The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 151: pudding from the sky

Four Privet Drive, Dursley's.

"Today is an important day," said Mr. Dursley excitedly.

Harry Potter's eyes lit up and he couldn't believe his ears.

it turns out!

Do you remember your birthday?

"Today I may make the biggest deal of my life," said Uncle Vernon.

Harry lowered his head and continued eating the slices of bread. Of course, he thought bitterly, Uncle Vernon was talking about that stupid dinner party. That's what he's been talking about all day yesterday.

A wealthy investor has become the third shareholder of their company, and has a wide social circle in the mall, holding orders from countless builders.

"Just a little bit out of Mr. Lupin's hand, just a little bit." Mr. Dursley's nose turned red with excitement.

"I think we should go through the night's schedule again, everyone should be in their places at eight o'clock. Petunia, should you...?"

"In the parlour!" Aunt Petunia responded, "waiting to welcome them cordially."

"Fine, fine. Dudley?"

"I'm waiting to open the door for them." Dudley put on a disgusting contrived smile. "Can I get the clothes for you, Mr. and Mrs. Lupin?"

"Oh, my little Dudley, they'll love you." Aunt Petunia was ecstatic.

"As for you..." Uncle Vernon looked down coldly at the little figure in the far corner of the table.

"I'm staying in my bedroom, making no noise, pretending I'm not home," Harry replied flatly.

"Very good!" Uncle Vernon's eyes were full of fierce light. "Boy, don't do all those weird things for me, understand?"

Harry pouted, but said nothing.

"If I'm lucky, I'll have an order in hand before the ten o'clock news. We'll be able to pick up the villa in Machoca by this time tomorrow."

Harry wasn't very excited, he didn't think the Dursleys would like him any more in Majorca than in Privet Drive.

Ps: The original Macorca is the Spanish island of Majorca.

After lunch, Uncle Vernon went into town to pick up the dresses, and Aunt Petunia cleared the table to do the laundry.

Harry was so lonely that he looked like a ghost at home, sitting alone on a garden bench, singing in a low voice, "Happy birthday to me...Happy birthday to me..."

"Hey, I know what day it is." Dudley wobbled over.

"Today is your birthday, and you didn't receive a card? Don't you even have a friend in that ghost place?"

Ha ha.

Dudley actually remembered his birthday, and Harry wasn't touched at all, to be honest, Dudley remembered this just to make fun of himself.

But he was not in the mood to pay attention to it, he just looked suspiciously at the bushes across the park, where he had just seen a pair of huge eyes.

He believed that he must have read it right!

Pretending to use magic to scare Dudley, Harry was once again punished by Aunt Petunia, cleaning windows, washing cars, mowing lawns in the scorching sun...

It wasn't until 7pm that he was called to the kitchen, facing two loaves of bread and a pile of cheese.

"Eat it quickly and stay upstairs!"

Harry stared blankly at the huge delicate pudding, the high pile of cream and the frosted violets beside him, and then looked at the bread in front of him, and suddenly lost his appetite.

But what could he do? He had to obediently eat his own portion, watched Aunt Petunia take away the plate, sighed, and walked upstairs despondently.

Then, he saw a strange creature appear on his bed.

The little monster on the bed had ears as large as bats and protruding green eyes the size of tennis balls. It occurred to Harry at once that these were the same eyes looking at him in the morning outside the garden hedges.

"Harry Potter..."

The creature claimed to be a house-elf, and its name was Dobby.

He is very nice, and he speaks nicely. The only problem is that he is quite noisy. He always uses his head to hit the chair, floor, and wardrobe, making a huge Duang Duang Duang sound.

Uncle Vernon rushed up viciously. "The Lupins and their nephews and nieces are here. This is supposed to be a wonderful dinner, boy, how dare you ruin it!"

Harry pressed his back against the wardrobe so hard to keep the elf from jumping out of it, and gave an embarrassed but polite smile.

The arrival of the elf Dobby has only one appeal.

"Don't go to Hogwarts again."

"Dobby is for your own good."

Oh, are you kidding, Harry didn't think it was a good idea.

Dobby, obviously tough, dashed for the stairs.

"No, don't go, my uncle will kill me." God knows how desperate Harry is.


The elf snapped his fingers, and all the dishes in the kitchen flew up, gently floating under the ceiling.

"Harry Potter..." Dobby's eyes filled with tears, "Promise Dobby not to go to Hogwarts."

"No~~~ I will~~~~ Ah~~~" Harry moaned feebly, feeling that this was the most desperate moment of his life.

"Then I'm sorry, Dobby is for your own good."


All dishes are dropped.

The huge pudding even slammed into the child of the shareholder's family that was entertained by the uncle.

This kind of change, everyone is screaming.

At this moment, the child gracefully stretched out his hand, raised it gently in the air, and caught the plate lightly.

The huge pudding fluttered on the plate, and all the decorations, berries, jam, chocolate sauce, etc., seemed to have been released by magic, and fell obediently where they should have been.

He placed the plate lightly on the table.

All the dishes fell gently to the plate along an inexplicable trajectory.

The child gently picked a strawberry from the pudding and took a bite, "It tastes good."



The Dursleys were stunned.

Harry was also stunned, "Wizard...Wizard!"

Dobby was also stunned.


More than a Apparate slipped away.

Harry was left alone to deal with it all.

He looked at everything in a daze, Dobby screwed everything up, his uncle would definitely kill him, even lock him in a closet and never let him go to Hogwarts again.

He even thought that the Ministry of Magic would send him a notice, telling him that he had been expelled from school for using magic without authorization, and that everything in the wizarding world had nothing to do with him anymore.

But now he just thinks it's very outrageous, that kid...

It must be a floating Although there is no magic wand, although there is no magic spell, he knows that it must be a floating spell!

And using the Levitation Charm so lightly, Harry had only seen one person use it.

I saw the child gracefully turn around and look at him.

The golden red half-length hair is neatly groomed, the light blue eyes are full of smiles, the handsome and thin cheeks, and the high nose.

"An... Anton?"

With a handsome and narrow smile, An Dong raised his hand slightly, "Hi~".



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