The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 923: You're just like Tom back then

"Merlin's beard!"

While Anton was chatting with Dumbledore, a low voice suddenly came out of the screen.

Obviously, this is not a simple 'refraction of light', but also a little bit of 'transmission of sound'.

But that's not the point. The two of them looked at the scene in the water mist with strange expressions. An old wizard with a striking silver-white mustache and a bald head ran out hurriedly. Bath bubbles.

This old wizard didn't seem that old. As a professor who had been doing well in Voldemort's student days, he was actually approaching a hundred years old now, but he looked like he was only in his fifties or sixties.

Through the neckline of the bathrobe, you can still see the strong muscles, and the skin is well maintained.

I saw the old wizard glanced left and right, picked up a medicine bottle containing the blood of some kind of magical animal from the table, swung it around, and then waved his wand vigorously.


In an instant, the picture in the water mist disappeared without sound.

But Anton and Dumbledore could still detect the spell that the old wizard would release next from the shape of his mouth-'Torn apart! '.

In the wave of the old wizard's wand, the whole room seemed to have experienced a fierce battle.

A grandfather clock hit the wall first, then was thrown away by a huge force, and smashed into pieces in the middle of the hall.

The strings of the piano placed in the corner of the living room seemed to be playing the most exciting song. The keys were blown up and swayed in mid-air to produce a few notes, scattered everywhere.

With the walking of the old wizard, the huge chandelier fell down, and the glass fragments raised a brilliant light in the firelight.

Photo frames on the wall, ceramic plates on the table, dark green glass ink cartridges, raspberries and other berries on the fruit plate, plant ash in the fireplace, books on the opposite shelf...

All burst.

A big hole appeared in the wall, and the wooden floor was torn apart, making a mess.

The old wizard seemed very satisfied with this effect, his light green eyes flickered a few times, and he tightened his lavender bathrobe with silver silk embroidered vine patterns.

Suddenly, his whole body trembled, and his body deformed rapidly.

As if with special effects, he transformed into an armchair with purple cushions and cushions in a very short time.


The armchair leaned straight back, hit the ground and bounced twice.

The quills on the table and the exploded crumbs of the books on the shelves littered the chairs and around them inconspicuously.

At this moment, the armrest of the armchair suddenly turned into an arm again, raised the magic wand and waved it lightly towards the surroundings, and then retracted to become the armrest again.

Suddenly, the voice on the screen came again.

Anton looked at Dumbledore with a strange expression, Dumbledore smiled narrowly, shrugged, "Let's go."

Walk along the street and come to this residential house diagonally opposite. The front door of the garden is hinged open, and the door hangs crookedly.

Walking in from the path in the garden, pushing open the door, there is a narrow porch, the doors on the left and right sides are open in a mess, and moving forward again, it is the living room with the decoration style of the battlefield just seen.

"It seems that there has been a fierce battle here!"

Anton uttered an exaggerated cry of panic very cooperatively, "The evil mysterious man must have sent someone to arrest this old professor, Merlin's beard, everything is too bad!"

"Professor Dumbledore, what should we do, we seem to be a step late!"

Lao Deng rolled his eyes, took the magic wand in his hand and poked the armchair cushion vigorously with the tip of the wand.

"Hey young~" The chair let out a scream.

In just an instant, he transformed into an old wizard again, and got up from the ground angrily.

"Good morning, Horace." Dumbledore looked at the old colleague with a smile.

Horace Slughorn patted the crumbs on the bathrobe and looked at Dumbledore very unhappy, "It's not good at all, you shouldn't have stabbed me so hard in the stomach just now!"

Dumbledore sniggered, with a kind of mischievousness that Anton rarely saw, oh, to be exact, it should be very common in George and Fred.

Perhaps when George and Fred become famous in the future, they will also become Dumbledore's majestic appearance, and they will only reveal their original personalities in front of familiar old friends.

Dumbledore looked at Slughorn's appearance that was much younger than himself, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "You still look so young."

"Not at all!" Slughorn gave Dumbledore a vigilant look. "I'm old, and I often feel out of breath. I have shortness of breath, and rheumatism, and my legs and feet are not as flexible as before. Alas, this It is also expected, people are old and useless.”

