The latest website: "What's the problem?" Xia Zekai felt quite puzzled.

You, a person in the Internet professional field, asked me a person who is not even an amateur. Is this appropriate?

Yu Shuping never considered the question of suitability at all. He put down his chopsticks and asked sincerely: "Mr. Xia, how can we make Weibo attract fans faster."


Xia Zekai was silent, what should he say about this matter?

Yu Shuping didn't wait for Xia Zekai's reply for a while. He asked, "Mr. Xia, is this embarrassing?"

Even Yang Bin had watched it. He originally wanted to hear Xia Zekai's advice, but he didn't wait.

Xia Zekai said: "Editor-in-chief Yu, what I have to say about this matter is to write articles. After all, I have succeeded by relying on this, but the work I am doing has its own limitations, and he is not suitable at all. Most people do it."

"So you can try to get the public to write about their mood, repost popular articles, or share his gains. In theory, as long as one of them is done well, they can successfully attract the attention of others." Xia Zekai Say it in general terms.

Just when Yang Bin and Yu Shuping both listened carefully to Xia Zekai’s tips, they didn’t know that Xia Zekai went on to say: "But these can't attract fans."

This is too annoying. Even Luo Xiyun was so annoyed that he wanted to slap him. He heard Xia Zekai say: "Editor Yu, frankly speaking, I personally think that you are thinking about this issue a bit too early now. You should Think about how to develop it and let more people use it."

"For example, if there are only dozens or hundreds of people using Weibo, no matter what means you have, you will not attract other people's attention."

"But if Weibo is built into a social platform with millions and tens of millions of users, do you still need to consider how to attract fans?"

"Hey, editor-in-chief Yu, believe it or not, there are so many capable people in this world that they will have their own way to attract others' attention, so ah, you really don't have to think about this."

"My opinion is like this. You might as well think of ways to expand its user base." Xia Zekai paused when he said that, and waited for Yu Shuping and Yang Bin to relax, then continued: "I It has always been heard that is now the largest Chinese portal in the global Chinese community, with more than 100 million page views every day. Then I would like to ask, Editor-in-chief, what method do you think you can use to move these active users to Weibo in parallel? Yet?"

When he said that, Yu Shuping, Yang Bin, and Bian Ning were all confused.

They had only considered how Weibo could attract fans in a short period of time, but they just missed one point. Without a large user group, no matter how good a means to attract fans is, what use is there.

"Boss Xia was right. I was blindfolded. If that's the case, it would be simple." Yu Shuping thought about this problem, and all kinds of ideas began to pop up in his heart. In this respect, he has experience.

Yang Bin is also a practitioner who has been engaged in the Internet industry for a long time. He also has many ways to expand the "traffic pool" in a short period of time. Regarding this point, there is no need to consult Xia Zekai.

After thinking about it, Yu Shuping picked up the wine glass and gestured to Xia Zekai, and said, "Boss Xia, you are right. I was thinking about the extreme just now. The more I think about it, the narrower my mind is. For a while, I’ve been digging the horns, but forgot the basics."

"Today Boss Xia woke me up with a single word. Then I know what to do. I won't say thank you. Let's drink one. Tomorrow is finished. I will ask Boss Xia to have some of our specialties in the evening."

"Roast duck?" Xia Zekai followed.

A few people in the room burst into laughter.

The evening was not too late, it was over before 9 o'clock, Bian Ning went to check out the invoice, and several people walked out of the hotel.

Yu Shuping, Yang Bin, and Bian Ning had to send Xia Zekai's family of four to Hualong Hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel, Yu Shuping and the others separated. Yu Shuping's car was placed directly in the parking lot of the Hualong Hotel, and he would come and drive again tomorrow morning.

Before leaving, Bian Ning said to Xia Zekai: "Boss Xia, Hualong has a breakfast buffet in the morning. It's not bad. You can take your sister-in-law to try it."

"Hey, go back and rest soon." Xia Zekai waved his hand to let him leave.

Back in room 1229, Luo Xiyun was busy taking a bath for the girl and Tong Tong.

Both of them slept for more than two hours in the afternoon, and they were not sleepy at all when they were full of energy.

Seeing the dazzling neon lights outside, they still want to go out to play.

Xia Zekai said: "Not today. When tomorrow is over, my father and mother will take you around."

"Ze Kai, why did the editor-in-chief Yu ask you for advice today?" Luo Xiyun was puzzled.

Xia Zekai smiled and said: "Maybe I saw that my QQ space log was very successful!"

He went on to say: "Daughter-in-law, your husband is now a big QQ space traffic expert. I was also invited to participate in a traffic conference next month. Tsk!"

"Bear-like, look at the one who gave you a whimper, I don't know how many catties I have." Luo Xiyun didn't bother to pay attention to him.


