The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 248: Pierce Xia Zekai’s heart (I still owe twelve

Just when Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun both thought that his brother Xia Zejiang had been persuaded, he should not make any more troubles, and then he would honestly go to the postgraduate entrance examination.

I didn't know that after Xia Zejiang was silent for a while, he raised his head and said, "Sister-in-law, it's not right, this matter is not so absolute."

Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun glanced at each other, and Luo Xiyun asked him: "Zejiang, what is not so absolute?"

The next moment, Xia Zejiang's hand suddenly lifted and pointed at his brother: "Sister-in-law, look at my brother, he is a college graduate, but he is different now!"

"..." Xia Zekai's face turned black, and his heart hurts like acupuncture.

He shook his head left and right to see where there was a guy who took advantage of him, ready to smash it before talking.

If you don't say why he has opinions on his younger brother, this little **** would not be able to speak. From time to time, he would use his academic qualifications to tell things.

"Puff, haha, Zekai, you..."

Luo Xiyun couldn't help it and burst into laughter. Later, her stomach hurts when she laughed. She waved her hands and said, "No, I have to go to bed. Let's talk with you brothers."

"Mom, I took a nap, and I also slept." The girl stopped playing with toys, stood up and ran into the bedroom, leaving Tong Tong sitting cross-legged on the foam cushion and playing.

Xia Zekai shook her face and yelled at her: "Girl, put the toys away first. If you don't accept them, I will throw them into the trash can at the Lantern Festival."

"Ah..." The girl pulled a long tone, pouting and feeling aggrieved, she said: "But I'm so sleepy, Dad, can you help me collect toys, okay?"

"No! If you don't accept it, I will throw it into the trash can." Xia Zekai's heart was pierced by his brother, and when he spoke, his tone would inevitably become a little serious.

Tong Tong said: "Sister, let me pack my toys, I'm not sleepy."

"Huh, big bad dad, I won't play with you!" The girl obediently slammed the toy into the bayonet plastic bag with her sister in the end, and then took it to the toy basket in the second bedroom.

After finishing cleaning up, the girl wants to go to bed, but she hasn't entered the house yet, she was pushed out again by Luo Xiyun: "Girl, let your father come back to sleep after brushing your teeth, or you don't come in and sleep on the sofa outside. ."

"Oh!" The girl's tone fell by three points, but she obediently took out her and Tong Tong's special toothbrushes and edible strawberry-flavored toothpaste from under the coffee table, and walked to Xia Zekai's side with her head drooping. She took out her toothbrush, unscrewed the toothpaste cover, squeezed a little toothpaste, and said, "Dad, you can brush my teeth, I'm so nap."

"Okay, ah!" Xia Zekai led him to open his mouth, gritting his teeth up and down, and brushing her teeth.

After brushing the girl's teeth, Tong Tong was not far behind, and immediately took out his toothbrush and squeezed a piece of toothpaste to his father, shouting: "Dad, brush my teeth too, I also took a nap."

This habit of brushing teeth before going to bed began when the two of them were over two years old, and they have persisted.

But this has nothing to do with Xia Zekai. At first, it was only slowly persisted under the patient guidance of his mother Luo Xiyun.

When they both brushed their teeth and rinsed their mouths, held hands and went into the bedroom together, and closed the door along the way, Xia Zekai looked at his brother who was almost finished eating and asked him, "Are you sure not to go to the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Test!" Xia Zejiang gave another answer.

He said: "My sister-in-law was right just now. With a higher degree of education, the starting point will be different, and the subsequent development will be different. After all, there are only a small number of people who have a low degree of education. In terms of probability, you are called survivor’s bias. I know I don’t have your skills, so I will continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

Having said that, he didn't finish, and continued: "But I won't pay my parents every year for living expenses and tuition, and I will try my best to earn it by myself."

This is the only good way he can think of not to trouble the family.


Xia Zekai didn't say a word, and directly lifted his **** to wash.

This topic has been talked to death, he admitted that his brother's IQ is not low, but his EQ is almost something.

Xia Zekai returned to the bedroom after washing, his wife was still coaxing Tong Tong to sleep, and the girl had fallen asleep.

The second child started to feel sleepy as well. After waiting to put her to sleep, Luo Xiyun turned her head and asked her husband: "Ze Kai, how did you persuade him, Zejiang hasn't taken the test yet?"

"Continue to take the test. I asked you to persuade you just now. I don't listen to anything. This Wang Ba Lao really wants to smash him." Xia Zekai cursed in a low voice.

Luo Xiyun laughed at the time after listening. She said, “What are you and your brother mad at? Besides, you don’t care about your academic qualifications, but your abilities are there. There are a few undergraduates and graduates who are better than you. Still great?"

These words made people feel comfortable. Xia Zekai put his arms around his wife’s soft waist and rubbed half of his body together, and the two of them stuck together. NS."

