The Greatest Showman

1847 One of the best

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Renly called Steven Spielberg to inform Thomas Tull of his plan to try to hype the scandal.

But it's just a scandal plan. I ignore the van and the car. This is called the right medicine. The same thing is of different importance to different people. As for the van, it's time to know, Steve Wen will know.

What's more, for a top producer like Steven, he knows the impact of things but can't really feel the same as an actor. After all, Steven has been too far away from the position of "rookie director", working behind the scenes. The staff didn't dare to trip him up easily, just like Patrick's attitude, which was the same - to them, the topic of "vans" was far less important than a principled publicity plan.

"Steven, I just want to shoot this work well." This is Renly's sincere words, but it may not mean to show weakness at this time.

Steven tasted it right away, and he couldn't help laughing, "Little guy, there's no need to keep stressing this in front of me."

For Renly, Steven can be regarded as watching him grow up all the way, and Renly's purity and focus also reminded Steven of DreamWorks again. To be honest, he really hopes that Hollywood can cherish the existence of Renly, "Don't worry, leave the publicity plan to me, and you can act well."

Steven's big package made Renly smile sincerely, "Thank you."

But Steven immediately saw through Renly's "trick", "Ha, you called me specially, didn't you just want me to help you solve your problem? Don't pretend, I know you're a smart guy."

"The trick still worked, didn't it?" Renly didn't deny it either, but admitted the truth frankly, which caused a murky laughter on the other end of the phone, and the atmosphere was extraordinarily friendly.

Steven shook his head again and again, there was some helplessness in his voice, and there was some tolerance of the elders for the younger generation, "You don't have to worry about Thomas. Concentrate on the movie. I believe that the performance of this work is good for you. It shouldn’t be difficult for you, you can chat with Colin more about the characters and the script, and then see how Colin understands and digests, maybe you can collide with sparks, which is a good thing for the movie.”

Steven insisted on using Renly to star in "Jurassic World", not only because of Renly's acting skills and market appeal, but also because of the characteristics and temperament that Renly gave to the film, often with his own The ability to understand the role and the script is very rare for an actor.

Don't underestimate the actor's work in commercial films. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and Harrison Ford are examples of each other's achievements.

Renly could feel the sincerity of Steven, and he also talked about some of his views on the script and characters without hesitation, and communicated with Steven. The conversation deviated from the original track in this way. The two people talked about their work sincerely and devotedly, and the call time was much longer than expected.

When he hung up the phone, the phone was slightly hot, and Renly realized that they had been chatting for a long time without much adjustment, and Renly called Ron Mayer immediately. Now that the battle has started, Renly has decided to spread the pattern of this war completely, just like the game of Go, the preliminary layout begins to unfold in an orderly manner. Let's see who will have the last laugh.

In the call with Ron Mayer, Renly acted very tough, strongly questioning the rationality and authenticity of the "Gossip Project", emphasizing his professional position. He did not reject the propaganda plan, but he was not interested in creating "Gossip". nothing. The talk time of this call was relatively normal. Ron Mayer confirmed Renly's position, and then ended the call after a few polite greetings.

Renly then called Andy Rogers, told Andy about the scandal and the van, and also informed Andy about his handling and follow-up plans, and then Andy proposed a Very interesting proposal:

"I mean, we should tell Ron Howard." Facing Renly's surprise, Andy repeated his words.

Renly laughed dumbly, "You mean, complain?" Unlike Steven and Ron Mayer, he really complained to the "parents".

Andy nodded and admitted without any psychological burden, "Of course. We must sue for such a thing."

"Bryce wouldn't want her father to know." Renly is still more cautious about how to deal with her family - since Bryce withheld her surname, it means she doesn't want Ron Howard to interfere too much with her Of course, I don't want Ron Howard to help deal with these troublesome shady scenes. Bryce is still willing to deal with it by herself.

Andy didn't have Renly's concerns, "I know. Even if we don't tell Lang, he'll always know; now, we're passing the message on to Lang, on the one hand, to make your position clear, on the other hand. Friendly notice, as to whether Lang decides to step in, and how Bryce handles it, it's a matter between their father and daughter. Do you think Lang would thank us if we shut up?"

