The Greatest Showman

909 Official Return

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Renly is back in London again.

This is the second time in just four months. To be more precise, it is only five weeks before the completion of "Edge of Tomorrow". However, this time, there is no movement from the Hall family.

After the last tit-for-tat confrontation, a mess was left behind, and for a long time, the Hall family became the talk of people after dinner; Speaking up, pretending "Renly-Hall" never existed, articulating their position; after the unexpected end of the Oscars, Renly became the British actor to win the Golden Man for the second year in a row, Hall In the calm, the family moved towards silence.

Strong winds and waves, ups and downs, big show. This is a nightmare for the aristocracy, "only those vulgar upstarts will enjoy the effect of this spotlight". Naturally, when Renly returned to London again, both George and Elizabeth pretended that it never happened, living in the same city as if they never existed.

Arthur Hall naturally knew. Arthur, who lived on contacts and news, could learn about Renly's situation without having to inquire at all; but this time, he also kept his own way and kept his mouth tightly shut. "Renly" was a downright taboo word at the Bayswater villa.

What's more, after entering the West End of London, Renly also kept a low profile and devoted himself to the rehearsal of the work wholeheartedly, without any news.

Until today.

With a flash of inspiration and a thought, Philip pulled out the booklet and opened the list of actors. Sure enough, I saw the familiar name, "Renly Hall" in the first and most conspicuous position.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Philip looked at the name seriously and carefully, and a trace of relief and happiness flashed in his eyes. Renly finally succeeded. According to his own ideas, he realized his dream and returned to the West End stage in a dignified manner as an actor.

Involuntarily, he rubbed the name with his fingertips, but the ordinary type seemed to possess magical power. Philip, who had no emotions and anger, his eyes brightened a little. At this moment, the book fell out. He picked up an off-white card and landed it on the table.

Philip picked up the card, and the strong, unrestrained handwriting came into view, and at a glance it was Renly's own handwriting.

"Dear Mr Philippe Demba,

On May 18, 'Les Miserables' will have its premiere at the Almeida Theatre. You are cordially invited to attend.

Yours, Renly-Sebastian-Hall. "

This is an invitation letter specially written to Philip. Different from the printed invitations to George and Elizabeth, this invitation was handwritten, and it was an invitation issued in Renly's personal capacity. The full name and Christian name were also marked in the signature, and the treatment and friendship were completely different.

However, this friendship means nothing to George and Elizabeth, they just think "it's a waste of time"; even if they know the difference, they won't mind. Therefore, Renly put the invitation in the same envelope generously, treating Philip as a member of the Hall family.

Renly knew it, and so did Philip. However, Philip could still sense Renly's mischievous intentions, and he was a little boyish.

After confirming the source of the invitation letter, Philip read the entire letter carefully again. I noticed a small detail, the "premier" is not a "preview", nor an "audit", but the premiere of the real knife and real gun.

After centuries of development, the West End of London has undergone tremendous changes. In this area, many changes have been made with the times, trying to keep up with the times; but in essence, this is still a The theatre circle has preserved countless traditions, following the glorious traditions of the golden age of theatre in the 1920s and 1930s.

In fact, the audition and rehearsal are not the most traditional part, the premiere is.

The so-called premiere is the first performance of a play on the West End or Broadway stage of London. Tickets are sold to the public and subject to public scrutiny and judgment. It is similar to the premiere of a movie, but it is more of a high society, top person, senior A star-studded occasion for artists.

It's more of an Oscar than a premiere, and it's akin to the opening of Eaton Dormer's personal brand.

The premiere is a celebrity party; at the same time, it is a watershed moment.

However, with the progress of the times, people have more and more recreational activities, and the status of drama has been declining. So, beginning in the 1960s, there were auditions; beginning in the 1970s, there were rehearsals.

The so-called audition is the literal meaning. Before the official performance, a tentative and experimental performance is performed, and the audience is basically all senior drama lovers, professional drama critics, producers and so on.

