The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 944: 3 Evil Weasleys

Anton's course on 'The Patronus Charm and the Three Unforgivable Curses' obviously couldn't be finished in one session. His main focus today was to talk about the magic of 'A Ray of Sunshine'.

But even this is not an easy task for people like Harry, Hermione, and Draco to understand.

Anton had to speak more detailed, more basic, and cooperate with more guidance to let them understand the tricks.

And the content of these lectures also helped him understand how to revise his manuscripts.

You know, these little friends in front of you can even be said to be extremely good wizards in the new generation, and they are actually better than most adult wizards.

If even they have learned so hard, let alone those who just read books.

Anton had to consider replacing "The Patronus Charm and the Three Unforgivable Curses", which originally only had one book, with a set of books.

It is estimated that when the book is completed, it will be another super-large book tens of centimeters thick.

The gap between people is sometimes greater than the gap between people and cattails.

When Anton had not been educated in a magic school, he successfully cast the "soul-moving spell" by relying on the simple narration of the old wizard Fiennes, and even learned the magic of the black wizard Olaro by relying on the old wizard's diary. The 'misplaced soul curse'.

But for these little friends, these two magics are probably another magic that is more difficult than the 'Guardian Charm'.


The normal teaching of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry did not stop because of the holding of the "Top 100 Tournament". Hemp is required for dissertation assignments of varying lengths.

Anton had to slow down again so that these friends could really understand what he said.

In addition, everyone usually has to go to the 'Azkaban Academy' to teach those young wizards and adult wizards outside the school, and the time seems to be insufficient.

Harry and the others had never experienced such a high-intensity study, and they were dizzy from studying every day, so they relied on Dudley to concoct the refreshing potion they learned from Professor Snape.

This is an interesting observation.

Anton found that among the core members of the hut, everyone seems to be more fanatical and focused on magic, and that feeling is completely different.

They are like teenagers who are addicted to online games, they can spend sleepless nights thinking about game strategies, and use all kinds of time to think and ponder.

And I am excited about every result I think of, and I will be eager to experiment with an idea.

For people like Harry Draco, this is learning. They need to relax their brains. In the small time, they are more inclined to relax their brains and not think about these complicated and profound magical knowledge .

This difference in treatment of magic seems to be the root cause of whether a wizard actually achieves something magically.

It is a talent that is more powerful than the blood magic talent.

When Anton observes Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, Professor Hagrid, etc. who have achieved success in a certain field, they can find commonalities.

Not letting Hagrid touch the cuties, not letting Snape touch the potion ingredients, not letting Professor McGonagall perform the Animagus transfiguration was more painful than killing them.

Harry and the others seemed happier when they were not practicing spells.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and Anton is not very demanding.

In response to such a situation, he is more to tap their inner potential and guide them to their respective directions.

For example, Harry, he is more inclined to fight against black magic. When Anton guides Harry how to use the Patronus Charm to defend against the Killing Curse, the enthusiasm that Harry can explode is great.

For example, Draco, he seems to be more inclined to go to a certain field of "glory", and Anton will tell him more about how he figured out the "A Ray of Sunshine" spell.

Draco seemed to be more looking forward to making breakthroughs against the Imperius Curse, Confusion Curse, Love Potion, etc., and to show off some achievements.

And Hermione, she seems to like knowledge, and in actual learning, she is more inclined to practicality. Anton's teaching is more about how to learn how to deal with the three unforgivable curses, and how to get started faster.

Ron was much more interesting. He even asked Anton if this knowledge could also be applied to the magic of 'Spirit of Fear'. Obviously, this is a person who is good at thinking and likes to take shortcuts.

This is of course possible, Anton knows very well.

But it is obviously necessary to understand deeper theories, to thoroughly understand the underlying logic of magic operation, and to mobilize the power of the six elements of the soul.

Dudley belonged to the group with the worst qualifications. He couldn't understand the principles of magic, and he couldn't cast spells. But surprisingly, he had a very good characteristic in his personality—arrogance.

There is a kind of arrogance of "not admitting defeat".

Compared to Hermione, who is also of Muggle origin, Dudley has a kind of arrogance of "I'm awesome" in the secondary school. Perhaps it was also because of this that when he was with young masters from pure-blood families such as Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe, he didn't have the feeling of "I am a humble servant" and was more like a friend.

In particular, he seemed to have a feeling of dissatisfaction with losing to Harry, which was very interesting and reminded Anton of the sisters Lily and Petunia.

In this regard, Anton's solution is to prepare a room with a few Boggarts in it, and let him practice the Patronus Charm intensively.

Time just turned the pages day by day, and everyone was very fulfilled.

Anton stopped revising the manuscript that day. A unique spice cultivated by Hannah had matured, and Anna, Neville, Ron, and Goyle were all helping to process these plants.

It is an herbaceous plant, 4 feet tall (1.2 m) at maturity, characterized by overlapping leaves and spiny bulbous fruits.

Breaking apart these fruits, there are some cottony dry pulp inside, which does not seem to be edible.

Neville came to help mainly to study the medicinal properties of these cotton wool-like pulps, to see if there is any medicinal value in herbal medicine.

Hannah and Anna carefully observed the growth of the plant, the condition of the fruit and the seeds that can be used as spices, and selected better seeds for the next round of cultivation.

For these, Anton can't help.