If in the end the crew really decides to make a scandal, will Bryce and Seth's marriage be challenged or second, the real core issue is that Bryce's personal life will be completely exposed to the media, and in a low-level consumption way , which is completely inconsistent with Bryce's usual low-key style, and a serious injury to her life - far more serious than Renly.

"I understand. But my advice is that even if

To break the news, we should also tell Bryce, not Lang. "Renly understands Andy's abacus, but after all, he still can't agree with it - because of the complex relationship of the Hall family, Renly is a little careful in the way he handles family matters, but Renly is not a kind angel, since he has already told him. With Steven and Ron Meyer, he didn't intend to settle down, "However, this is just my suggestion, after you discuss it with Lydia, you can decide how to deal with it. "

After all, Andy couldn't fully understand Renly's thoughts, he pondered for a moment, "I'll think about your opinion." That's all he could do; and then, Andy went on, "As for Thomas, you That's what it's going to be? Just relying on pressure from Spielberg or Mayer, it's very difficult for them to fully control Thomas. It's not going to end that soon."

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but no thousand days to prevent a thief.

But Andy actually knows that when a producer has reached the level of Thomas Tour, it is actually like an actor who has reached the level of Renly. It can be said that it is difficult to completely defeat the opponent. thing. Unless the investment in Legendary Pictures' consecutive multiple works fails, Thomas's residual value is completely drained; otherwise, he will not be completely out of the game. Andy couldn't help but want to know what Renly planned, especially after what happened to Vin Diesel.

"Thomas is not Fan, there is definitely no easy way to solve things, but that doesn't mean I'll be caught off guard." Renly was still calm, and the chill in his words made Andy shudder.

Andy hesitated for a moment, then said jokingly, "Renly, do I think you've gotten darker and darker since you filmed 'Blunker'?"

To be precise, it was because of the way Renly treated Diesel and Thomas, including Melissa before. This made Andy have such an idea.

"Ha." Renly laughed straight away, "No, Andy, in fact, after filming 'Bloody Drummer', I've become more relaxed and sunny, and all those negative emotions are left behind. In that movie." It's a fact, "The reason you feel this way is because you see my side outside of acting."

As he spoke, Renly's mood couldn't help but lighten up with joy, because he couldn't help thinking that if Edith and Arthur heard what Andy said, they should have protested and violently opposed; Derek should not agree. That scene is bound to be very interesting.

"Andy, please rest assured, I know what I'm doing, and I'm not lost." Renly suppressed his smile and said sincerely.

Maybe others might get lost in the splendor and behind-the-scenes darkness of Vanity Fair, but not Renly.

Because of the accumulation and precipitation of hereditary aristocratic background, and because his confusion and loss have all vanished in the party that night when he reached the top of the Tony Award to achieve egot, that was the only time he was lost and lost; now he , firm enough and wise enough, he can stick to his heart and not lose his way.

Andy let out a long sigh of relief, and then heard Renly's teasing voice, "Andy, you're my manager, but now you're like my psychiatrist, or you're going to change careers. babysitter?"

"Go away!" Andy fought back with foul language mercilessly, but the smile in his eyes couldn't help overflowing, "I'm just worried that you will become a lunatic one day, and then the reporters will come to ask me, what is the matter? When did it start, but I can't answer it, so it's not very professional."

"I'll let you know in advance when this day comes." Renly said solemnly, "So, let's get back to business now, how about that?"

Next, Renly told Andy all of his plans.

Andy also calmed down, because Renly's plan still needed his cooperation. Unlike Diesel, in this contest between Renly and Thomas, it is impossible to decide the outcome only by relying on absolute strength or only relying on strategizing. Both sides must use all eighteen martial arts. The game is superior.

After finishing the call, Andy didn't take the next step immediately, but thought about it carefully. He had to admit that Renly's wisdom and calmness were indeed impressive, and it was definitely a better plan; The overall situation is still slightly weak, and some details need to be supplemented by him.

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