The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 215: at all costs

This secret transformation method of the witch tribe has the content of contract magic secretly, and it can even be said that contract magic plays a very important role in it.

Anton felt an aura of fetters from his soul, so peaceful and quiet, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He gently stretched out his hand, and the big white bear brought his head closer, his fluffy cheeks rubbing against his palm, expressing an intimate relationship.

Dumbledore looked at this scene with a smile on his face, his face full of kindness.

Suddenly Anton said, "Did I cut off this pair of antlers and it would be completely free from black magic?"

Lao Deng's face was instantly pulled down, he stared at An Dong coldly, and snorted.

The flames of the Phoenix Phoenix rose up and disappeared instantly.


Anton looked suspiciously at the place where he disappeared, and scratched his head, "Why? Can't you?"

What happened?

Forget it, too lazy to care about this old man, Anton looked at his pet with a smile, suddenly turned over and jumped up and straddled the big white bear's back.

Oh, fluffy, soft, especially comfortable.

Similar to the feeling of sitting on the sofa, or even better, a quiet and peaceful atmosphere wafted out of the big white bear, making Anton sitting on its back lightened.

"A ray of sunshine spell?"

Anton looked at the big white bear in surprise and laughed, "interesting"

"Go, follow me to find a companion!"

The big white bear turned his head and licked his palm, turned his head and opened his hands and feet, and ran quickly.

The speed is extremely fast, and everything around it is rapidly retreating. It seems that it naturally knows how to walk in the forest. In the forbidden forest where snowflakes are scattered, it moves quickly left and right.


Anton has never been disappointed in riding a fat ball!

Speeding up.

Anton carefully observed the big white bear with antlers and finally confirmed that he had indeed completely rescued the fat ball from the erosion of black magic.

The body is still a fat ball, and all the black magic with Snape's soul information is forced into the antlers.

This is an interesting change. In addition to the antlers, the big white bear with the fat ball has a most unique difference from the big white bear of the witch tribe.

In its head, there is a magic image similar to a switch.

Unless the big white bear encounters a near-death situation again, the antlers transformed by black magic will not erode it again.

With the characteristics of this magic switch, Anton has already drawn all its magic images.

But has never been able to use it.

It seems to be the unique soul organ of a mixed-race child like Fat Ball, and it cannot be made by simply imitating the operation of magic power.

But Anton never gave up the study of this structure.

Originally, in his thoughts, this structure should be able to be simulated using a bionic magic spell, and finally completely improved into a magic spell.

By that time, werewolves and blood-cursed orcs will only need such a spell to be completely cured.

The research progress is very slow, which involves the complex topic of blood.

Anyway, the family has been treated, Anton is not in a hurry, take your time, learn more about magic, maybe you can figure out this thing.


The big white bear stepped on the tree trunk with one foot, swung into the air, swept across a high range, and landed gently in front of everyone.

In just an instant, the big white bear with antlers once again turned into a round, pink, fist-sized bird with pink feathers.

Fluttering its wings, it floated to Anton's shoulders.

She blinked her eyes cutely.

Snape stared at the wyrm, and finally smiled and said nothing.

Professor McGonagall stared at Anton with a serious face, and said solemnly, "The invention of the soul scalpel spell does not mean that you can use the Unforgivable spell recklessly."

"This time we were the only ones present, and Dumbledore didn't say anything."

"Anthony Weasley." McGonagall stared at him, "I hope you know what the Unforgivable Curse is to the wizarding world? Is it appropriate to use it casually? And what will happen to you if it is seen? result!"

Lupin stepped forward quickly, "He was there to save George and the others."

McGonagall turned to look at Lupin, "I hope you, the guardian, should make it clear to him, what is the meaning of this spell? Think of Sirius!"

Lupin was stunned when he heard the name, he clenched his fists tremblingly and gritted his teeth, "I think it's two things!"

Mag shook his head, "The result is the same!"

"Anton is destined to be a very good wizard. I hope he can go to the right path, instead of being feared by everyone, relying on his powerful magical ability to hide and live a life where he does not dare to see others, or simply be locked up directly. Zkaban."

"And you!" McGonagall looked at Professor Snape, who was watching the fun, "You are his personal tutor and also his dean. I think you should also explain to him about the impact of black magic on this society. What is the situation."

Snape was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly, "I think I have a lot of insights on this, and I will have a good talk with him about this."

