The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 172: The common goal of the hut

The school kitchen is next to the Hufflepuff common room, downstairs from the school cafeteria.

"Before entering, I must solemnly remind you." George looked serious. "House elves are creatures with very strange temperaments. They have extremely sensitive self-esteem and strange temperaments, and they also have obedience after slavery and domestication."

Fred put his hand on George's shoulder, "It sounds contradictory, but it's the truth, just like Neville's pet toad, who always has too many ideas of his own, runs around, and the same goes for house elves. ."

"They like to eat honey, porridge, cream. They appreciate anything the wizard gives the elves, but they don't like it at all."

George spread his hands, "We didn't understand it before. After they made food for us, we invited them to eat together."


Hannah frowned and nodded sympathetically, "The self-centered kindness is imposed on others, and in the end, only yourself are moved."

She seemed to think of something bad, took a deep breath, and added information, "There is a saying in our family that when a house elf is disappointed in the family and wants to leave the house, it can always Find a way."

"Contrary to humans, they don't care that much about food and clothing."

"The centaurs don't even wear clothes. Not every intelligent creature likes pretty clothes."

Seeing that everyone was talking about their opinions, Neville scratched his head and added after thinking for a long time, "My uncle said that if you want to gain the loyalty of elves, you must treat them with kindness and respect."

Anton shrugged, as if he had nothing to say.

The members of the hut can gather together, and in some respects, the three views are more in harmony.

Now that there is nothing to discuss, George yanks the kitchen door open.

The house-elves at Hogwarts wore uniforms made of tea towels. Although they weren't very fancy, they didn't look as dirty as Anton imagined.

This gave him a sigh of relief.

If the cupboard is dirty, he will definitely worry about whether the delicious-looking food he eats has a lot of germs.


The house elf topic had already wasted some of their time, and without much contact with the elf, they went straight to a fireplace at the back of the kitchen.

George grabbed a handful of floo powder from the shelf on the fireplace, walked in, smiled mysteriously at everyone, and threw it hard at his feet.


Green flames rose and disappeared into the fireplace.

Fred was the second, he explained with a smile, "It's useless to say other addresses, all will fly to the front of the secret room, so please feel free."


one by one.

"Wow~" Anton looked at the stone corridor in the distance in shock.

A thick black cloud floated over the two-meter-high corridor, electric light surged, and lightning bolts hit the ground, making a crisp electric current sound of 'thorn'.

Just standing at a distance, you can feel the subtle irritation on the skin.

Before looking at the twins' drawings and models, I couldn't feel this shock.

Watching it with your own eyes, this powerful sense of oppression can make people feel the power of nature's thunder. An instinct rooted in the primitive fear and worship of human beings poured out, and all the little wizards stared blankly, shocked to the point of being speechless.

I don't know how long it took, but an electric light stretched irregularly in the air, making an explosion in the air in front of several people, which startled everyone.

"A magical scene, I feel shocked every time I watch it." George sighed.

"We speculate that this should be Hufflepuff's secret room." Fred interfaced, seeing Hannah's eyes light up, he couldn't help laughing.

"It is said that the earliest house-elves at Hogwarts were taken in by Hufflepuffs when the school was founded. Putting the entrance to his secret room in the powerful elf kitchen is definitely the safest place."

George continued, "The Hufflepuffs are best known for their magic with food, but they also have a very good tradition of herbs and magical animals."

Hannah nodded, "We are loyal to nature and have great love."

Anton squinted, his pupils opened, and the dark green stars filled the air.

Under the observation of the wizard's eyes, the dark clouds and thunder and lightning present an extremely magical image, complex and delicate, with countless six-star patterns, curves and grids, criss-crossing and cyclic.

This was the first time he had seen this magical image of the six-star pattern.

In terms of complexity, it is actually not as complicated as Apparition, but there is a kind of wonderful breath surging.

The magical image has breath, Anton has only observed it on Voldemort.

"This should be meteorological magic!" Anton judged.