After sending Xia Zekai and his family of four to the hotel, Yu Shuping, Yang Bin, and Bian Ning were not in a hurry to go home. They walked slowly along the roadside, blowing air, and taking a walk.

However, the capital in August is really not a good time, it is very hot.

"Lao Yang, it's shameful, I'm just stubborn, ignoring the nature of the social platform." Yu Shuping said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

Yang Bin was a little ashamed: "Stop talking about you, I also forgot, but my thinking has not been converted."

"But I always think Boss Xia still has something." Yang Bin added.

Yu Shuping nodded affirmatively: "That's for sure, if there is nothing, Boss Xia can play a QQ space log like this in a short time."

"I specifically looked at all his QQ space logs. You don't believe it. He only started writing in April and May this year. It has only been a few months, 4 months, and he is now a big one. ."

"Talent!" Yang Bin affirmed.

He said: "Look at how people grow their heads, we can't write the kind of articles that are deep and attractive, absolutely."

"Don't be humble, let others listen, thinking that you, the editor-in-chief of the news center of, are a parallel importer." Yu Shuping teased him.

Bian Ning hurriedly turned his head aside, and couldn't listen to these words.


It's sunny on August 14 of the Gregorian calendar!

The Ideal International Building on the North Fourth Ring Road in the capital, a banner was hung up early this morning: "Warmly celebrate the complete success of the Sina Weibo conference!"

There are also several staff members waiting here at the entrance of Daxiamen.

At the same time, friends from the news media also rushed over after receiving the notice.

How does Sina say it is also the largest Chinese portal website nowadays. With this gimmick, it can attract the attention of the media with a little bit of turmoil.

Bian Ning was also underneath. He wore a light-colored suit and a pair of black pointed-toe leather shoes today. It was really embarrassing for him in this hot weather.

Yu Shuping is busy with the Weibo press conference on the 19th floor. He is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. He held a press conference and said a few words. He was not embarrassed at all.

After returning home last night, he has been thinking about the issue Xia Zekai elaborated, thinking about how to quickly expand Weibo's "traffic pool" and attract more users to use Weibo.

Xia Zekai is very correct in saying that only if the user base is large, there will naturally be talents in all aspects to attract the attention of others.

That should not be the question he considered the least.

"Lao Yu, how are your preparations? There will be no problem for a while!" Chen Tong, the editor-in-chief of, asked him when he came over.

Hearing Chen Tong's question, Yu Shuping said calmly: "Nothing is wrong."

"That's good, Weibo is a very important move for us, this can only succeed, not fail!" Chen Tong rarely put forward his point of view.

Yu Shuping knew this a long time ago, and he nodded: "Chen, don't worry!"

Downstairs, after having breakfast at the Hualong Hotel, Xia Zekai brought their wives over.

Today is here to participate in the press conference. Xia Zekai and his family of four dressed up very formally. Even the two little girls, the girl and Tong Tong, wore beautiful princess dresses and diamond shoes on their feet. Of course, the diamonds are fake.

Without asking Bian Ning to find a car to pick them up, Xia Zekai took a taxi directly, and when he got to the Ideal International Building, Xia Zekai saw Bian Ning when he got off the car.

Bian Ning also saw him and hurriedly greeted him.

At this time, Bian Ning's forehead was already full of sweat.

"Xiaobian, it's so hot, you still wear a suit." Xia Zekai teased him.

Bian Ning didn't want to wear it either. It felt awkward when wearing it, but he couldn't do it without wearing it: "Boss Xia, editor Yu is preparing for the press conference on the 19th floor. I will take you there."

The conference was held in a large indoor conference room, with rows of chairs underneath, and a high platform at the front of the conference room.

As Bian Ning entered this conference room, Xia Zekai saw that many people had already arrived, more of them people in the news media industry were installing and debugging equipment on the speech platform on the high platform. The artillery made a whole circle, and his psychological quality was almost unfavorable when he spoke later.

Obviously, Yu Shuping, who is already standing on the high platform at this time, does not have this problem. He seems to be talking and laughing, relaxed and free. From this point, he gives people a very relieved feeling.

When Xia Zekai came in, he waved at him. Yu Shuping was facing a few reporters' questions, and smiled at him as a greeting.

"Boss Xia, you and your sister-in-law sit down there first, and the press conference has half an hour to start." Bian Ning said.

He went on to say: "If it is really boring, I can also show you our company."

This is where he is proud.

But Xia Zekai knew that he was busy now, so he said, "No, go and work. We just need to sit here for a while."

"Dad, what are those people doing, what are they taking?" The girl attracted the target to the reporters carrying long guns and short cannons.

Xia Zekai said to her: "That's a reporter, they are..."

The two of them chatted underneath, and when Bian Ning saw them like this, he left with peace of mind.

Zibi Literature

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