The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 262: New product failure

Two days passed in a blink of an eye. During these two days, Xia Zekai had been staying at the Jingtong Food Factory, and occasionally went to Ruilin Plastic to check the production of children's toilets there.

The children’s toilets are now sold out. Xia Zekai asked Zhang San to register a few more stores in Taobao Mall, and at the same time put up different styles of children’s toilets. The price varies slightly depending on the materials and appearance.

This not only gives customers more choices, but also makes users feel that this thing is at this price.

What followed was the rush of people who had been waiting and watching.

Zhang Sanyou noticed that the sales of children’s toilets on Taobao Mall went from less than 200 units on the first day to over 1,000 units in one fell swoop. It only took less than 10 days. After that, the sales were still there. In the process of steadily rising.

Zhang San quickly notified Xue Chen and asked him to find a way to urge Boss Zheng of Ruilin Plastics to arrange the production of children's toilets.

Zheng Ruilin didn't expect this thing to sell so hot. He drew a line alone and used all his strength to produce more than 1,300 a day, but he was urged.

In addition, the first sandwich biscuit launched by Lu Hao after several studies has not received very good feedback on the market, whether it is the sales in the store or the sales on the Taobao mall, it is average.

This result gave Lu Chao a big blow.

He was originally full of confidence thinking about developing a popular product, thinking about letting the boss see that he is'worth the money', and wanted to prove to the boss that he is not calling for such a high salary, it makes sense. Yes, I don't know that the opening ceremony is so dazzling.

To this end, he also deliberately went to Xia Zekai to summarize the gains and losses during this period of time to Xia Zekai, and also said that he would continue to develop the third product.

"Lu Gong, don't worry. You don't eat food in a day. I have a suggestion. You can try to start with different fruit flavors." Xia Zekai reminded him.

He said: "Rongdou's popularity does not necessarily mean that its ingredients have been recognized by the market. The use of Rongdou ingredients for the filling, I think it should conflict with the taste of the biscuit itself, resulting in two different Mixing milk flavors does not necessarily produce the effect of'one plus one is greater than two'."

Lu Hao also discovered this by asking Guo Ying to help him collect feedback from customers in the store and the feedback in the comment section of Taobao Mall.

Customers reported that the milk flavor was too strong, and it was a bit fishy, ​​and neither adults nor children liked it.


On this day, when Xia Zejiang was busy communicating with customers, his mobile phone buzzed and vibrated. He picked it up and saw that it was his girlfriend Shen Jiayi who was calling.

Xia Zejiang didn't rush to pick it up. After talking with the client who had the chat interface, he returned to Shen Jiayi.

Shen Jiayi connected in seconds, and Xia Zejiang asked her: "Jiayi, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong, Zejiang, school will start in less than two weeks, when are you going to return to Jicheng?" Shen Jiayi's tone was a little bit grieving.

Why did her boyfriend get drier and busier while working in his brother's factory during the summer vacation? Normally, he didn't even have time to call her.

Seeing that school was about to start in more than a week, Shen Jiayi couldn't stand it because her boyfriend didn't move, so she called him and asked.

Hearing her talking about the'start of school', Xia Zejiang reacted and said, "I forgot, Jiayi, I will tell my leader right away that you plan to go back someday."

He has been so busy all this time, he really forgot.

"It's the weekend the day after tomorrow, how about you there?" Shen Jiayi asked him.

Naturally, Xia Zejiang would not object, he said: "I have no big problem."

"That's it."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Zejiang glanced at Zhang San, thought about it, and went to look for him.

"Brother Zhang, I am about to start school. I wonder if I won't rest tomorrow. I'm finished with one piece and won't come the day after tomorrow." Xia Zejiang told him like this.

Zhang San was also quite surprised, and he subconsciously asked, "You are almost over in the summer vacation? So fast!"

The summer vacation is basically two months old, how come the summer vacation is over if you haven't felt it yet.

Xia Zejiang said: "We still have more than a week of vacation, but I have to go back to school in advance to prepare."

"Well, did you tell the boss?" Zhang San asked him.

Xia Zejiang shook his head: "I haven't said yet. When I go home at night, I will tell him."

"Okay, let's do it, Zejiang, you have a smart head and learn fast. You will study hard in the future. After you graduate from graduate school, try to behave like me. Don't be like me." Zhang San said. .

However, Xia Zejiang has been very irritated by his brother's "buying of land" in the past few days. At this time, when he heard the counsel from the leader Zhang San, he still couldn't raise his energy.

But he said politely: "Brother Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely study hard."

"Okay, how about it? Tell your boss, I will treat you to a meal tonight." Zhang San said.

Xia Zejiang had to refuse, and Zhang San said: "There is no one else, just you and me, as well as Li Qianqian and Liang Wenxiao. How to say, we have been working together for more than a month. It is not normal to have a meal before leaving. ,right."

