The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 603: profit distribution

Money is really not a problem.

The final quotation was beyond the expectations of Liang Rubo, Zhang Yiming, Xia Zekai and others.

Even Yu Shuping was stunned.

On this basis, the EMobility agent driving platform offered a round B offer of 800 million U.S. dollars. On this basis, the EMobility agent driving platform announced the issuance of 20 million additional shares in this round. Taking all aspects of development requirements into account, it received a huge financing of 100 million U.S. dollars in one go.

This result was beyond the expectation of the media present. It was too high, but the capital side bought it.

After this round of financing, the private houses of Sequoia Capital, Jingwei Venture Capital, Fortune Venture Capital, and Huaxing Capital entered the game, and the original Sina Cao Guowei, who was the most optimistic about it, was also out. Xia Zekai followed suit as an individual original shareholder.

In addition, both Liang Rubo, Zhang Yiming, Yang Bin and Yu Shuping all gave up their plans to follow suit.

The valuation is really too high. If they put a little bit of cash out of their hands, there is no effect at all, but it is better to keep the cash in their hands for a rainy day.

However, the further expansion of the size of the ‘appropriate travel agency platform’ has also led to a sharp increase in the value of their original shares.

Calculated based on the current exchange rate of 6.82 US dollars to RMB, this additional issuance of 20 million shares actually received RMB 682 million.

As soon as this data came out, the media at the scene immediately caught the focus, and began to write crazy articles.

They looked at the Internet investment market in recent years, and the previous one that received this amount was Meituan last year, which also received a huge financing of 100 million U.S. dollars.

Unexpectedly, a year later, a new platform that has only been up for more than half a year also received this huge amount of financing.

Many people at the scene directly called the miracle, they have been talking about this trip, and today they have truly seen the birth of a miracle.

The pigs on the policy front can really go to heaven.

As for how they will be allocated in the follow-up, these media parties don't know, and even other capital parties don't know either.

That is the internal matter of the ‘Yi Travel’ agent driving platform.

Sina boss Cao Guowei's exit was surprising. He originally came over confidently and vowed to take part of it, but after several twists and turns, he collapsed.

His identity doesn’t work at all here. No one can use it. You have to use the combination of Sina and Weibo resources, promotion and some cash. Now there is no shortage of promotion resources and money!

Lack of a lot of money!

Cao Guowei originally wanted to go through Yu Shuping's mouth, and wanted him to deal with his past feelings. Isn't this nonsense?

Yu Shuping would like to help them if they are unsuccessful?

In Yu Shuping's words, you don't even look at my contribution to the promotion of Weibo, saying that I don't use me if I don't need it. Have you ever considered my feelings when I have to put someone on top of me?

Xia Zekai was still nearby to encourage Yu Shuping, and there was nothing wrong with it.

After Cao Guowei was deflated at Yu Shuping's place, he felt his face was damaged and went straight away.

Things were so busy at this time that it was past noon for dinner. Liang Rubo hurriedly greeted the investors and the media who came today to go to the restaurant below for lunch.

The grade is not low.

The big guys also give him this face.

After all, the several capital parties who entered the game this time are all heavyweights in the circle. I believe that with their help, the e-travel driving platform will develop more rapidly in the next step.

So in the next round of financing, will they still have a chance?


When Xia Zekai came over and was busy participating in the B round of financing of the Yi Travel Agent Driving Platform, on the Qicheng side, Zhang Xu had been running non-stop buying land for the past two days.

This is related to the foundation of the company's development, and he dare not neglect it.

After two days, relying on the previous relationship, Zhang Xu finally ran through all the procedures, and then waited for the boss to sign.

But the boss has been away again recently, so he can't wait for this.

Thinking of these things in his mind, Zhang Xu sent a text message to Xia Zekai explaining the situation.

He soon received a call from Xia Zekai: "Zhang Xu, please write down the fax number and fax me a copy of the information and sign it."

In this way, Xia Zekai just finished the Series B financing meeting and signed the land purchase contract before the benefit distribution.

After Zhang Xu got the signature, he went through the rest of the formalities with the financial manager Sun Guoqiang.

In addition to the land purchase fee, there are also taxes and fees related to the land purchase, which were all paid in two days.

In the past two days, Sun Guoqiang's legs with his old arms and legs were almost cramped. But when he thought that more than 100 acres of land has become the company's assets, and the company will continue to expand the factory in the next step, he is also happy. .

The stronger the company's strength, which means that they are more comfortable working here, and the corresponding benefits will also be greatly adjusted.

Thinking that when they first joined the company, the Jingtong Food Factory at that time was still renting a 600-square-meter workshop factory, and there was no regular office space. But in two years, they changed shotguns for missiles. This change It's so big it's eye-catching.

The accidents in life were too big, and he was a little tranced.

