The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 188: oh oh oh~~~

"Oh oh oh~~"

The wand pressed lightly against his throat, and Anton's mouth made a crisp and loud rooster crowing.


The rooster in the iron cage stared at Anton with wide eyes, shook his bright red cockscomb, and raised his chest proudly.

"Oh oh oh~~~"

After calling out, he stared at Anton with a look of contempt and even contempt, as if to say - Xiao Zha, you humans can't do this kind of thing! Depends on your uncle cock!

"Damn it! It's actually mocking me!" Anton glared at the cock, raised his head and shouted again, "Oh oh oh~~~~~"


Being challenged by humans, it is worth losing the pride of being a rooster.



To be challenged by a rooster, it is worth losing the pride of being a human being.

"Oh oh oh~~~~~~~~~"

In this way, one person and one chicken, with big eyes and small eyes, screaming louder and louder.

Anton's rooster's crowing gradually became consistent with the rooster, almost exactly the same.

This is a brand new version of the Bionic Charm - Bionic for Skills. In the past, bionics were based on appearance and magical properties, and now Anton has begun to dabble in bionics with instinctive talents.

Before he turned into a snake, he couldn't understand the snake language, he couldn't be infected when he turned into a werewolf, and he had no snake venom when he turned into a rune snake.

Like rooster crowing, even Muggles have many people who are good at this.

But to have that kind of verve that everything is in competition, the weather is endless, the new life breaks the ground, and the sun pierces the clouds, it is not as simple as relying on the sound.

"Oh oh oh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

The sound is cloudy.


Several people in the hut looked at each other.

"What's wrong with him?" Neville looked terrified.

"Maybe it's crazy!" Hannah's face was full of seriousness. Seeing that Neville believed it, she couldn't help but let out a crisp laugh.

"This is so funny!" George looked at Anton with bright eyes. "I think we can try to make a funny candy, and after eating it, we can't speak, and we can only make a rooster."

Fred gestured with both hands, "Maybe we can use Transfiguration to make someone eat candy and turn into a big cock?"

"This must be fun!" they said in unison.

The two gave a high-five high-five to celebrate, and ran downstairs to start thinking about this new product on the test bench.

Neville and Hannah were not in such a good mood.

As long as they are out of school these days, they are almost thrown into the snake cave by Anton, which is a nightmare. After finally relaxing for a day, the two of them slumped on the sofa and didn't seem to move for a moment.

Neville is a player who plays on the spot. Usually, he is stupid and stupid. Only when he is fighting, he seems to be possessed by the **** of war, and he is fierce.

Hannah can't do it. Not only did she fail to master the whole body restraint spell, but because of the deepening fear and fear, her control over this spell became worse and worse.

Girls are always afraid of snakes.

Can you imagine the scene where you stand at a fork in the road and snakes jump out from the front, back, left, and right?

Her scream nearly deafened Neville.

Especially once, the rune snake wrapped around her neck, and the three heads opened their fangs and mouths were about to tear off her face...

That's when Neville's spell saved her in time.

Suddenly a powerful spell covered her and the runes on her body, turning everyone and the snake into stone.

It was at this time that Hannah realized first-hand why this kind of petrification spell, which would make the person who was recruited turn stone-colored, was called the Whole Body Binding Spell.

Can't move!

But man is not turned into a stone at all, he is just as immobile as a stone.

Not only her, but also the runes.

The layers of scales were rolled around her neck like this, soft and cool. The three heads opened their **** mouths to maintain a rushing posture, but they also made her unable to move, so she could only passively stare at the rune snake for a long time.

It's a nightmare level of intimacy.

She had nightmares about it for several nights.

In response to her situation, Anton gave two suggestions, either to overcome fear, face it, and turn fear into a brave force.

Either find another way and choose to practice other mantras.

Then use this more proficient spell to kill the rune snake, thereby gaining more self-confidence due to the 'counter-kill' situation.

The confidence gained in such a situation will make her particularly good at the spell she re-trained.

What is the principle?

She didn't understand. She also wrote to her family to ask if she wanted to persevere, and wrote Anton's method.

Owl sent a reply this morning. Grandpa wrote the reply by himself, claiming that Anton has great wisdom and she must learn more from Anton.

Along with the letter, I brought a family book called "The Mystery of Weather Spells", as well as "The Encyclopedia of Ten Thousand Spells".

So, the training was suspended, and Neville and Hannah planned to find the most powerful spell for Hannah to learn from the "Ten Thousand Spells".

The huge cursed ceremony was as vast as smoke, and the eyes of the two little boys turned into mosquito coils.


Hannah is so desperate.

"Anton said that I am suitable for learning spells that require firm will, and you must have a spell that is especially suitable for you." Neville said, looking at Hannah, who was curled up in a circle in the corner of the sofa.

Hannah just shook her head in despair, "No, no, I'm too stupid, I can't even master the spells in class, there's no way..."

Neville just smiled. "I'm stupid too."

Hannah looked up at Neville in amazement.

"Yes, I'm not smart enough either. I have to carry a memory ball with me, which will remind me if I forgot something." Neville took out the memory ball from the pocket of the wizard's robe, looked at it in amazement, and swallowed. saliva.

"Look, it's so red now, I don't even know how many things I've forgotten."

"But ah!"

Neville shoved the memory ball into his pocket, "Anton taught me the secret to practicing magic spells that only suits me - what my heart wants, and nothing else!"

"I think a secret is also for you, forget everything, forget the fact that you are stupid, and just focus on releasing this spell."

Neville shook the notepad in his hand, "I just copied a few spells, let's try it?"

Hannah looked up at him blankly for a long time, grinning.


"Oh oh oh~~" On the balcony, Anton was still competing with the big cock, whose roar was more standard than anyone else.

I don't know how long it took to bark, the rooster's voice became hoarse, "quack...", Anton pointed at the rooster with one hand on his hips and the other laughed.

There was an explosion from downstairs, the twins exclaimed, and the faint smell of burning came to the second floor along with the smoke.

this day.

The weather was particularly sunny.

The sun is especially bright.

The breeze brushed the tips of his hair, tickling them.

Hannah will always remember this day.


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