He said so, Xia Zejiang would not be good, and then refused. He watched the van that his brother drove was still parked in the factory, and said to Zhang San: "Brother Zhang, let me tell my brother first. Scream."

"Okay, you go!"

Xia Zekai heard his brother say that the summer vacation is about to end.

His first reaction was similar to Zhang San, thinking how time flies so fast.

But this is easy to understand, he has endless work every day, all kinds of pressure are on him, where there is still the mind to pay attention to what he did today, and what is the date tomorrow.

When the mind is more concentrated, you will feel that time flies very quickly.

"Zejiang, when are you leaving?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Xia Zejiang thought for a while and said, "Brother, I will go back the day after tomorrow to clean up, and then go to the hospital to see Grandpa."

He had known from his father Xia Weicheng about his grandfather's hospitalization in Jicheng. It has been more than a week, and he hasn't been to see him, so he wanted to see his grandfather first when he went back this time.

Hearing what his brother said, Xia Zekai was silent for a while, and said: "Well, then, I will take you off the day after tomorrow, and I will also go to the hospital by the way."

"Brother, don't need it, I can just go back by myself!" Xia Zejiang was anxious, and he had to go back with his girlfriend. If his brother sent him, what would his girlfriend Shen Jiayi do?

Let her go to the station by herself?

Xia Zekai emphasized again: "Isn't it your girlfriend? Tell her, I will send you two to Jicheng the day after tomorrow."

Xia Zejiang: ⊙_⊙)?"

He was dumbfounded!

Never thought that what his brother said was what he meant, but seeing his brother's tough appearance, Xia Zejiang couldn't refute it. He wondered if he should call his girlfriend quickly and say this "unexpected change". .

"Brother, there is one more thing. Just now, Third Brother Zhang said that I will have a meal together tonight. I won't go home to eat. You and my sister-in-law don't have to wait for me." When Xia Zejiang was finally going to drive away from his brother's office, Speaking of this.

Xia Zekai nodded: "Go, stop vomiting, if you can't walk, remember to call me."

He inadvertently revealed his concern for his younger brother.

Xia Zejiang nodded in response, and after leaving his brother's office, he quickly called Shen Jiayi and told him about the unexpected change.

After hearing this, Shen Jiayi was silent for a while before saying: "Well, I'm still thinking about going to Qicheng to find you, and then take the train back together!"

"Why don't you come, let my brother take us there, it's okay." Xia Zejiang gritted his teeth and said.

"I think about it, I will tell you tomorrow." Shen Jiayi did not directly agree.

In the evening, Xia Zekai told Luo Xiyun that his brother was leaving. By the way, he took them back on the weekend, and then went to the hospital to see about his grandpa.

"Ze Kai, or I'll go with you." Luo Xiyun said like this.

Xia Zekai refused directly. He said: "There are various germs in the hospital, what are you going to do? Let's watch the girl and Tongtong at home. I will be back that day."

"That's fine, remember to leave some money for Zejiang, and you have to pay the tuition after school starts. Not all the money at home will be used for grandpa's treatment." Luo Xiyun told him.

"Well, I know!" Xia Zekai responded, saying nothing else.

This evening, Xia Zejiang still drank too much. It was almost twelve o'clock when he returned. Xia Zekai had been waiting for him in the living room.

Seeing that his brother blushed like a monkey **** after drinking, he still couldn't help nagging: "Zejiang, you will drink less wine outside in the future, don't you know how uncomfortable you are?"

"Brother, happy, really. Brother Zhang was good to me and taught me a lot. We both drank 6 bottles of beer, I can still drink." Xia Zejiang waved his hands and said.

Xia Zekai smelled the smell of smoke and wine on his body, and knew that they should have gone to and did not say anything else, let him hurry to take a bath and sleep.


It was the weekend again in a blink of an eye. After breakfast early in the morning, Xia Zekai helped his brother to carry the suitcase down. Xia Zejiang was still upstairs carrying the fruit that his sister-in-law asked him to bring, as well as vacuum-packed meat.

"Zejiang, after going to school, if the money is not enough, call your brother and ask him to transfer some points for you." Luo Xiyun told him.

Xia Zejiang nodded ‘um um’: "Sister-in-law, it’s okay. When I go back, I will work as a tutor when I have time to make up lessons for the students, so that I can earn my living expenses for food and drink."

"You talked about a girlfriend, the expenses are also high, girls, you want to be more romantic, Xiao Shen is a good girl, don't save yourself too much, you know." Luo Xiyun said like this.

Listening to what his sister-in-law said, Xia Zejiang was both happy and moved.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, if you are really short of money, I will definitely call my brother."

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