He also asked Zhang Xu next to him: "Xiao Zhang, to what extent do you think our company will develop in the next step?"

Zhang Xu was stunned when he was asked. He never thought about this question. He was suddenly asked by Sun Guoqiang. After thinking for a while, he confidently said: "Manager Sun, I believe Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. will become an industry. A pivotal company in the country."

"Yes, you are right, we should work harder in the next step!" Sun Guoqiang said.


In the capital, I drank some wine at noon, and the profit distribution in the afternoon had not yet been carried out, so I was put on the next day.

In the evening, Liang Rubo invited the four capitalists to organize a dinner with Xia Zekai, Zhang Yiming, Yang Bin, and Yu Shuping.

Luo Xiyun also took the girl and Tong Tong over.

After Zhang Ying of Jingwei Venture Capital saw Luo Xiyun, she consciously sat with Luo Xiyun and Xiao Min of Dachen Venture Capital. Apart from the two little girls, there were only three of them.

Zhang Ying also deliberately chatted with Luo Xiyun in the morning.

"Sister Ying, congratulations!"

"Hey, I haven't agreed yet. If you take less shares, there is no profit." Zhang Ying sighed.

Luo Xiyun is also very ghostly, she doesn't answer.

Xiao Min next to him despised in his heart.

Zhang Ying saw that she still didn't accept the move, and she also secretly praised Luo Xiyun for being smarter than she thought, and she didn't know what Luo Xiyun did before.

Liang Rubo formally introduced the original Wufang shareholders of Yi Travel to the four capitalists, and learned that Xia Zekai was the original largest shareholder, and even Shen Nanpeng looked at Xia Zekai with admiration.

If I remember correctly, he also published an article calling for'drunk driving to be penalized'. From the perspective of the largest shareholder of the'Yi Travel' driving platform, he felt that Xia Zekai's original article was Intentionally.

To put it bluntly, he was probably deliberate, but Shen Nanpeng had no evidence.

And it doesn’t make much sense to clarify this kind of thing. Could it be that you have premeditated if you still revealed to the outside world that the platform is suitable for driving on behalf of you?

Or is Xia Zekai holding bad in his heart?

None of this fits!

Even Cao Guowei, who returned from disappointment this morning, would not do this. They all have their own bottom line, and generally don't go back to touch this line, otherwise they will really be over when their reputation is lost.

"President Liang, let's discuss the specific allocation tomorrow. It can't always be so procrastinated, and it's not a problem." Shen Nanpeng took the initiative to mention it.

People like Bao Fan of Huaxing Capital, Zhang Ying of Jingwei Venture Capital, and Xiao Min of Fortune Venture Capital also nodded, saying that no matter what the result is, they must come up with a charter.

"Well, let's go to the company tomorrow morning to talk specifically." Liang Rubo said.

At this time, he didn't need to come forward, and Xia Zekai and Shen Nanpeng could just separate themselves.

At night, everyone didn't drink much alcohol, but chat.

Shen Nanpeng had known Zhang Yiming before, but he was not familiar with Yang Bin and Yu Shuping. They were people in two circles, but he did not expect that the two people from Sina would actually invest in Yi Travel. This had to make him sigh, Yang Bin and Yu Shuping. The two are really fateful!

The value of this wave of e-travel agency driving platforms is more than doubled ~ ~ a market valuation of 100 million U.S. dollars, even if the last shares of Yang Bin and Yu Shuping were once again diluted by a large proportion, the value of a single share The triple jump goes up, and their worth grows savagely.

After the evening banquet, Xia Zekai and his family of four went back to the Jinkelly Hotel. Before going to wash, Xia Zekai's cell phone rang again.

Xia Zekai was puzzled when he saw Wang Qiong's words on the phone screen.

This morning, Hainer Asia Wang Qiong didn't follow to the end, and she didn't know what she was looking for now.

The thoughts in his heart flashed by, and Xia Zekai had already connected Wang Qiong's phone.

"Ms. Wang, something?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Wang Qiong was also very straightforward. She didn't hide her purpose, and said directly: "Boss Xia, I want to buy some shares that are suitable for travel from you."

As soon as she heard her say this, Xia Zekai felt an inexplicable sense of joy.

But the person opposite is his God of Wealth after all. Xia Zekai didn’t take the money and turned his face to deny him. He said, “Mr. Wang, didn’t I say that, the shares of Yi Travel are not for sale to me, and I’m here. I followed the vote once, do you think I will sell it at this time?"

Knowing this, Wang Qiong said: "In this case, the next time Boss Xia wants to sell, give me a call and I will accept everything."

Xia Zekai may have his shrewdness, but the Red Wolf is well known in the circle. In the morning, Shen Nanpeng got the final qualification with a knife in a desperate posture, which made Wang Qiong, who had retreated at that time, want to regret more. , I always feel that she has missed the fattest wave.

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