"I'm getting old... Then I need a safe place to retire. It's not good to hide everywhere," Dumbledore drew a long voice, chuckled, looked around, and looked at the picture frame on the ground. A group photo of the family, frowning slightly, "Especially in other people's homes, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Slughorn's expression darkened, he pursed his lips, and they all picked up a chair from the ground and sat down, "It's been a year, and I haven't written letters to my outstanding students for a year. Contacted, moved from one Muggle residence to another, the owner of this house is on vacation in the Canary Islands..."

As he said that, his expression became vigilant again, and he glared at Dumbledore viciously, "I live here very comfortably, and I really don't want to leave. Just don't let the neighbors see when you move the piano in..."


Anton didn't expect that the old wizard would still bring a piano with him when he was avoiding the Death Eaters' search?

Dumbledore shrugged noncommittally, just waved his wand and cast the Restoration Charm.

In an instant, everything seemed to be reversed in time, all the broken things were reassembled, and the things that fell on the ground flew back to their original places.

"It looks much more comfortable now." Dumbledore looked at Slughorn with a smile, "Horace, let me introduce you, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, Slughorn interrupted him, "Anthony Weiss, of course I know, an extremely good wizard who can defeat Tom at such a young age."

Anton grinned brightly, "Hello~"

"I'm not fine at all!" Slughorn felt the shaking of the chair under his buttocks, and he couldn't help standing up, letting it recover with a cracked chair back, "Wes, I wrote you a lot Letter, I hope to get to know you, invite you to my manor as a guest, and invite you to an excellent party, but you ignore it!"

Anton blinked in amazement, "Is there?"

Dumbledore laughed beside him, "With Anton's personality, I guess it should have been mixed with countless letters and burned."


! Slughorn looked at Anton in disbelief, "Merlin's beard, every letter is an opportunity, how can you not take it seriously?" "

Anton thought about it seriously, and finally shook his head, "I'm focused on magic, and I don't care about others. I'm not very good at socializing. There are really enough attractive opportunities. Maybe a fire can't burn it, it will Find your own way."

"for example…"

Anton looked at him with a smile, "I'm here to find you, face to face."

"Oh~" Slughorn sighed, "You are just like Tom back then..."

He said, glanced at Dumbledore, sighed slightly, and said nothing more.

"It's different, Mr. Slughorn." Anton blinked at him and smiled, "I'm on the same side as Professor Dumbledore!"


Is it a faction now?

Dumbledore's face became weird, but he still nodded at Slughorn, "Yes, we all have common demands, I hope you can come and help us!"

"I know it! I don't want it! I've been tired all my life, and I'm an old man, a tired old man, entitled to a quiet life and a few things. You can't seduce me, you want me To work hard, I don't want to..."

Slughorn was muttering something in his mouth. He walked slowly to a pear wood chest of drawers, picked up the bottle of dragon blood that had just been spilled on the ground and the wall as traces of battle, and said with some distress , "Oops, it looks a little dirty."

Anton walked over with a smile, slowly took the bottle of fire dragon blood from him, and shook it gently.

I saw that the fire dragon blood that had become a bit messy was spinning rapidly in the glass bottle with the goddess embossed, and gradually became crystal clear again, shining with a spiritual luster full of magic.

"Oh~" Slughorn's eyes widened in shock, "How did you do that!"

"Sufficient knowledge of the potion material such as fire dragon blood, the necessary processing methods for potion materials, as well as cleaning up the new spell and the recovery spell." Anton put the bottle of fire dragon blood in his palm with his backhand, and stretched it out to the bottle. In front of Slughorn, "Professor Dumbledore thinks we can give you better shelter so that you won't live in hiding."

"But I think..."

"Maybe I can take you to a more brilliant and magical magical a magical world that even wizards would marvel at."

Anton's eyes were burning, with a light that Slughorn had never seen before. For a moment, he felt as if he had encountered the image of a "sage" or a "wizard guide" that only appeared in fairy tales or fairy tales.

Slughorn glanced at Dumbledore, then at Anton, opened and closed his mouth, and finally slowly picked up the bottle of dragon blood from Anton's hand.

"Mr. Wesley, what do you want me to do?"

"You must know that I used ritual magic to transform Muggles into wizards in the Top 100 Tournament, right? I think promoting this kind of thing is not a simple technical problem. I need the help of someone who is wise, prestigious and influential. "

In fact, it wasn't Anton who needed the old man's help, it was the people in the hut who needed it, quack quack~, Anton had planned to throw this matter to them. With such a person to help, it sounds like it will be much more reliable than just listening to Hermione and Draco arguing.

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