The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 107: Zhang Yue's progress

"I feel that it is necessary to buy this book for each attribute, it is very useful, 20 points a copy, everyone will read it." Zhang Yue said slowly.

Chu Yunxuan took it over and turned a few pages, then closed the book and said with emotion: "Fortunately, Xiao Yue found out early, otherwise we would have made a mistake."

Chu Yunxuan put the book on the table and motioned for everyone to pass it on.

Xu Lingxuan picked up the book and read it for a long time. After putting it down, she said, "I used to sit in a well and watch the sky. I really don't know much about the laws of the universe."

Xu Lingxuan said, immediately exchanged the water attribute and thunder attribute book.

A light flashed, and there were two more books on the table.

After everyone circulated the book and turned it over, everyone felt very rewarding.

Especially Ji Xiayun, after reading the book about summoners, she seemed to have discovered a new world.

"It turns out it can still be like this. Why didn't I think that strengthening the heart, there is such a powerful thing." Ji Xiayun said while reading the book and eating.

Then everyone exchanged books related to them.

"The heart of a hundred battles, this is the trend that a real man should understand."

"Jianyao Kyushu! What I learned before was too weak."

"The power of the water god, I don't know when I will learn it."

Zhang Yue watched everyone reading and reading fascinated, and made the elevator to the ground by himself.

Xu Lingxuan's concealment formation was very wide, Zhang Yue found a place and began to practice shield holding.

The sky in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races is also full of stars, but Zhang Yue discovered that the starry sky he saw in the world of the heavens is not the same, and many galaxies have become unknown.

After setting up his shield, Zhang Yuejing lowered his mind and began to sink into the state, carefully perceiving the changes in the earth and the starry sky.

At this time, the endless starry sky energy condensed by the starry sky on the battlefield of the ten thousand races began to slowly receive guidance, and headed towards Zhang Yue. The substantive starlight formed a miniature starlight river from the top of Zhang Yue's head into the spiritual consciousness space.

The starlight in Zhang Yue's consciousness space slowly condensed into crystals, and under the influence of Zhang Yue's will, it slowly fixed into a small shield, officially Zhang Yue entered the first shield in the battlefield of the heavens, the mysterious golden shield.

The will transmitted from the earth also converged in Zhang Yue’s spiritual consciousness space. Under the influence of the starlight shield, he also slowly transformed into the appearance of a small shield in his body. Zhang Yue’s consciousness space symbolized the shield power and the earth’s The power, the power of the heavy soil, the power of the sand, all converged in the small shield.

Four hours later, Zhang Yue stopped holding his shield, stood up and looked at the sky full of stars and muttered to himself: "Unexpectedly, the power of Xingkai will be great, and the power of the earth elements will be perfectly integrated."

"Good thing, so you can protect yourself a little bit more on this perilous battlefield."

Zhang Yue returned to the base after completing his daily training. When passing by the training ground, Zhang Yue walked over curiously when he saw someone discussing.

After entering the door, Zhang Yue had seen Lu Heng and Chu Feng practicing against each other. At this time, the two felt completely different for Zhang Yue.

Chu Feng's sword moves have a touch of sword aura, and the sword power is more elegant than before, and each move is more thrilling than the other.

Lu Heng is even more domineering than before, and Zhang Yue seems to have seen an unparalleled fighter on the battlefield.

One is strong and the other is soft, and the fight is hard to separate, and no one can do nothing.

After half an hour, the two recruited.

"Yes, Chu Feng, I didn't expect that the book gave you such a great inspiration, and the sword spirit will come out soon." Lu Heng said. He was greatly shocked by the description of warriors in that book. Unexpectedly, the heavy weapon warrior's momentum would be so overbearing.

"Haha, Lu Heng, you are also very good, that unparalleled domineering, quickly absorbed into my mind." Chu Feng said with a smile. Unexpectedly, the few short sentences above would click on myself, and my years of confusion would be solved.

"It seems that you have made great progress. Congratulations." Zhang Yue said next to him.

"Thank you Brother Yue yet. Without your reminder, I don't even know that I almost went the wrong way." Chu Feng thanked Zhang Yue. Without this book, it might take him many years to understand this truth.

"Haha, polite, just an accidental discovery." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Brother Yue, while we are together, let's have a competition. How about it, it's good to have a comparison." Chu Feng said, taking advantage of the situation, it has always been his pain for the three of them to lose to Zhang Yue.

"Brother Yue, plus me, don't mind one dozen two." Lu Heng also took the opportunity to say.

"It seems that you are trying to show your shame, so as to satisfy you." After thinking about it, Zhang Yue agreed to see how much progress the little partner has made.

The three of them set up their formation on the training ground.


‘Soul Soul’

The two rushed towards Zhang Yue.




When Zhang Yue activated his skills, a figure of a huge heavenly shield appeared behind Zhang Yue, and at this moment it seemed that the world was under Zhang Yue's control.

The battle is over.

"Could it be our illusion just now?" Lu Heng said in the original posture, lying down and looking at the ceiling. It's not as good as last time, at least for a while. This is done by Zhang Yue who feels like a rude person who was stuffed in. In the coffin.

"Maybe, I just felt confused, and then it became like this." Chu Feng said dumbfounded, feeling like a little chicken played by the giant.

Zhang Yue removed the control of their guillotine, feeling that at that moment, all the earth energy in the world was under his control at will, like a god.

After the two stood up, they looked at Zhang Yue and said in shock: "Brother Yue, did you keep your hands on us? You can rest assured that we can withstand the blow."

"I didn't use my full strength, but I didn't consume it at all like I do now." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said, the energy he had just consumed seemed to recover in an instant.

Hearing what Zhang Yue, the two suddenly felt that all these years of hard work and study were a joke, and they fell because of no one else.

"Chu Feng, the reason why I feel unbalanced in my heart is that I treat Brother Yue as an opponent. He is not a fighter. If we call him Jin, we will not be an opponent in the future, so don't be depressed." Lu Heng suddenly wanted to understand. Yes, why should I compare myself with Zhang Yue? There is no comparability at all.

"Well, Lu Ge is right, the professions are different."

The two of them walked out of the training ground as they spoke, without even looking at Zhang Yue.

"This is stimulated." Zhang Yue said, looking at their backs.

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he returned to his room to rest.

The next day, before everyone got up, a voice full of heroic spirit reached everyone's ears.

"Bunny Human Race, Sword Soul, hereby ask Human Race Tianjiao to fight."

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