The Greatest Showman

Chapter 715: Opportunity

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The entire Alice Tully Hall was full of seats. Not only that, but the steps between the seats and the seats were also full of seats. At the end, there were also people No. 40 and No. 50 standing bustlingly, which made the scene look like a little one. The premiere of a commercial film is more like a film master meeting during the New York Film Festival. The strong academic atmosphere and fanatical atmosphere of fans are quiet and quiet, but all the enthusiasm is hidden under the skin.

After experiencing tonight's accident, the premiere that started again was less noisy, more solemn, and quiet. When the main creators headed by Seth and Lan Li appeared in front of the audience, there was regular applause in the projection hall. There was no whistle, no shouting, and the bright sound brought a little depression and heaviness.

Tessa quietly looked at Lan Li with her hands behind her back. At this time, Lan Li returned to his dry appearance. He did not have the previous embarrassment, but he did not change his clothes. He was still the white shirt and jeans on the red carpet. The shirt sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, and his head was golden brown. Her curls slumped down messy and loosely, without any makeup or dressing up, just appeared on the stage lightly and dryly.

This kind of blue gift seems to strip the artist's light and become an ordinary young man again. But in the crowd, in the crowd, Tessa could still easily find Lan Li's figure, unable to leave her sight at all. When I first saw Lan Li in Toronto, I was shocked. Now it seems to have recovered calm, but the longing and admiration in my heart has not diminished, because she saw it bit by bit, hidden in that skin. The soul below.

In fact, Tessa prefers such blue gifts. Clean, simple and pure.

The speeches of Jonathan Levine and Seth Logan are over. They expressed their regrets and condolences for the accident tonight, and briefly introduced some works of "Anti-Cancer Me", expressing their prospects. Next, it was Lan Li's turn.

Lan Li took the microphone, but he was a bit poor for a while, and stood there without making a sound. This is unusual. In Tessa's memory, this is the first time I have seen Lan Li's poems.

Let out a sigh of relief, "I just want to say that movies are important, but there are many more important things in life than movies." Lan Li's voice is still a bit hoarse, two hours of rest is not enough to eliminate the previous A trace of the accident, "This is also the truth of the film'Anti-Cancer Me'. I hope this is a good movie, but I hope it is a good night even more. So, enjoy it!"

A simple sentence has a lot of meaning. Tessa understood, and the smile at the corner of her mouth rose slightly. Her heart was warm, like a shooting star across the sky, but her eyes were slightly warm, and Lan Li's figure in his vision became blurred, but Lan Li The firm smile at the corner of his mouth became clear.

The main creators took their seats one after another, Tessa turned her head, and then saw the similar expression on Hope’s face, as if she had seen herself. For them, the meaning of this night was far more than the premiere of a movie. ; The same is true for Lan Li. Those complex, complex, and profound emotions and aftertastes can only be understood by those who have truly experienced it, and only those who have truly felt the weight of Lanli's words.

Words can't express, but his eyes do everything.

"Huh, I'm already looking forward to the movie." Tessa breathed heavily, as if to completely remove the burden and pressure on her shoulders, whispered.

Hope nodded to confirm, "Me too." Then, they didn't communicate too much, turned their heads and looked at the big screen, waiting for the movie to be shown.

The lights in the projection hall gradually dimmed, and finally fell into darkness. After some twists and turns in the premiere of "Anti-Cancer Me", it finally entered the track. When the film began, the noise and turbulence of the scene were all calmed down. . In the next 100 minutes, they will enter the world of movies, temporarily putting all their worries and worries in the real world.

The first shot is the appearance of Lan Li.

Wearing a navy blue hooded cap T, the hem reveals the dark blue T-shirt inside, with a pair of black sports shorts, black Nike running shoes and white football socks, typical American sportswear. Jogging all the way along Seattle’s Port Park, eyes full of green and full of water vapor bring a bit of coldness in winter, and the camera follows Lan Li into Adam’s life.

The red light at the intersection made Adam stop, even if there were no vehicles around, then a woman strode directly across the road, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Adam looked at that Yang Chang with a bewildered expression. Going back, he hesitated for a moment, his gaze fell on the red light, and after all he did not dare to take a step.

The smile on the corner of Tessa's mouth couldn't help but rise. She liked Lan Li's silly look just now. Such a nerd-like Lan Li was really an unexpected surprise.

