The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 840: Professor Trelawney's Magical Divination

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Professor Trelawney, who taught divination, was a mad witch with glasses as thick as a glass bottle, at least in the eyes of most young wizards.

Nervous every day, often speaking out of tune, often wandering around the campus castle drunk, and meeting any classmates or professors, they will always say some so-called prophecies in a mess.

From her mouth, it seems that every year, little wizards will encounter terrible things and die.

If you say too much, it seems that none of it has been fulfilled, and no one will believe it.

In fact, there are many such people in the wizarding world, who rely on talent rather than knowledge. In areas where the effect can be easily seen by the naked eye, such as magic spells, masters and liars are mixed.

Anton certainly didn't think Professor Trelawney was a liar.

On the contrary, he is in awe of these naturally gifted people.

Grindelwald once told him that there are countless ways to manipulate fate, and guiding the situation through people's hearts is only the most stupid way, and the most powerful ones belong to these prophets.

Their predictions will interfere with fate. When one does not have enough strength, luck, and wisdom to fight, fate will follow their prophesied trajectory.

Prophecy, sometimes it is to unconsciously cast spells on the whole world in a certain dimension.

The future cannot be seen because it is full of uncertainty. The established future in the prophecy is to lay the track for the future, and not every wizard is capable of derailing this kind of thing.

Therefore, the magical realm that is opposed to prophecy is actually a curse and a blessing.

Consciously controlling the direction of the future, Felicia or unicorn blood can achieve a similar effect.

Look, many things in the wizarding world have no way to clearly distinguish between disciplines. Understanding magic from different angles can separate different skill trees.

Anton did not find Professor Trelawney in the tower where the divination class was given.

On the contrary, they planned to change the day. On the way back, they saw a big rock outside the Quidditch pitch, and saw Professor Trelawney, who was drunk with a bottle.

"A mist of doom hangs over..."

As soon as he approached, before he had time to say hello, he saw Professor Trelawney trembling crazily leaning on the stone, muttering drunken words that were almost indistinguishable.

"This man who is favored by fate..."

With a strange expression, Anton approached slowly, followed Professor Trelawney's eyes that looked like they were about to bulge and fall out, and followed her gaze to a certain corner of the stands on the Quidditch stadium.

There, Sirius was watching Quidditch with Harry Potter, and the figures, one big and one small, were all staring nervously at the figure of a Ravenclaw Chaser in the sky, and the very similar personality was revealed Their temperaments are so similar, as if it would make people feel that they are a pair of father and son.

Harry looked happy, smiling silly.

After all, Sirius, the godfather, may be the person who loves and cares about him the most in his life, not one of them.

The sensitive heart cultivated in the Dursleys' house allowed him to feel the love from the godfather so clearly, so sincere and passionate.

"Dreadful creatures lurk in the dark depths..."

"Among the children's laughter, there is an inexplicably terrifying sneer, it is spying on everything in the depths!"

Anton blinked in amazement, did this predict that Barty Jr. was in Sirius' body?

Is the prophet so awesome?

Suddenly, the "Lake of Soul" stirred in his heart, and then there were waves. Hearing this prophecy, Sirius gradually blurred in his vision, but Harry Potter became more and more clear.


"You mean Harry Potter?" Anton asked thoughtfully.

It's a pity that there is no answer, Professor Trelawney just murmured, "He is sneering, spying on everything in the depths!"

"Look, look coldly, laugh, laugh madly. "Hi~"

Trelawney teaches

The professor hiccupped, and the strong smell of alcohol filled the air. Anton quickly walked away from her side, releasing a spell to attract the breeze to blow away the surrounding smell.

After such an interruption, Anton no longer had the unique feeling of "understanding" just now.

Professor Trelawney's prediction, Sirius can be said, and Harry Potter, it seems that it can also be said.

There is a fragment of Voldemort's soul in Harry's body. Although he cannot possess the wisdom of Professor Quirrell, it also affects everything about Harry in many corners.

For example, when Harry was a child, he would disappear the huge glass in the zoo, so that the annoying Dudley and the huge boa constrictor could get in close contact.

For example, Harry unknowingly showed his magical talent in the direction of black magic.

For example, Harry will have some involuntary connections with other Horcruxes, and perceive the situation of Voldemort's other souls.

"The Lake of Soul" is boiling and surging, and Harry in the stands is reflected in the lake water, turning into black lines. This is the "existence of life" collected by Anton before.

What needs to be made clear is that Anton's current research on the black line of the soul and body is just at the beginning.

The so-called collection of life exists, but it is drawn according to the mold, nothing more.

It can be regarded as a reflection on the spiritual level, or it can be said to be a picture taken after deconstruction.

That is to say, Anton can't effectively distinguish those black lines in Harry Potter's body, which ones are Harry's original ones, and which ones are Voldemort's soul fragments.

It is not even certain whether it is a fragment or not.

Maybe a complete soul clone, something like a Horcrux?

Maybe it has been completely integrated with Harry's soul, like Siamese twins?

"I don't understand."

Anton sighed helplessly, the world of magic is vast like smoke, his research seems to be very strong compared with those around him, but for the world of magic, it is just a drop in the ocean. "Old Fu is hiding in Harry's body and laughing wildly?"

"Or are you talking about Barty Jr. inside Sirius?" That's not really clear.

"Huh? Anthony Weasley?" Professor Trelawney woke up at some point, pushed the huge spectacle frame, and looked at Anton with big protruding eyes like goldfish eyes~www. Don't tell Professor Dumbledore that I'm drinking again. "

"You can call me Anton directly." Seeing that Professor Trelawney stood up staggeringly, with unsteady footsteps, he hurried forward to help her.

Professor Trelawney waved her hand and said drunkenly, "No, no, I just took a sip, it's fine."

Anton glanced at several wine bottles on the ground, raised his eyebrows, and just smiled.

"What can I do for you?" Professor Trelawney patted her colorful skirt, carefully tore a leech off her dark green cloth messenger bag, and threw it aside.

"I'm looking for a copy of "Howl's Alcoholic Secret". Mrs. Pince said it's here, let me find you."

Before Anton could finish his words, a pungent smell suddenly hit his face. It was a strong smell of wine mixed with unknown spices and spell-casting materials. These things were inexplicably mixed with the feeling of surging magic power .

A huge pair of glasses quickly arrived in front of Anton, and in the frame of the glasses, a pair of huge eyes looked Anton up and down.

"I saw a colorful halo on you, child, do you also have the ability of the third eye?" Professor Trelawney looked at Anton curiously, and shook his head again, "It doesn't look like the third eye sees it. In the future, what you spy is the present, and what you perceive is reality.”

After saying this, Professor Trelawney shook his big head, and his thin and slender neck seemed to be broken at any moment, which made Anton feel terrified.

"The reality is scarier than the future. Many people are not afraid of the future, thinking that there are too many possibilities, but they are afraid of the present, because now they have no choice. They can see themselves walking in a swamp full of thorns. Dare to take any step forward.”

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