The Greatest Showman

2336 Inheritance of Fire

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m


"We have a long, long history about the next presenter, and the most notable part of it came from tonight: All the people on social media are cursing at me, Neil Patrick Harris, why tonight No baggage about him? I want to see footage of him."

Without further introduction, some guests already started to laugh lowly.

"But I have to say, because he is too dazzling right now, I am worried that I will be accused of rubbing off the popularity, then, my lightning will be robbed by him. God, this should be the only stage that belongs to me this year, how can I Let go? I have to block him, I have to! There is no other choice."

Neil, who took the stage again, quipped in the simplest way possible, in the midst of the audience chuckling, "Gentlemen and ladies, let's applaud, I'm trying to make friends but Facebook's friend request never fails. The gentleman who was ignored and I still won't give up trying, Renly Hall."


Renly walked onto the stage with the golden envelope in his hand. Under the attention of all the people, all the lights were on him, and he stopped in front of the microphone with graceful and calm footsteps, "Obviously, when I was hiding in the lounge and eating potatoes At the time of the article, many people were chanting my name, so I appeared. But here, I must clarify that I have nothing to do with Aladdin, and this is definitely not a movie advertisement."

Such a cold joke.

However, Renly's light-hearted and playful handling is unique, connecting Damien and Neil's affairs easily, and at the same time, he also complained about the "Aladdin" movie that Disney is preparing. It is rumored that Disney hopes to invite a A big-name actor came to play the magic lamp.

Then, the cold joke is full of wit, and succeeded in making the laughter sound softly.

Renly just clicked and then went to his own job." Frank-capra once said that making a movie has no rules, only sins, and sins of the first order are boring, and these five A best director nominee is not boring, and we are honored to live in a time when the film industry is booming, allowing audiences to roam the realm of imagination."

"The following are the nominees for best director." As the guest of honor, Renly did not intend to steal the spotlight, and completed the work step by step.

Richard Linklater of "Boyhood", Wes Anderson of "The Grand Budapest Hotel", Alejandro Gonzalez Inaritu of "Birdman", Damien Chazelle, Bennett Miller of Fox Hunter.

In addition to best picture and best actor, best director is undoubtedly one of the most suspenseful awards at this year's awards ceremony, but the intensity is slightly different.

Throughout the awards season, Richard Linklater, Wes Anderson and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu have been unanimously recognized by the audience purely from the point of view of directing skills. All the nomination lists of important associations or awards were successfully shortlisted, and they were firmly ranked in the "troika".

The other two seats are a melee, back and forth you can see eight to ten directors competing, and the situation is extremely fierce when the bayonet sees red. In the end, Damien Chazelle and Bennett Miller A director joined hands to counterattack to win, so that the battle for the best director burst out with a cruel and bloody atmosphere.

On the whole, Damien, who was under 30 years old, was nominated for the first time, and it was already a victory. Bennett narrowly won and reached the top five with a dark horse attitude. All the energy has been consumed. The main competition is still around the troika, and the hacker The impact of the incident left Wes behind - as evidenced by the loss of the Best Original Screenplay award in the "Birdman" comeback, which left directors Richard and Alejandro to compete.

It just so happens that "Boyhood" and "Birdman" are the main themes of the competition in the second stage. It is no exaggeration to say that the direction of the best director is likely to determine the direction of the best film, mainly because the two works kill It is difficult to tell the difference, the situation and gap between them are very close, the best director will become the key to changing the overall situation, the importance has skyrocketed, and the attention will naturally rise.

Among the "three weather vanes" of the Oscars, the Golden Globe Award and the North American Broadcasting Film Critics Association Award, plus the British Academy Award, Qi Qi chose Richard Linklater.

In addition to the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award, the Seattle Film Critics Association Award, and the San Francisco Film Critics Association Award, the Directors Guild of America Award also chose Alejandro Gonzalez Inaritu.

The National Critics Association Award unexpectedly chose "American Sniper" Clint Eastwood - the old cowboy didn't even win an Oscar nomination; the New York Film Critics Association Award unexpectedly chose Damien - Chazelle, this is also a rare choice among outpost towns.

In terms of the number and weight of awards, Richard Linklater is slightly better; however, the most lethal Director Guild Award of America was given to Alejandro - sixty-six so far At the 2018 Directors Guild of America Awards, only six winners did not make it to the Oscars.

