But it is his first commercial film to take the lead. In terms of remuneration, Disney has not released official data. It is rumored that Benedict's remuneration is only $5 million.

Overall, Warner Bros. sticks to the star bombing strategy, while Disney chooses the grass-roots approach to the people.

As Renly said, Disney has an account of its own. The fact that they invited Renly to play a superhero was more of a hype, and even if they really wanted to collaborate with Renly, it might be something else.

"But I can open up the possibility of signing a contract with them for a work, provided that the script project is chosen by me." Renly showed his trump card.

"What if they asked for a 'Boom Drummer'?" Andy said the key points of the recent period in one fell swoop.

Renly shrugged slightly. "Then they need to work with Andre Hamilton."

"Understood!" Andy nodded, "I'll start making arrangements."

After hanging up the phone, Renly closed his eyes, showing a relaxed state, as if he didn't care about the possible wavelengths caused by the arrangement of the phone call just now.

He said he was never a gentleman, nor an angel.

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