"Weather magic?" The twins looked at each other, "We haven't heard of this kind of magic."

"It's not in the textbook. I've seen a lot of sectarian spells in the forbidden area of ​​the library." Seeing everyone's interest, Anton thought about it, "I haven't sorted it out, I don't know how many, but now I know. Yes, there are huge sub-categories, there are several."

"Healing spells, such spells are generally seen more often in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries."

"Map spells, including the Muggle Repel Charm, the Marauder's Map uses the 'Traveling Charm', and the 'Unmarkable Charm', which prohibits anyone from marking an address on the map... …”

"The curse of blood is rarely mentioned. It requires strong and extreme emotions, extreme love, and extreme hatred, but most of them are curses that favor black magic. Professor Dumbledore forbids me to read the books on this subject." Speaking of this, Anton shrugged helplessly.

"Hidden spells, such as the daring loyalty spell, hidden objects, hidden information on parchment scrolls..."

Anton smacked his mouth.

There are too many, there are too many directions for research in the wizarding world, and with a single Apparition, the Rozier family can play flowers.

As for activation magic, household magic spells, etc., which are common but partial, it is even more wonderful.

Every kind of magic spell has a strong development prospect if it is studied in depth.

With the boundless, the boundless!

Life is in a hurry for a hundred years, and it is really not enough. No wonder there are so many wizards who are tirelessly longing for longevity.

The old wizard researched the ghost armor, not to become more powerful, but more to use this method to continue on the road of magic research.

"Weather spell is a very magical category. From ancient wizards to the present, people have always been obsessed with it."

"Snowmaking spell, rain spell, sunny spell, blizzard spell, tornado spell..."

With the introduction of Anton one by one, the magical road of the magical world gradually unfolded in front of everyone. It was so magical and intoxicating.

Interestingly, several members of the hut are particularly fond of weather spells.

With his mouth open, Neville watched Anton chatting eloquently, and then looked at the thunderous patch behind him, "Release such a spell, it looks like a strong man!"

He had always longed to grow into a wizard who looked heroic and powerful, and this thunder evoked his earliest memories.

At that time, Anton waved his wand and ordered all the water in the Black Lake to fly into the sky, just to find a memory ball.

Oh, this kind of powerful method, if he plans to learn it, Neville feels a little desperate to think about it.

Obviously, the weather spell is different!

Hannah also fell into fantasy, "Wow, this kind of spell is too romantic. When you are in a bad mood, you can have a little rain, when you want romance, you can have some snow, and when you plan to travel, you can be sunny..."

The twins' ideas are relatively clear. They plan to put this weather in a bottle and turn it into a joke prop. "This must be a very interesting thing to see."

very good!


Anton looked at them with a smile, "It's not easy to learn these things."

The weather spell is not just for making a joke prop. He watched "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" in his previous life and was impressed by Grindelwald's technique, which was so handsome.

At that time, Grindelwald took the opportunity to attack the Ministry of Magic on the way to transfer the prison, robbed the Thestral carriage, waved his wand to trigger the thunder and lightning in the sky, and knocked the Aurors into the air.

That scene, that technique, is so cool!


Weather spell...

It seems that the bread spell and sunshine spell that Anton is studying can also be classified into this spell category.

He seemed to see an opportunity to improve the overall combat power of the hut.

This is not easy. He hopes that everyone has strong strength to face the changes in the future, but he does not want to change the way everyone behaves.

He was also on the road of exploration himself, and he didn't feel that what he thought must be right.

But now...

He raised his looked at the dark clouds and thunderbolts in the distance with a smile, "Then our goal for this year..."

"Weather Charm!" Everyone shouted loudly!

"Add weather effects to battle chess." Hannah added.

"Walk through this thunder and open Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets." The twins were always hungry for adventure, and this place looked interesting.

"Control the Thunder!" Look, Neville's words were particularly imposing.

"Wow~" Everyone looked at Neville in amazement, making this round-headed and round-headed child a little shy.


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