Of course, the last time such a tragedy occurred was two years ago, when Ben Affleck of "Escape from Tehran" didn't even get an Oscar nomination.

According to the rules, the odds of Richard Linklater are slightly better, and many important towns have not hesitated to choose this independent director; but according to the upward momentum of the second stage of academy public relations, Yali Sandro Gonzalez-

Inaritu should have the upper hand — a gesture exemplified by the Directors Guild of America Awards, which were announced just last week.

Objectively speaking, the prediction accuracy of the three major weather vanes, the North American Broadcasting Film Critics Association Awards, the National Critics Association Awards and the Golden Globe Awards, is declining; the deviation rate, including the Screen Actors Guild Awards and the Directors Guild Awards, is also rising. It all proves that the elusiveness of the second stage of the college's public relations is becoming more and more obvious, and even the Weinstein brothers are gradually losing the control they had five or three years ago.

In previous years, the trend of the wind direction in the second stage will become clearer and clearer; but this year, due to the lack of dominant works, the closeness of strength has completely disrupted the rhythm of the wind direction - although for the audience, there is a lack of highlights; As far as the topic is concerned, it is a purely natural manufacturing machine.

So, Richard and Alejandro, who will win? Going a step further, who is the best picture contender?

The audience held their breath, all eyes fell on Renly, hot and turbulent, as if a heat wave was licking the surface of the skin.

Judging from the cheers at the scene, the one who received the most support... was actually Wes Anderson. If there is no Scott Rudin in the hacking incident, this year is likely to be the year when the "Grand Budapest Hotel" completes its reign, and even "Boyhood" and "Birdman" cannot compete with this work; Sadly, without the ifs, this acclaimed, word-of-mouth masterpiece is entirely to the taste of the academy, but it can only be seen on the sidelines.

"I guess it's not a good time to be joking now." Renly managed to defuse the tense atmosphere at the scene with an irony, and he smiled himself and opened the envelope without delay, "The 87th Academy Award for Best Director The winner of the award is…”

Edith, who was sitting under the stage, was not nervous at all. She was just a crowd who came to join in the fun. Even if she was nervous, she should have won the Best Actor Award, but the special atmosphere of the Dolby Theater made her excited and excited. It condensed a little, so that the tension was diffused.

At this moment, Edith's palm couldn't help sweating. She pinched it, and stared at Renly's face through the light curtain, trying to discern some clues from that expression; but Renly was calm. The poker face is just too deceptive to be able to tell the difference.

"That guy." Edith seemed to be able to see Renly's second face laughing wildly. At present, he was the only one in the entire Dolby Theater who saw the answer first. In the show, Edith is really powerless.

one second.

In fact, Renly just paused for a second. He didn't deliberately create suspense, and he didn't announce the answer in a hurry, but the time he took a breath created a strong sense of suffocation. Li's voice spread out from the speakers at a tenfold slowdown.

"Alejandro Gonzalez-Inarritu, 'Birdman'."

"Birdman" won, "Birdman" unbelievably overtook "The Grand Budapest Hotel", overturned "Boyhood", and with the overall acceleration in the second stage, defeated the two biggest favorites of the entire awards season, success Topping the Oscars, after Alfonso Cuaron, Alejandro brought the best director statue back to Mexico for the second year in a row.

This is the power of college PR!

In the early stage of the first stage, there was no "Birdman" who could get enough attention. With accurate positioning and strong public relations, he had the last laugh.

Of course, from a technical point of view, Alejandro did show a high level, not inferior to competitors such as Richard and Wes, just like last year Alfonso's directorial skills were outstanding , Alejandro also showed his ability this year through "Birdman"——

Since being nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film with "Love is a Bitch" in 2000, after 15 years of sharpening a sword, and finally relying on this Hollywood self-deprecating work to reach the top, the powerful forces of the "Mexican Legion" have fully invaded Hollywood and become the the strongest force in the last decade.

Richard Linklater, who spent 12 years creating a "Boyhood", and Wes Anderson, who devoted himself to creating the peak of his career "The Grand Budapest Hotel", regrettably passed by the statue after all.

Renly greeted Alejandro with a smile, and Alejandro gave Renly a big hug and even patted Renly on the back, which made all the guests follow Booing - Renly doesn't like hugs, and it's no secret in Hollywood.

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