When I returned home, there was no shampoo in the shower. Adam hesitated, picked up a bottle of ladies shampoo on the shelf, sniffed carefully, raised his eyebrows slightly, without any extra expressions, but The meaning of spit and helplessness was clearly expressed.

After getting dressed, Adam and his girlfriend Rachel who was brushing his teeth had a conversation before going to work. He carefully and cautiously said that he emptied a drawer, which could put Rachel’s personal belongings. The nervous and shy expression and the flustered and dodging eyes showed the inner tension and urgency to the fullest, and the sweetness and happiness between the eyebrows could not be expressed in words.

On the way to work, Adam, who does not have a driver's license, can only be picked up by his friend Kyle. The impatient Kyle, who was waiting, saw Adam getting in the car and raised his fist to prepare for a punching greeting. However, Adam wrapped Kyle's fist with his palm and responded in a friendly manner. Kyle looked surprised and disgusted. Expression; Then Kyle smelled Adam's body, and after learning that it was Rachel's shampoo, Kyle leaned over to Adam's hair, and breathed with a drunken expression on his face.

Adam Sheng sat in the passenger seat irreverently, neither dodge nor evade, his eyes were dull, and his expression dull.

"Hahahaha!" The laughter in the projection hall finally couldn't help it anymore, and it burst directly. The opening is just three minutes, and there is no special storyline, but the small details of the performance are a little full of characters. The warmth between gestures and feet, with a little humor, makes the corners of the mouth rise, and finally I see Adam and Kyle. The contrasting expression, a little bit awkward, a little embarrassing, finally let the laughter come out completely.

"The Anti-Cancer Me" is a comedy. Tessa now believes in this, and to be honest, Lanly's comedy performance is really refreshing and refreshing.

In the cafe about the privacy of underage bans, the formal conversation on the radio station about the work content, the harmonious match between Adam and Kyle burst out with a wonderful sparkle effect, and the smile always hung on the corner of Tessa’s mouth. It never disappeared, and the atmosphere of the entire theater became relaxed and cozy. It was not the kind of hilarious comedy, but the humor that made people laugh, and the mood became brighter involuntarily.

However, this beauty only lasted less than ten minutes. When the doctor announced that Adam’s back pain was caused by a malignant tumor, Tessa looked at the big screen intently. Adam felt absurd, then startled, then dumbfounded, then stupefied and panicked, and finally at a loss, with a hint of bitterness. His emotions began to roll on the tip of his tongue.

The smile still hung on the corner of his mouth, before he had time to subside, but his vision became blurred in the warmth. It's not sadness, pain, or despair, just bitterness and sorrow, in the turbulent crowd, in the huge city, in the turbulent river of life, the loss of direction in an instant.

Watching Adam sit on the bus going home, rubbing his eyes, and then quietly looking at the night scene flowing outside the window again, there is no panic, no drastic changes, no ups and downs, just...quiet. But this quiet made Tessa have to take a big breath, and the stuffy feeling in her chest eased slightly.

After relieving himself, Adam chose to face it calmly. He told Rachel, he told Kyle, he hadn’t planned to tell his parents because his father had Alzheimer’s disease and he didn’t even remember his son. His mother had suffered too much, but after hesitating, he still Tell your parents frankly.

"The Anti-Cancer Me (50/50, Tessa now finally understands the origin of the film's name.

A 50% chance, this is the chance of Adam's survival. As Kyle said, this is a good chance, things can be worse, 50%, which means at least a half chance, which is already very exciting, just like those anti-cancer fighters, Adam There is also a chance to overcome cancer and prolong life, and 50%, it does not sound so serious.

But involuntarily, Tessa's eyes were once again stained with warmth.

Especially when she saw that Adam’s mother, Diane, after learning the news, said that she hid in the kitchen hurriedly, like a headless fly, trying to make a cup of green tea for Adam, just because the "Today Show" said, " Green tea can reduce the risk of cancer by 15%."

Adam said helplessly and distressedly, "But I have cancer." This immediately caused Diane to collapse. He held Adam tightly and bit his lower lip, but after all, he couldn't help crying from his lips. Light overflows between the petals.

Tessa's eyes were moistened silently. 50% chance? Is this really a positive ratio? In the face of life, can the probability represented by numbers really fight against fate?

Under the introduction of the hospital, Adam went to visit the psychologist Catherine McKay, but after knocking on the door and entering, he saw a young girl who looked like a college student sitting on the sofa and eating a sandwich—a moment when her mouth was wide open and her appearance was not so beautiful.

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