It is rare for Xia Zekai to be honest, and Luo Xiyun also leaned securely in her arms and fell asleep with her arm pillowed.

When he got up the next morning, the arm that was open on the pillow was still a little numb, and only the fragrance was left in his arms. He glanced at the sleeping girl and Tong Tong, and listened to the voices outside, knowing I overslept again.

After getting dressed and out of the bedroom, Luo Xiyun and his brother Xia Zejiang are having breakfast. Both of them have to go to work later, but they dare not sleep like Xia Zekai.

Luo Xiyun also said: "There are still two bowls of millet porridge in the pot. Zejiang and I are almost full. You can serve them and drink them."

While talking, Xia Zejiang swallowed the last mouthful of the porridge in the bowl. He stood up and said, "Brother, sister-in-law, I'm full. I'm going to work first."

It's pretty neat to just leave.

After he went out with the key of the electric car, Luo Xiyun said to Xia Zekai: "Zekai, your brother said just now that he was nonsense yesterday, and he will continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination, let me tell you, don't take it to heart."

"Leave him alone." Xia Zekai was too lazy to care about it now. He went into the kitchen and took out a bowl of millet porridge, and took a slap-sized steamed bun from the basket to eat. No, see if I break his leg."

Luo Xiyun smiled, and put the empty bowl on the table, saying, "It's getting late, I have to leave too. You can brush the bowl later."

"Daughter-in-law, how is Xincheng now?" Xia Zekai asked.

Luo Xiyun had already slipped the sunscreen clothes in his hands, and heard Xia Zekai's inquiry, saying: "He's just like that."

"Two days ago, he called me and said that he would be back one month later, and then see how the school's distribution is. If it doesn't work, he will do the sales himself."

"It's okay to do sales. You can train people, grind your lips, experience more things, and do other things in the future will not suffer." Xia Zekai echoed.

"Well, I have to go, and I will be late if I don't go." Luo Xiyun took his bag and keys and hurried out.

After Xia Zekai finished breakfast, he washed all the dishes and chopsticks, and went to the bedroom to call the two girls who were still sleeping.

Dressed them both as usual, and led one out with one hand.

Tongtong was still thinking about his father's promise to take her out to play, and while walking, he told: "Dad, don't forget, take me to see that Gudong..."

"It's the Forbidden City, not Gudong!" Xia Zekai patiently corrected her.

Tong Tong shook his head and said, "I'm going to play."

The girl also said: "Dad, I want to go too, where is the Forbidden City?"

"Forbidden City, it's so far, so far, we have to go there by car." Xia Zekai said.

Before I knew it, I arrived at the door of the kindergarten. Teacher Shi Rui had already greeted him. I don't know if she asked her to eat and take care of the house last time. Xia Zekai always felt that Teacher Shi was more enthusiastic about their daughters.

"Teacher Shi, I have to trouble you again today." Xia Zekai said politely.

He said: "Our factory has just developed a new type of sandwich biscuits. There is no similar one on the market. It will be mass-produced in a few days. I will send you some."

"You can't ask, Mr. Xia, don't be so polite, this is what we should be." Litmus quickly waved his hand and refused.

After watching Litmus and her daughters into the teaching building, Xia Zekai saw Wang Deshun a little bit embarrassed to look at him at the door. This suddenly reminded Xia Zekai of one thing, he hurried over and shouted: "Old Wang, I have to apologize for what happened two days ago. Something happened to my hometown. I was anxious to go back on Tuesday. I just came back yesterday. Let your son go to the factory again today. Let me talk to him. ."

"Don't worry about Shoulong's affairs, Xiao Xia, are you finished with your family's affairs." Wang Deshun heard Xia Zekai's explanation and felt relieved.

His son went to Jingtong Food Factory on Tuesday, but when he asked after he passed, the owner Xia Zekai never came.

Xia Zekai also didn't explain to Wang Yewei that'Wang Shoulong' was coming for an interview ~ The two sides missed it perfectly and caused a little misunderstanding.

Wang Shoulong was not good at words. He didn't see Xia Zekai, so he went home with a little depression.

After waiting for his father to return from get off work, Wang Deshun felt a little uncomfortable when he told him that he hadn't seen Xia Zekai.

He thought that Xia Zekai gave himself face at the time, and later rejected himself in this way ‘tactically’.

Hearing what Xia Zekai said, he was still a little ashamed when he knew that there was a misunderstanding.

It’s not a surprise to anyone, the relationship of this "wonderful friendship" hasn't deteriorated.

Xia Zekai smiled and nodded: "My family's affairs have been resolved, Pharaoh, I will go to the factory now, you call your son, let him go, I will wait for him."

"Xia Xia, I have to trouble you again." Wang Deshun said at last.

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