At this time, Zhang Yue and others had already arrived on the battlefield.

"Brothers of the human race! You actually sent someone here too. It's great. Help me direct the battle. I'm going up to hammer their robbing people."

Niu Dazhi was overjoyed when he saw Zhang Yue and others. When he saw Chu Yunxuan, he couldn't help himself.

"Haha! Commander Chu, it turned out to be you, come and help me direct the battle." Niu Dazhi couldn't help but shoved the tactical board to Chu Yunxuan, then took out two giant hammers and rushed toward the battlefield.

"Brothers, we are the commander of the human race, quickly cheer me up." Niu Dazhi's two hammers collided hard and made a loud noise, which attracted the attention of the audience.

"Awesome! This time we must have won more points than a big team." Niu Tie said happily, and beat the rushing people to death.

All the tauren cheered loudly.

The commander of the Centaur in the distance saw this scene, and it felt incredible. A commander casually gave the command to a foreigner, even if you don't command, I will understand you directly.

"Idiot, continue to besiege as originally planned."

After a while, the commander began to doubt life.

Chu Yunxuan got the tactical board and said helplessly: "I knew it would be like this. The tauren is bad at commanding wars and can't be bad anymore. It's a bit stronger than direct hard steel, and sometimes it's not as good as hard steel."

Chu Yunxuan looked at the battle in front of him and patted his forehead.

"It's such a poor command. You ran to the forefront of the sword and shield soldier. That is the way of my human race. The sledgehammer is not on the flanks. Isn't it being hung and beaten? There are also spears, which are useless." Chu Yun Xuan no longer knows what to complain about.

Chu Yunxuan spoke to the display board and said: "The sledgehammer is in the center to withstand the front row, the sword and shield soldiers are separated with their wings, and they cross-fight with the greatsword warriors. Totem warriors 1 to 5 are inserted into the brave totem, and 6 to 10 are inserted into the power totem. "

All the tauren changed their formation in an instant, and the disadvantages on the field began to change.

"Master." Seeing the changes in the battle formation of the tauren on the field, it is not easy to know that the person on the other side accepts the command.

"Heavy-armored shield soldiers open their shields on top of the sledgehammers, and the Pikemen open the gold shields on the flanks to defend against the shield soldiers. The archers and spearers attack from the rear. Pay attention to long-range attacks.

As the formation of the centaur race changed, the two sides played vigorously.

"The demo is waiting for your formation, the totem warrior, all insert violent runes, all the warriors with flying spears, 800 meters ahead, the target archer and spearman, throwing."

"The sledgehammers charge forward and don’t care about the flanking people who pretend to be injured. All the tauren behind to keep up, the target archers and spearmen, and the totem warriors close to the archer’s range, immediately joined forces in the void arena. Totem, fight for aid."

"Understand!" Niu Dazhi, who is at the core, is very happy at this moment, and can finally fight as much as he can. The command should be handed over to professionals. Humans are our good brothers.

‘Moo! ! ! Ten totem warriors directly inserted the violent rune, and suddenly all the tauren's eyes and bodies became red, and their speed and strength increased exponentially.

Before the Centaur race hadn't reacted, all the tauren took out flying spears and threw them at the archers and spearers in the distance.

Then all the tauren attacked the archers and spearmen, the sledgehammer took the lead and smashed all those who stopped them.

'boom! The totem warrior plugged in the speed totem again, and the entire tauren group suddenly increased a bit faster.

"Aren't you looking for death, archers and spearmen, start kite. Put..."

Before the commander finished speaking, he was attracted by the huge arena in the void.

Then his face changed.

"Quickly withdraw!!"

It's a pity that the arena in Xuzhong has been covered, covering the tauren and the opposite archers and spearmen. The void arena, you can only enter but not exit, unless one side is dead.

"All the tribe, enter the arena for a deadly battle, we still have hope,"

Just as the centaur commander was about to continue to command, the four shield walls completely trapped them.


The centaur commander and the four soldiers guarding it were trapped in it together. After being fully controlled, their heads slowly exposed.

"God and Ghost One Slash"

Five Nuo big heads fell to the ground.

"Brother Yue, fast enough." Lu Heng gave Zhang Yue a thumbs up. The shield wall was really too strong. People with perfect grade evaluation didn't even have the chance to resist.

"What am I, Brother Chu is the most powerful because it is exhaustive. The fattest part of this piece of meat gave us a big bite." Zhang Yue said with a smile, admiring Chu Yunxuan in his heart, and being able to do everything. .

Just now, Chu Yunxuan, who was in command of the battle, suddenly asked himself if he could take people to escape and execute the decapitation plan when the time comes. For such a small army team, the points are in the hands of the commander. Now everyone’s attention They are all on the battlefield, you can go for a sneak attack.

"Brother Yue, you know how many points the Centaur commander has." Lu Heng said mysteriously.

"How many?"

"3000 points!!!"

"Damn, Niu (broken sound)."

Zhang Yue and Lu Heng excitedly took away the space equipment of the centaur, Zhang Yue supported Lu Heng's shoulder and went back.

The people fighting below found that their commander had disappeared, and they couldn't communicate with each other. The overall momentum immediately shrank. The tauren was defeated and finally wiped out.

At this time Zhang Yue and Lu Heng returned to everyone.

"How many points?" Chu Yunxuan asked expectantly. Now the team doesn't have all the basic equipment, so points are needed.

"I have all the points, a total of 3084." Lu Heng said with a smile, he knows what these points symbolize.

When everyone heard so many points, they immediately became happy.

"Brother Chu, wouldn't the tauren care?" Zhang Yue asked worriedly. He was afraid that the tauren would turn his face and refuse to recognize people, and then eat in the dark. Just watched the fighting situation for a while, the tauren soldiers are also A little weaker than Lu Heng.

"No, exchange at the same price. You think I'm commanding the battle in vain. As long as you make it clear, the tauren is not allowed to deceive." Chu Yunxuan said. He was sent to the tauren clan for a while. The racial characteristics are well understood.

While speaking, Niu Dazhi came over with a few tauren.

"Leader of It's been a long time." Niu Dazhi directly hugged Chu Yunxuan in his arms.

Chu Yunxuan had an expression of irreverence. Even if he stayed in the tauren for a while, he still couldn't accept this kind of etiquette, mainly because it hurts too much when being held.

The two separated.

"It's been a long time since Captain Dazhi, I sent someone to kill the commander of the Centaur tribe."

"How many points."


The expression on Niu Dazhi's face was obviously distressed, and then he said decisively: "It's the **** man who is helping me command a battle."

"No problem, but it will be a few days later. We have to establish our resident." Chu Yunxuan readily agreed.

"No problem, come to me afterwards, you know the communication band of my family."

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