The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 121: Wife is going on business

   He hurriedly blasted the little boy away, pulled Tong Tong aside, and asked her: "Tong Tong, tell your father what happened to the two little boys just now."

   Tongtong heard her dad ask this, she immediately became proud, and said proudly: "Dad, you see that I am great, neither of those two fights can beat me, I beat them."

   Xia Zekai didn't know what to say, he wanted to emphasize that you are a girl, a gentle girl!

   The girl came over: "Dad, Tongtong, what are you talking about."

   Looking at his boss's innocent look, Xia Zekai felt that she should not let her know about these incidents.

   "Girl, it's okay, you go play!" Xia Zekai coaxed his boss to play.

   Tongtong looked at the slide, and there was a longing in his small eyes: "Dad, can I go play?"

   Xia Zekai shook his head: "Tongtong, Dad wants to talk to you..."

   Tongtong winked, she asked anxiously: "Dad, what do you mean by talking? I don't know!"

   "..." Xia Zekai had nothing to say.

The scene that happened just now made him ignore the age of his daughter. In the final analysis, she is still a nanny who is less than 4 years old, that is, she is a little taller and a little fatter than children of the same age. Maybe they are playing'play house.' Home's game now.

   Xia Zekai could only comfort himself so, and then waved his hand weakly: "Forget it, you go play!"

   Tongtong was so happy that he bounced and shouted: "Oh, oh, play on the slide."

   Xia Zekai was a little ashamed to see this scene, thinking that she was still a child!


   But no matter what, the scene that happened in the community park in the afternoon still made Xia Zekai a little worried, always afraid that her second child would go wrong.

   At night, he told his wife Luo Xiyun about this.

   Luo Xiyun burst into laughter after listening to her, holding her belly on the spot: "Oh, Zekai, you want to laugh at me, Tongtong is awesome, at least not afraid of her being bullied."

   Xia Zekai thought, this is really the case, as his wife said, after Tongtong goes out, who dares to bully her?

   Thinking of this, he became worried about Wen Jing's timid girl.


   On Wednesday, Luo Xiyun just arrived at the company when he received a call from Wang Di, secretary of the General Manager's Office.

   "Manager Luo, Mr. Qi just sent a notice saying that it is for you to go on a business trip to the Magic Capital Headquarters for a quality meeting." Wang Di said on the phone.

   Luo Xiyun was stunned: "Secretary Wang, when was the notice? Why didn't I receive the notice from President Qi?"

   Wang Di said: "Manager Luo, you should look at your mailbox now and you should have received it."

Luo Xiyun opened the mailbox and saw an email marked in bold and bold in the inbox, clicked it and looked at it, the content was similar to what Wang Di said, and asked the quality managers of all the sanitary ware sub-factories of Aideli to go there. The Asia-Pacific Magic Capital Headquarters held a meeting.

There are specific meeting content below, written in English. Luo Xiyun herself is good in English. She can understand it after scanning it. The company headquarters must re-establish new product inspection standards. Now we are soliciting opinions from quality managers of all sanitary ware branches. .

   The second point is that each factory will conduct a company process audit this year, which will be dispatched by the Asia-Pacific Magic Capital Corporation and accompanied by the quality manager of each branch factory.

   There is also a specific meeting time in this email, and the next arrangement after arriving at the magic city.

   Luo Xiyun looked at the plane at 1:40 in the afternoon, meeting on Thursday, and returning from Magic Airport at 9:50 on Friday.

   The air ticket is booked by the general manager, and the round trip takes one and a half hours.

   Luo Xiyun called Wang Di again and asked her who else was.

"Manager Luo, you will go there by yourself this time. If you buy the ticket with your ID number, you can go directly to Jicheng Airport to redeem the ticket. Manager Luo, what time do you think is the right time? Would you like me to arrange the car for you now? "

   Luo Xiyun said after listening, "No, I'll go home and get some luggage first, and then drive by myself."

   Before Luo Xiyun had time to change into work clothes, after giving Liu Jing and Chen Wenxuan an explanation, he hurried away with his bag.

   took out his mobile phone and called her husband while walking.

After the call was connected, she said directly: "Zekai, listen to me, I am going to the magic city for two days this afternoon, and I will be back on Friday morning. You will go home and find me some clothes. In the suitcase..."

   Xia Zekai is still busy in the shop right now, hearing what his wife said, a little dazed: "Are you going on a business trip? Leaving now? Then I will go back."

   After hung up the phone and took off the white coat and put it in the shop, Xia Zekai rode his electric car back to the community.

   After arriving home, Xia Zekai began to pack the suitcases for his wife, and while packing them, he muttered: "How the broken company arranges the work, I don't know how to say it in advance when traveling across provinces, at least there is a time for preparation."

   Luo Xiyun just told him on the phone which clothes to bring and what to bring, and Xia Zekai was quick to find it out.

   Two sets of changed underwear, two sets of clothes, and then put his wife's makeup set into the suitcase.

   Xia Zekai thought for a while, then took out the 5,000 yuan in cash that had just been placed at home two days ago and stuffed it into his wife's pink purse.

When Luo Xiyun entered the door, he saw a bulging black suitcase in the living Zekai was sitting on the sofa, smiling and saying to her: "Everything is ready, nothing can be lost. I don’t have much cash at home. I stuffed 5,000 yuan into your pink wallet. I’m sure to spend money when I go out. Don’t be reluctant. I’ll use online banking to transfer 10,000 yuan to your card later. ."

Listening to Xia Zekai talking there, Luo Xiyun was a little bit sorrowful for no reason. This was the first time Luo Xiyun had been out for such a long time since they got married and had children. She was a bit at a loss. Will it be troublesome, take it back for three days, can her husband take care of it?

   Xia Zekai felt very strange, he was still a little bit reluctant.

   He used to be on business trips, and it took ten and a half months after he left. His wife and two children were guarding at home. Maybe she was how she felt at that time.

   "Xiyun, when do you leave, how do you go to the airport, call me when you get to the place..."

   "You have never taken a plane, let me tell you, you took your ID card and went to the airport, you have to get your boarding pass, you have to go through the security check, wait for your flight..."

   Luo Xiyun was a little irritable. She couldn't listen anymore. She waved her hand vigorously and yelled at him: "Why are you so long-winded, how old are I? If you don't understand, don't you know how to ask?"

   Xia Zekai was not angry, but still smiled and nodded: "That's right, how smart is my wife, what time is the ticket?"

   "At 1:40 in the afternoon, there are still 5 hours to board the plane, enough time, Zekai, you take me to the airport!" Luo Xiyun's eyes showed a different light.

   Xia Zekai understood, he stood up directly, and the two stepped to Luo Xiyun's side, picked her up and walked into the bedroom.


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