McGonagall nodded and looked at Hagrid and the three little brats, "You should go to Madam Pomfrey for an examination. Hannah Abbott is already there waiting for you."

After speaking, she turned into a tabby cat and ran towards Hogwarts, her magic power extended, and everything around her was collapsing towards her, as if her position was extending outwards.

This is obviously an advanced application of the Traceless Stretching Charm, but in just an instant, she has left very far.

Snape also turned his head and left, thought for a while, then turned around again and looked at the bubblegum on Hagrid's palm, "The way this hemostatic ointment is made is very clever, but I have seen at least a dozen mistakes and omissions in it. defect."

He glanced at George and Fred, and pursed his lips, "Come to my office the day after tomorrow, and I will teach you to improve."

After speaking, he left with his long silky hair.


George looked at Fred in disbelief, and Fred's eyes widened, "I heard that right?" They said at the same time.

Lupin patted Anton's shoulder lightly, "Professor McGonagall has no malice, she is a very good educator, and she is also for your own good."

Anton smiled slightly and said that he didn't mind, "Maybe I should practice the tickling spell. I didn't think too much about it at the time, and the conditioned reflex released the drill."

"It's actually not a good habit."

Lupin's tone is always so gentle, "Although you have experienced a lot, your experience in combat is still too little, and you cannot effectively exert your true strength."

"I think after the Christmas break we'll have to do some practice on that."

Having said that, Anton looked at him suspiciously, "It's been two days off, why didn't you go back?"

Lupin leaned over and whispered, "Ilsa and Nagini are both in Hogsmeade Village. They have spotted a shop and are discussing what business to run."

Nagini also came here, indicating that Rozier was also there, and his life was like this, following his wife's ass.

Some people say that doing business in partnership is the beginning of a broken friendship, but Anton never worried about them.

The joy of Nagini's life is to grow flowers, without any material needs. Her husband, Rosier, is the patriarch of a pure-blood family that has lasted for an unknown number of years. The accumulated wealth can never be spent.

Although Ilsa does not have much accumulation in the magic world, she is a shareholder of several large companies. Now that the werewolf tribe is a bridge between the wizard and the Muggle world, she does not have to worry about pounds and gold Galleons.

They are here to play.

That is to say

Anton can still spend Christmas with his family this year.

In this way, a group of people walked and chatted, walking in the evening of the setting sun, talking and laughing, and everyone talked about their performance just now.

Neville took Anton to the back of the team, his round face was full of solemnity, "Anton, you said that I am very good at spells that require courage, I just watched you release the Cruciatus Curse. , must also belong to this aspect.”

Anton raised his eyebrows, "What are you going to do?"

Neville clenched his fists. "I hope you can teach me!"


Anton looked at him in surprise, and looked up and down for a while, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" Neville's round face flushed red, and tears rolled in his eyes, "Even if he becomes evil because of the influence of black magic, even if someone finds out and gets caught in Azkaban because of it!"


This little brat had already figured out the consequences early on?

" Since you sincerely want to learn, I will teach you." Anton laughed, "I won't become evil, I have a way. But let's get Azkaban, hehehe, It's hard to say."

Neville stopped in fear, his face changed, and finally whispered, "Do whatever it takes!"


Anton grabbed his shoulders, "Since you know what you want to do, don't let the thorns on the road, and bravely rush forward, boy!"

Neville nodded vigorously.

"Anton, thank you."


"You are helping me along the way, and I don't know how to repay you."

Anton shrugged and put his hand on his shoulder tightly, "We are good friends."

"Well, very good friends!"


It's really interesting, Anton is planning to reduce the use of Cruciatus or even not use Cruciatus at all, but Neville wants to use this dangerous magic instead.

Then, young man, this precious wisdom will be passed on to you and used to save the world.

Eh, no, the Cruciatus doesn't seem to save the world either.

Forget it, who knows in the future.

The setting sun slanted westward, pulling their figures very long, very long.

The sky is full of clouds and clouds, and the weather is endless.

There were several bird calls from time to time in the depths of the forbidden forest, and the fat ball on the shoulders also made a crisp sound, and everything seemed to be alive.

Off topic

There are only two updates today, and there are 6,000 words in total, which is not too small, right, hehehe. In fact, the main reason is that this volume is about to be finished. I am sorting out the context of the whole volume, and I have to think about how to put a finishing touch to it.

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