The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 253: When you go out, you rely on your face

"Daughter-in-law, let's go by car instead of driving. It is not convenient to drag it back and forth with so much luggage." Xia Zekai reminded him.

I don’t know that Luo Xiyun just threw it over: “Anyway, you will take the suitcase, and not me. I’m optimistic about the girl and Tongtong, so why do you think about it!”

Xia Zekai: "-_-||"

At 8 o’clock on Thursday morning, Xia Zekai took the two suitcases and backpacks that his wife had packed last night and put them in the car. He drove Luo Xiyun and the three of them on the street in the south of the community, and had a nice meal. After breakfast, we just drove off.

He arrived at Qicheng Railway Station without a hassle. It was less than nine o'clock. After Xia Zekai parked the car in the parking lot under the station square, he put on his shoulder bag and dragged a suitcase to the top.

Luo Xiyun is much simpler. She is also carrying a small backpack. The bag looks loose and doesn't contain much at first glance.

The two sisters held her by one hand and dragged her mother in front of her. They turned back and shouted, "Dad, hurry up."

"Oh, you are so slow!"

Xia Zekai really wanted to give them two feet. I dragged the suitcase, but I couldn't fly.

Entered the station, checked the ticket, and then went to the waiting hall to wait.

He bought a first-class seat, which is a little more expensive, but it is a quiet and comfortable ride.

Having said that, the high-speed rail that was opened last year, there are no business seats on the high-speed rails from Qicheng to Beijing, otherwise Xia Zekai will buy that one.

It's the first time that girl and Tong Tong have come to this place. They are both very strange and curious about everything here.

After coming over, I pointed at here and there and asked what I was doing.

There were a lot of people in the waiting hall, and it was a bit messy to twitter.

There are also some people waiting for the bus who are reading books or watching the impurities provided by the station. They either wear headphones to listen to songs or watch downloaded videos with MP3. The girl and Tongtong also lost their usual guts at this time and hid in their fathers. In his mother's arms, he kept aiming left and looking again.

It has only been ten minutes after sitting down, and the radio prompts from Qingcheng to Beijing, and the high-speed rail passing through Qicheng is about to enter the station. Please prepare for the ride.

"Come on, let's go." Xia Zekai said to her wife, did not rush to line up, and walked slowly at the end.

He reached out and dragged the two suitcases, and then told his wife: "Daughter-in-law, there are many people, you are optimistic about them both."

"I still use you to say it!" Luo Xiyun babbled, disgusting Xia Zekai for being too wordy.

Ten minutes later, they got on the bus. The flight attendant helped to store the suitcases. After finding their seats according to the ticket number, Xia Zekai breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Xiyun likes to sit down by the window. She hugged the girl, put the seat back and lay on her back, and said, "It's really much more comfortable than sitting in a car."

Xia Zekai happily said, "As for our broken car, how can you be ashamed to compare."

"If you have the ability, you can buy me a good car." Luo Xiyun rolled his eyes, and then said: "If you can't buy it, don't talk, girl, did you say that mom was right?"

The girl didn't understand at all, but it didn't prevent her from agreeing with what her mother said, and then nodded: "Yes!"

"What a good boy, it's not in vain that my mother hurts you for nothing." Luo Xiyun said.


The three-hour drive passed quickly when a family of four was talking and laughing.

Finally stopped at Jingcheng South Station, Luo Xiyun packed up the clothes for the girl and Tong Tong, and got off the train.

Xia Zekai carried a backpack again and went to take two suitcases.

After coming out of the station, Luo Xiyun asked him: "Where shall we take a taxi?"

"Boss Xia, here, here I am." Bian Ning's voice calling him has passed.

Luo Xiyun subconsciously turned his head and looked over. Xia Zekai saw Bian Ning as soon as he turned his head. He smiled and said, "See you, someone picks it up and takes care of the accommodation."

"As long as you can, the face is big, right!" Luo Xiyun ignored him very casually.

After Bian Ning asked the time from Xia Zekai, he followed Yu Shuping's instructions yesterday to apply for the car. He came over at 11 o'clock this morning and waited.

Bian Ning hurried over and took a suitcase from Xia Zekai, helped drag it, and at the same time turned to look at Luo Xiyun, and asked, "Boss Xia, this is my sister-in-law!"

"Well, my daughter-in-law, and two daughters." Xia Zekai introduced him to stay.

Then he said to Luo Xiyun: "Daughter-in-law, this is the brother Bian who went to Qicheng last time, and there is also an old brother Yu. You didn't go there and didn't see anyone."

"Xiaobian, I really troubled you today." Luo Xiyun understood after listening to him.

Bian Ning said, "It won't be troublesome. When the leader and I went to Qicheng last time, Boss Xia was also busy, so we were embarrassed."

At this time, Bian Ning finally understood why Xia Zekai kept emphasizing that only one room was enough. He misunderstood his feelings and made a big joke.

The so-called "Jidong Dahan" was all he imagined out of thin air. Fortunately, after he provided his leadership with wrong information, his leadership has also been looking for someone who can drink alcohol in the past few days, thinking that he will accompany Jidong well tonight. Guests.

It's all right now. Bian Ning thought about this, and when he arrived at the parking place, Xia Zekai saw that it was a Buick GL8.

"Boss Xia, you and your sister-in-law get in the car first, I'll make a call." Bian Ning said.

Xia Zekai didn't doubt that he had him. After putting the suitcases away, he and his wife carried one and got into the car.

Bian Ning was calling Yu Shuping, and quickly ‘clarified’ the matter to him so as not to make any further misunderstandings.

After Luo Xiyun got in the car, she sat down in the middle row of seats. She felt it a bit and said to her husband: "Zekai, this car is also very comfortable, much more comfortable than our Fox~www, you like it. After waiting for a few months, our family will be relieved. I will buy you one." Xia Zekai said like this.

Luo Xiyun also knew his current predicament, and shook his head quickly: "Forget it, this car is too big, it's okay to sit down, I don't like driving."

Xia Zekai smiled and said nothing.

After Bian Ning finished the phone call and got into the car, he told the driver, and the driver drove away.

On the co-pilot, Bian Ning turned his head to look at Xia Zekai and said, "Boss Xia, Editor-in-Chief Yu will be watching Weibo's internal beta at the company at noon today. He doesn't have time, but Editor-in-Chief Yu said that it will definitely happen in the evening. I invite Mr. Xia to dinner. I will take you to the hotel to put down your luggage, and then we will have some dinner together. I will take you around in the afternoon."

"Xiaobian, really don't need it. Editor Yu is busy today, and your work is indispensable. After you put us down later, you can go busy. Let's wait for the evening and get together again." Xia Zekai said.

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