After the audition, everyone, including the director, screenwriter, and cast, will humbly accept their opinions, and then work through the night to make changes to the work, and the actors will resume rehearsals as soon as possible and adapt to the content.

The most common situation is this. After the audition is over, revisions are made all night long, and the next morning, new content is rehearsed; for the afternoon matinee performance, the original content remains unchanged; New content appeared.

The so-called preview is slightly different. one out

The cost of performing a play in a theatre in London or New York is too high, and not every crew can afford it. Therefore, before the "premier" in London or New York, the crew conducts a four-week to six-week rehearsal in other cities. I hope to receive more positive feedback and comments, and then pull the box office for the official premiere.

But the biggest problem with the rehearsal is that a brand new work must be staged in London and New York after all, and accept the almost cruel test. Many important musicals are destroyed by the verbal criticism during the rehearsal. After coming to London and New York , but also ushered in a disintegrating rout.

Especially in the advent of the Internet age, fans can share the smallest details and mistakes of each preview on the Internet, and truly bring out the nitpicking spirit to the extreme.

Audition is a part of self-improvement and self-investigation, while rehearsal is more inclined to marketing and commercial promotion. But whether it's an audition or a preview, it was crucial in a generally sluggish 2012. It's the same thing as collecting feedback through internal test screenings before a brand new movie is released.

However, Philip recalled carefully that in the past two or three weeks, he had never heard of the audition or preview of "Les Miserables". At least he didn't read the comments in The Times, The Guardian, the Financial Times or The Independent.

Before his thoughts surged, a sound came from the direction of the restaurant, and Philip immediately received the signal: George should have arrived at the restaurant.

George, who works for Barclays and manages trust funds, starts every morning with a reading of the Financial Times, and after breakfast, heads to the office. The same itinerary, the same habit, persisted for more than 20 years and never changed.

Philip neatly packed up the letters, resealed the invitations, put the newspapers and letters into the tray, and entered the restaurant calmly. At a glance, he saw George sitting at the table, coffee on his right. Exudes a curling aroma.

Quick but silent, Philip came to George, first handed over the "Financial Times", then fanned out the other newspapers, and finally placed the letters that needed to be dealt with immediately in front of him. After finishing all the movements, Philip took a half step back, then quietly turned and left.

Turning around, Philip saw Elizabeth approaching, "Madam." Philip greeted politely.

Elizabeth nodded gracefully and sat down at the other end of the dining table. "Philip, help me arrange the vehicle. I need to go to Windsor in a while, um... I will leave in forty-five minutes."

After Philip nodded, he left the restaurant quickly, but before he had time to move, he saw Elf coming downstairs, "Miss Elf. Is it the morning shift today?"

"Yes, I drank a little brandy last night, and now my throat is a little uncomfortable. I need to add some hot milk to the coffee for breakfast." Elf nodded gracefully and gestured gracefully. After explaining, she walked towards the restaurant. Step out.

Philip stepped aside and watched Elf leave before walking towards the kitchen. This morning was really lively.

According to the usual practice, George had breakfast in the dining room, and Elizabeth was in his own room-noble couples slept in separate rooms; Elf often had to work late, and breakfast would be delayed by one or two hours; as for Arthur, he spent most of his time in the city of London and never returned.

But today, George, Elizabeth, and Elf are all in one place, all at the same time. Recalling the invitation letter in front of George, Philip realized that breakfast time should be very lively. However, the most important thing for Philip now is to instruct the kitchen to make adjustments according to today's unexpected situation.

In the restaurant, after the simple greeting is over, the three people sit in their own seats, and the distance between each person is at least six to eight meters. If they talk, they must speak loudly, which is detrimental to etiquette. , so they simply remained silent, without any conversation or eye contact.

I simply flipped through the "Financial Times" and learned about the news. I needed to go to the office to read it in depth. George temporarily put the newspaper aside, picked up the letters in front of him, and browsed through all the letters in general terms. I noticed the azure blue envelope, paused for a moment, and before hesitating, my fingers pulled out the contents inside.

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