He prefers food more, and plans to try to use this unique spicy and sweet spice to make some grilled meatballs.

chirp chirp~

Fat Ball barked anxiously from the side, urging Anton to get some for it to eat.

Beside it, there are a few little fat balls, looking at it with its head and head.

Yes, since the irresponsible and lazy owner Anton handed it over to George and Fred, through some unknown method, the offspring of the exact same breed have actually been bred now.

According to George and Fred, when the offspring of these fat **** grow up, the sub-dragon species can stabilize the population.

But after all, this sub-dragon species was bred by a dragon farm, and they are now contacting through their brother Charlie in a Romanian dragon farm to see if they can get permission to breed in this area.

The sub-dragon species was bred by this dragon farm at a huge cost, and the fat ball itself was given to Professor Snape as an experimental material by the dragon farm. It is not in line with business ethics to cultivate offspring in private.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

George and Fred, a pair of windy teenagers, rushed in with wild laughter, "Guys, we have invented a magical candy!"

Fred dumped the ceramic basin in his hand onto the table, and a pile of candies wrapped in colorful candy paper formed a hill.

"We can definitely lead a trend!" George put his hips on his hips with a proud expression on his face, almost pointing his nostrils at Anton.

"Yes, it's simply amazing!"

Before Fred could start talking, Goyle excitedly grabbed a candy, unwrapped it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hey, Goyle!" Ron yelled, looking at Goyle in horror. "You shouldn't be eating cottage sweets, some of their inventions are just too wicked!"

It was a nightmarish memory, Ron ate the candy Anton made and turned into a snake.

The point is that the magic candy has no counter-curse or way to dispel it.

At that time, he was sent to the school infirmary in the shape of a little snake in front of the whole school—almost everyone came to watch.

It's just too scary, Taishe is dead!

For a while Ron thought about dropping out of school and forgetting about it.


Goyle accidentally swallowed it excitedly, and blinked, "Um, Ron, you scared me, I haven't had time to taste it properly yet."

Ron looked back at him, hesitating, "You..."

Gore wanted to get another one to taste, but suddenly he felt his face itchy, and he couldn't help but reach out to grab it, but suddenly felt his face became full of elasticity, and he touched something sticky. .

"Me, what's wrong with me?"

Before he could finish his words, in front of everyone, his entire head began to deform rapidly.

Tentacles grew out of his jawbone one after another, with a flesh-colored paleness, wriggling wildly and uncontrollably.


Hannah screamed, threw away the plant in her hand, and ran to the side frantically.

Anna looked at Gore curiously, but before she could take a closer look, she was grabbed by Hannah who ran over again, and ran towards the corner of the room.

As if to get away from this terrible monster as soon as possible.

The effect of the magic candy was extremely fast. In less than ten seconds, Goyle's head completely turned into an octopus-like appearance.

Following his expression, all the tentacles twisted crazily.

"Dangdang~~~" George raised his hands and pointed at Goyle, "Octopus head candy!"

"An epoch-making invention!~" Fred exclaimed, "This is the perfect fusion of Transfiguration, Magizoology and Potions!"

Uh, everyone felt uncomfortable for a while, and retreated one after another.

"Merlin's beard!" Neville's small face wrinkled into an orange, "Hannah is right, the most evil people in the cabin are you two!"

"No, there's Anton!" Hannah complained, "Three evil Wess!"


Gore's appearance was simply the most disgusting appearance she had ever seen in her life!

Anna and Anton looked at each other, she covered her mouth and grinned, "Giggle, Gore can be the captain of a pirate ship now."

"Wow~" George exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Ms. Rozier, you are so smart!"

Fred gave a thumbs up with a face full of approval, "We invented this candy with the hope that we can go to the sea to play with our duckbill puffers. You know, the ocean is completely different from the Black Lake, especially the With suffocating water pressure, we need a more suitable potion than 'Gillsweed'."

"So we invented this!" George looked at Goyle curiously, "How do you feel?"

The octopus tentacles on Gore's face squirmed, and he touched his face curiously, "I feel that my breathing has become smoother, and I have a feeling of eagerness to go into the water."

Anton, an azure blue boy, carefully observed the magical image surging on Goyle's body, and raised his eyebrows, "Maybe we can try it in the ocean, this thing is not just as simple as turning into an octopus head!"

"Hahaha~" George happily pointed to Anton, "I knew you knew us best!"

Fred grabbed a handful of candies and brought them in front of his friends, "Are you interested in going to the depths of the ocean to play together?"

Anton picked up one with great interest, and Anna excitedly picked up candy from the table and distributed it to Hannah, "Shall we go play?"

Hannah looked at Anna in swallowed her saliva, "Hey, I don't know you can accept such a thing?"

Anna shrugged, "I find it exciting!"

She is an adventurer of time, and no matter how demure her character is, she can't hide her desire for adventure in her bones.

"Quack quack..." Anton smiled, took off the package and threw it into his mouth, "Yes, it's very exciting to think about it!"

Hannah gave the two of them a strange look, and then looked at Neville.

Neville shrugged, "Maybe we should try to see everything that is unknown, this is the wonderful part of life."

Soon, a group of little wizards wearing wizard robes and octopus heads roared up from the valley of Hogwarts on broomsticks and flew towards the black sea outside the school.


With one shout after another, they jumped off their broomsticks straight into the sea.

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